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Nov. 29th, 2010


[IC] Girl Talk

After Brooke's conversation with Alec at the mall, she's sort of been dwelling on the poor boy's relationship problems. Yeah, it's not her place to get involved, but she also has trouble staying out of peoples' business sometimes. Especially when it involves people who could practically be family to her.

Plus, if her boyfriend's best bro is down in the dumps, he's going to complain about it endlessly and ask her to fix it anyhow. She's getting a jump on things, right?

So, at school, she keeps on the lookout for the spitfire that is Clara so that she might be able to get some more information about the situation.

Oct. 28th, 2010


[LOG] Have you used up all the love in your heart?

Lunch time is usually Alec's favorite time of the day when it comes to school. On this afternoon, however, he looks like he's suffering from the worst hangover known to man. He's sitting outside at one of the tables near a tree, sipping from a can of energy drink and trying not to look so out of it. Sugar crashes suck. He looks like he got dressed in the dark to boot; his hair's disheveled, his t-shirt's wrinkled to hell and back, and he forgot a belt for his jeans. Oh, don't mind the two different colored socks either.

Lately, Clara hasn't been out of the house much. Her ability, something she's learned how to mostly control, has been freaking out on her, and as a result, things have been shattering, falling off shelves, catapulting off desks-- she manages to keep it down during class, but her room's been a complete mess, and her house is not fairing too well either. Poor Ethan has had to deal with a lot of it.Today, she's been hearing some very interesting rumors and gossip, and all of it, from various sources, have not been all that great. So on top of her being pissed off because she can't manage to keep a pencil on her desk to save her life, she's pissed off about hearing this stuff. And she doesn't want to talk to Alec, because she'd rather sulk furiously. So that's what she's doing, walking across the tables and pointedly ignoring Alec as she does.

Alec squints, bleary eyed and looking like he's about five seconds away from crawling under his table for a nap. He chugs the rest of his drink and goes to set the can down, but instead he somehow crushes it flat under his palm. Looks like Clara's not the only one having power issues. Though, this is pretty new to him. He's never been the strong sort after all.Once he can lift his head without feeling like he wants to die he spots Clara, frowns, and gets up. Time to go chat with the girl and hope she doesn't play hacky sack with his junk. "...Siren?"
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[IC] so take your gloves and get out-- better get out while you can

So after that huge clusterfuck of a fight, Clara runs. She goes as fast as she possibly can, out into the parking lot and away from any gossiping students, not even thinking about anything but going and hiding somewhere. Ethan's following her, she's sure, but she wants to be far away enough from the school before she stops to talk to him. She finds a nice little area right outside the parking lot to curl up in, and her emotions are still out of whack, which means her ability is too, by extension. Clara doesn't want to think about what she possibly has just done, so she curls up on the ground, leaning against a fence, and waits for her brother to catch up with her.

Sep. 30th, 2010


The L Word

A hospital stay is never a fun thing. Not unless you're hopped up on painkillers and whatnot, which Alec wasn't. Thankfully it's all said and done now and the boy's back home, safe in the comforts of a familiar place and being (happily) babied by his mother. Currently he's claimed the couch for himself and is snacking on some Ben and Jerry's while watching cartoons. It's a good day.

No, hospital stays suck, says Clara. She's been in a constant state of 'everything around me literally shatters' for the past couple of days, which she's actually been yelled at for a couple of times. Scott and Laura aren't exactly happy about the number of vases that are now in pieces, but Clara can't help it. Today, she's going to get rid of that by visiting Alec. Ding dong!

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Sep. 24th, 2010


[Log] Should've stayed in bed

There's only so much time you can spend wrapped up in a blanket watching reruns of Behind the Music before you get a little crazy. Cabin fever eventually settles in Alec's brain so he grabs a shower, gets dressed, grabs his bike, and goes to pay a certain someone a visit even though he looks a bit like death warmed over. He thankfully makes it there in one piece without becoming road pizza. When he eventually shows up at Clara's house he slides off of his bike, lets it flop over onto the grass, then sits down next to it after knocking on the door.

Clara's home alone like she usually is at this time, and she's curled up on the couch watching TV lazily and not using her brain in any form. When the knock comes on the door, Clara sighs and turns down the TV before flopping off the couch and taking the long journey of like ten steps to get to the front door. When she opens it and sees Alec outside, she's happy of course-- except for the fact that he looks like he's about to keel over and die. "Holy fuck-- Alec, hey," Clara curses, going to drop down next to him on the grass. "Babe, you look like shit. What's wrong?"

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Sep. 17th, 2010


[LOG] Control your poison babe, roses have thorns they say

 Partying on a Thursday night? Hells yeah. It's not like the kids here probably care about their school days or even getting up at a reasonable hour at all. Besides, Thursdays are 18 and under nights at a lot of clubs in town, so that's why most of the student population gets out and goes to them. All the normal nightclub prequisites are present: dark corners, loud, pumping music and a lack of booze and drugs. At least, booze and drugs that you can acquire legally. Smoking isn't allowed in the building, but there's a fine (completely not creepy or rape-y) fenced-in patio in the back where you can get your nicotine fix.

Dakota is making a living tonight. Somehow she has managed to get into the nightclub with her jacket full of illegal substances without being caught, and it... probably has to do with the fact that she bribed the bouncer. In any case! She's hanging out on a couch, occasionally texting, and watching the crowds. She's pretty sure the word is out that she deals, especially after the brownies she'd sold that Luke kid. Anyway, she's waiting for customers, but she can be persuaded to get up and dance.

 Why is Ryan here? Because Guy said he's meet him here after work. Which ended an hour ago. Still no sign of the Bearded Wonder, and texts are going unanswered. So Ryan's going to give him twenty more minutes before leaving, because being alone in a nightclub is awkward and he's so, /so/ not going to dance. His plan is to park it somewhere and glare angrily at his phone, and hey that couch looks like a good enough place. Hi Dakota, there's a ticked off looking boy sitting by you.

Sep. 12th, 2010



So Wal-Mart. It's cheap, it's easy, and it's... well, not fast, not with how many people are usually there. It's the afternoon after school on a Friday, so there's a good amount of people, but this doesn't seem to matter to Clara. She's dragging her boyfrand around, pushing through crowds (a little violently) and looking for jewelery to go with her dress. Classy, this one.

Alec walks along behind Clara as she plows through the people. Hey, it leaves him free to carry that industrial sized bag of Starburst and the giant box of Snickers! Most guys would be looking for a bench to sit and hide while their girlfriend does the shopping thing but no, not him. He looks quite happy to tag along.

Guy and Ryan have a brodate to go see that sweet 3D Piranha movie, but it doesn't start for another half an hour, so here they are, killing time in the electronics department. Because this is decidedly the hippest place to be in a WalMart. Right now, Ryan is looking at an iPod touch longingly, and Guy is drawing crude male genitalia on the laptops. Really, who leaves MSPaint open on these things?
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