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Sep. 17th, 2010


[LOG] Control your poison babe, roses have thorns they say

 Partying on a Thursday night? Hells yeah. It's not like the kids here probably care about their school days or even getting up at a reasonable hour at all. Besides, Thursdays are 18 and under nights at a lot of clubs in town, so that's why most of the student population gets out and goes to them. All the normal nightclub prequisites are present: dark corners, loud, pumping music and a lack of booze and drugs. At least, booze and drugs that you can acquire legally. Smoking isn't allowed in the building, but there's a fine (completely not creepy or rape-y) fenced-in patio in the back where you can get your nicotine fix.

Dakota is making a living tonight. Somehow she has managed to get into the nightclub with her jacket full of illegal substances without being caught, and it... probably has to do with the fact that she bribed the bouncer. In any case! She's hanging out on a couch, occasionally texting, and watching the crowds. She's pretty sure the word is out that she deals, especially after the brownies she'd sold that Luke kid. Anyway, she's waiting for customers, but she can be persuaded to get up and dance.

 Why is Ryan here? Because Guy said he's meet him here after work. Which ended an hour ago. Still no sign of the Bearded Wonder, and texts are going unanswered. So Ryan's going to give him twenty more minutes before leaving, because being alone in a nightclub is awkward and he's so, /so/ not going to dance. His plan is to park it somewhere and glare angrily at his phone, and hey that couch looks like a good enough place. Hi Dakota, there's a ticked off looking boy sitting by you.