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Jun. 8th, 2009


WHO: Thierry Descouedres and Lucas Drache
WHAT: Explanation time!
WHEN: Day after this, let's go... afternoon? Early evening? Tons of time to rest up Lucas
WHERE: Black Dawn

Thierry had been quietly going over the intel when the knock came. )

Jun. 4th, 2009


WHO: Thierry Descouedres, Delos Redfern, and one unconscious Lucas Drache
WHEN: After this, and possibly during this. Man we need to get this timeline straight.
WHERE: Black Dawn
STATUS: Complete

“Two dragons. One got away. One stayed.” )

May. 8th, 2009


beautiful day.

WHO: Verbena Moonstone [OPEN]
WHEN: After Maggie leaves..
WHERE: Black Dawn.
SUMMARY: Nice day for a ride.
STATUS: incomplete

it was like...what was that ridiculous holiday...oh right, christmas. )

Apr. 22nd, 2009



Who: Lucas Drache, Guster Desmond Whitcombe, Delos Redfern
When: Now. During the soulmate thing, not too soon after this thread.
Where: One of the many rooms at Black Dawn.
What: There's this vision, right.
Rating: PG-13 for Lucas's foul mouth, I expect.

Cheery, by comparison. )

Apr. 19th, 2009


Thread: Quinn and Rashel

Who: Rashel Jordan and John Quinn
When: Sometime during the soulmate debacle
Where: Black Dawn
What: Rashel's still convinced that Quinn's pure evil. And so she's still setting up traps. This time, Quinn catches her.
Rating: PG-13 for language and violence, most likely
Status: incomplete

And, so, she'd taken it upon herself to make sure that she caught the bastard. )

Mar. 21st, 2009


thread omg

Who: Quinn and Lucas
Where: Black Dawn grounds, near some of those nets
When: right after his journal entry
What: Quinn's taking down nets. Discussion will ensue.
Status: complete
Rating: PG

Quinn knew exactly who did this. )


Dinosaurs are popping up at Black Dawn )

Mar. 16th, 2009


Who: Maggie and Miles Neely
What: Maggie (somewhat reluctantly) and Miles (quite happily) leave Black Dawn and head for Vegas.
When: After this
Where: Black Dawn
Status: Incomplete
Rating: mild.

Maggie was packing, but very, very slowly. )

Mar. 12th, 2009


Who: Hannah Snow
What: Hannah begins her attempt to bring a little cheer to a certain someone.
Where: In various places at Black Dawn.

Hannah leaves a little something for Thierry )

Mar. 10th, 2009


through the window

WHO: Delos Redfern & Verbena Moonstone
WHEN: After this.
WHERE: Black Dawn.
SUMMARY: Verbena pays Delos a visit to confirm the rumors.
STATUS: complete

she was a lamia of noble blood. )

Mar. 9th, 2009


this was not a good week

WHO: Galen Drache & Thierry Descourdes
WHEN: Day after all hell breaks loose
WHERE: Black Dawn.
SUMMARY: Galen and Thierry exchange knowledge.
STATUS: complete

dangling by the leg was not proper conduct for a prince. )

Mar. 7th, 2009


narrative or open

Who: John Quinn (feat. flashback Rashel :))
Where: Black Dawn grounds
When: after Rashel gets the news that they're soulmates...
What: SECRET: Quinn didn't forget about Rashel. And now Quinn's pissed at the world. He's thinking about making a list.

Quinn really hadn't wanted Rashel to find out that they were soulmates over the journals. )

Mar. 5th, 2009


an opportunity arises.

WHO: Verbena Moonstone
WHEN: Day Delos freaks out.
WHERE: Black Dawn
SUMMARY: Verbena ponders.
STATUS: complete

she hadn't felt this wonderful in forever. )


The Beginning of an End

WHO: Thane & Thierry Descouedres
WHEN: Day after the soul mate issues start arriving
WHERE: Washington; Thierry’s location
WHAT: If you want something done right, you got to do it yourself! Thane sucks up his bitterness and decides to lend a helping hand. I call shenanigans!
STATUS: Complete

Did he really just say that? )

Feb. 27th, 2009


Letter Delivery

TO: Thierry Descouedres
FROM: A Friend

As Thierry takes a seat at his desk, he sees an official looking letter waiting for him. )


Who: Hannah Snow and OPEN
What: Now that Hannah's not overly worried about Thierry, she's set her mind to a new activity. Cleaning.
When: After Hannah is pretty sure Thierry isn't dying anymore.
Where: Black Dawn
Status: Incomplete
Rating: TBD

Cleaning seemed like a futile effort. )


Who: Maggie Neely and OPEN
What: Maggie has just returned from her visit with her parents. Rather than checking in with her soulmate or her brother, she's going around handing out cookies and warm clothes to the injured. Because she still kind of thinks Miles and Delos are buttheads.
When: Right after she posted her return
Where: Black Dawn
Rating: TBD
Status: incomplete.

Maggie's mother had a habit of over doing it. )

Feb. 26th, 2009


Who: Morgead and OPEN
What: The prodigal son returns. Remains unimpressed.
When: About a week after he first left.
Where: Where else? Black Dawn.
Rating: Morgead can't be rated immediately.
Status: Incomplete.

He's baaaaaaaaaaack )

Feb. 22nd, 2009


sweet dreams

Who: John Quinn (narrative or open)
Where: grounds of Black Dawn
When: night
What: nightmares!
Status: complete (unless someone wants to tag!)
Rating: PG-13 (language!)

Quinn was used to having nightmares )

Feb. 11th, 2009


Thread: so about that prophecy

( WHO: ) Lucas Drache, Thierry Descouedres, and Guster Whitcombe
( WHEN: ) Um, around the same time the Rashel and Galen telepathic conference is going?
( WHERE: ) Thierry's quarters in the castle, aka, one of the few rooms left standing with a bed in it.
( SUMMARY: ) Back to the task at hand: weird visions from blind girls.
( STATUS: ) Done and done

Thierry sat quietly at the edge of his bed, staring at the two empty seats he had managed to scrounge up before him. )

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