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Jul. 3rd, 2009


[ E-MAIL : Thierry Descouedres ]

TO: Thierry Descouedres
FROM: Thane

Read more... )

Jun. 8th, 2009


WHO: Thierry Descouedres and Lucas Drache
WHAT: Explanation time!
WHEN: Day after this, let's go... afternoon? Early evening? Tons of time to rest up Lucas
WHERE: Black Dawn

Thierry had been quietly going over the intel when the knock came. )

Jun. 4th, 2009


WHO: Thierry Descouedres, Delos Redfern, and one unconscious Lucas Drache
WHEN: After this, and possibly during this. Man we need to get this timeline straight.
WHERE: Black Dawn
STATUS: Complete

“Two dragons. One got away. One stayed.” )

Mar. 9th, 2009


this was not a good week

WHO: Galen Drache & Thierry Descourdes
WHEN: Day after all hell breaks loose
WHERE: Black Dawn.
SUMMARY: Galen and Thierry exchange knowledge.
STATUS: complete

dangling by the leg was not proper conduct for a prince. )

Mar. 8th, 2009


E-Mail [Lord Thierry]

TO: Lord Thierry
FROM: Aidan McCloy
SUBJECT: About Soulmates

You have 1 new message )

Mar. 5th, 2009


The Beginning of an End

WHO: Thane & Thierry Descouedres
WHEN: Day after the soul mate issues start arriving
WHERE: Washington; Thierry’s location
WHAT: If you want something done right, you got to do it yourself! Thane sucks up his bitterness and decides to lend a helping hand. I call shenanigans!
STATUS: Complete

Did he really just say that? )

Feb. 27th, 2009


Letter Delivery

TO: Thierry Descouedres
FROM: A Friend

As Thierry takes a seat at his desk, he sees an official looking letter waiting for him. )

Feb. 13th, 2009


E-Mail [Lord Thierry and Lady Hannah]

TO: Lord Thierry, Lady Hannah
FROM: Aidan McCloy
SUBJECT: I have a question!

You have 1 new message )

Feb. 11th, 2009


Thread: so about that prophecy

( WHO: ) Lucas Drache, Thierry Descouedres, and Guster Whitcombe
( WHEN: ) Um, around the same time the Rashel and Galen telepathic conference is going?
( WHERE: ) Thierry's quarters in the castle, aka, one of the few rooms left standing with a bed in it.
( SUMMARY: ) Back to the task at hand: weird visions from blind girls.
( STATUS: ) Done and done

Thierry sat quietly at the edge of his bed, staring at the two empty seats he had managed to scrounge up before him. )

Feb. 4th, 2009


Remember This Moment

WHO: Thegn & Theorn
WHEN: Before Maya turned them into vampires
WHERE: Their village
WHAT: Back in the good ol’ days when Thane and Thierry used to be BFFLs
STATUS: In Progress

Together, they were hunting partners, friends that easily appeared as they were brothers; and why wouldn’t it be so? )

Jan. 26th, 2009


WHO: Hannah Snow, Blaise Harman and Thierry Descouedres who may or may not be dying.
WHEN: In the midst of caring for the survivors of the Titanic castle strike.
WHERE: Black Dawn
SUMMARY: Hannah thinks Thierry is knocking on deaths door. Thierry says he's not and says Blaise can fix it. Hannah needs to find Blaise like...NOW. Right this second.
RATING: PG-13, at least I think. Hannah isn't prone to swearing.
STATUS: complete

Hannah was on a mission. )

Jan. 24th, 2009


e-mail to Lord Thierry

To: Lord Thierry
From: Lupe
Subj: Letter

You have one new message )


Thread: Just when you thought it couldn't get worse.

( WHO: ) Hannah Snow and Thierry Descouedres
( WHEN: ) After the Aidan rescue and attack on Black Dawn
( WHERE: ) Around and about the castle (or what's left of it)
( SUMMARY: ) Thierry's worrying himself sick, and understandably so. Trouble is that he's sick to begin with.
( STATUS: ) Complete.

Thierry wasn't sure if he could feel any worse than he did right now. )

Jan. 23rd, 2009


letter to thierry

To: Theorn
From: Red Fern
Delivered after the attacks

Dearest Theorn, )

Jan. 9th, 2009


To Save Another

WHO: Ash Redfern, Aidan McCloy, Thane, & [ OPEN to everyone who wants in ]
WHEN: After Hannah's return @ Night
WHERE: Thierry’s place
SUMMARY: Time to save the wolf-puppy!
STATUS: Complete

... they were about to go up against Thane of all beings; and who knows who else. )

Dec. 26th, 2008


Voicemail to Lupe from the Car en route to Hannah


Thegn is back. He emailed me. He says he has someone someone (besides Hannah) unaccounted for?

He also said he knew where Hannah was, and considering only Hannah knows EXACTLY where she is at this moment, I find that hard to believe, but I also find it extremely distressing.

Nilsson is still with me of course, Lupe, but I need you to reconn and do it FAST. Email me back ASAP.

I will inform Nilsson.

Speak to ONLY those you trust 100%


Dec. 22nd, 2008



TO: Thierry Descouedres
FROM: Thane
SUBJECT: Loving Brother

Dearest Theorn... )

Dec. 16th, 2008


Operation "Bring Hannah Home Safe" - The Thread!

Who: Thierry, Nilsson, Ash, Quinn, James, Gillian and Hannah
What: Going to Get Hannah Back
Where: Starting at The Mansion and ending back at the Mansion
When: Some time after Rashel told them Hannah left Black Dawn
Why: Thierry needs to keep Hannah safe
Open/Closed: Open only to those listed
Rating: R for me.
Status: In Progress

The emotions running through Thierry right now ran the gamut from A to Z. Fear, anger, worry, desperation, you name it, he was feeling it. He knew Hannah was upset with him. but he was trying to keep her safe. He was trying to protect the woman he loved. He didn't want to lose her, not again, not this time. And he couldn't be sure there weren't someone from the Council watching every move they made.

He thought Hannah would be safest at Black Dawn. He could trust everyone at Black Dawn...he knew he could. But the Council knew things, they had their ways and Thierry knew it. He couldn't risk Hannah's life on maybe nots.

He was dressed, armed and in the foyer of the mansion waiting for his friends and colleagues to join him.

Dec. 12th, 2008


what's going on

Who: Lupe and Lord Thierry
Where: Lupe's room, Thierry's mansion
When (aka previously on Apocalypse Night): on the Night Of Bad Times, after Thierry and Ash figured out it's Thane so they send Aidan after her. Sadly, Thane took Aidan before she got the memo. On the plus side, Samuel was there and helped Lupe (and himself) get to Thierry's mansion. After all that.
What: Thierry chats with Lupe about What's Going On.
Rating: PG-13?
Status: incomplete

Lupe felt like shit. )


Suddenly Everything Has Changed

WHO: Ash Redfern, Thierry Descouedres, & Hypnotist
WHEN: 25 November @ Night
WHERE: Thierry’s place
SUMMARY: Ash is going under and the identity of the gift-giver is revealed! Boy is everyone in trouble~~
STATUS: Complete

He was back in the desert now... )

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September 2009



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