Aug. 24th, 2009


remember me?

Who: James and Poppy
When: After James remembers she's his soulmate. Finally.
Where: las vegas
What: talking and fluff
Rating: PG-13

remember..? )

May. 4th, 2009


whoooooo thread

Who: Samuel Lanner (and open to reactions)
When: night!
Where: front of the Harman store
What: bad times
Rating: PG-13
Status: complete

There was no one in the alley watching him. )

OOC: feel free to post reactions here or on your own! Fire and mayhem and destruction. Whoo-hoo for the fall of an icon. Des, if something didn't work with what you wanted, let me know!

Mar. 9th, 2009


Trying To See Straight

WHO: James Rasmussen, Poppy North, Phillip North
WHEN: Next morning after Poppy sees Phil
WHERE: James tracks down Poppy to Phil’s place
SUMMARY: He doesn’t know why exactly, but James knows he needs to see Poppy. Maybe he’s feeling guilty about how he has been treating her?
STATUS: Incomplete

James stared at the room the two siblings were located in… )

Feb. 17th, 2009


Back to Bed

WHO: Poppy North, James Rasmussen
WHERE: Thierry's mansion, Las Vegas
WHEN: After Poppy's visit to Aidan.
STATUS: In progress
WHAT: Poppy returns to their room to find James awake and waiting for her. They rot teeth with sweetness as usual.

She really should sleep, but she wasn't going to. )

Feb. 12th, 2009


E-Mail [James Rasmussen]

TO: James Rasmussen
FROM: Aidan McCloy
SUBJECT: I have a question!

You have 1 new message )

Dec. 16th, 2008


Operation "Bring Hannah Home Safe" - The Thread!

Who: Thierry, Nilsson, Ash, Quinn, James, Gillian and Hannah
What: Going to Get Hannah Back
Where: Starting at The Mansion and ending back at the Mansion
When: Some time after Rashel told them Hannah left Black Dawn
Why: Thierry needs to keep Hannah safe
Open/Closed: Open only to those listed
Rating: R for me.
Status: In Progress

The emotions running through Thierry right now ran the gamut from A to Z. Fear, anger, worry, desperation, you name it, he was feeling it. He knew Hannah was upset with him. but he was trying to keep her safe. He was trying to protect the woman he loved. He didn't want to lose her, not again, not this time. And he couldn't be sure there weren't someone from the Council watching every move they made.

He thought Hannah would be safest at Black Dawn. He could trust everyone at Black Dawn...he knew he could. But the Council knew things, they had their ways and Thierry knew it. He couldn't risk Hannah's life on maybe nots.

He was dressed, armed and in the foyer of the mansion waiting for his friends and colleagues to join him.

Nov. 13th, 2008


On the road again.

WHO: Lupe Acevedo, Aidan McCloy, James Rasmussen
WHEN: Way back when - October 22nd
WHERE: In a car, somewhere on the way to New York.
SUMMARY: So, there's these two werewolves and a vampire, and they decide to go on a road-trip (stop me if you've heard it before)...
RATING: Unknown just now!
STATUS: Incomplete

Aidan had never driven a car like this before. )

Sep. 17th, 2008


Rescue Mission!

WHO: Lucas Drache. Galen Drache, James Rasmussen, Hannah Snow, Lupe Acevedo, Poppy North, Thierry Descouedres. Lawrence, Lucia, Max, Radhu, Todd.
WHAT: The mission to escort Lucas Drache to Black Dawn becomes a rescue attempt.
WHEN: Wednesday, September 16th. Early evening.
WHERE: Downtown Austin, Texas.
RATING: Umm, PG? PG-13? I’d be surprised if we go higher than that.
STATUS: Just started! Just bust in here and feel free to puppet these baddies a bit.

“You know, blue fire’s pretty deadly. Shouldn’t we have more people? What about the ninjas?” He wished there was a better word for it. It never stopped sounding stupid to say ninjas out loud.  )