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Sep. 23rd, 2010


[LOG] Dissection! And Ben being creepy.

"...And remember, when you and your partner identify the organs in your frog, write its name on the corresponding line on the worksheet." Welcome to fourth period Biology with Mr. Dreiberg. Nothing like hacking up a long dead amphibian right before lunch. "Find your partner's name next to yours on the board, and as soon as you get your utensils and specimen, you can get started."

Guy squints at the chalk board and hmms. Ben McDowell. He has no idea who that is. So, when everyone starts shuffling around the room, he stands up and calls out, "Is there a Ben in here? I'm ready to carve the shit outta this frog." At the front of the room, Dan frowns, but says nothing. 'Shit' is not the worst thing to come out of there kid's mouths, not by a long shot.

When he hears his name mentioned, coming from someone he doesn't know even, Ben scowls a little. He hates random partner assignments with a fiery passion. He stares directly at Guy as he approaches and never once looks away. Even blinking is rare. "I'm Ben," he tells Guy in a flat voice. "I'll assume you're my...partner for this pointless assignment."

Max wrinkles her nose a little. She could do without partner assignments, but sometimes it is a necessary evil. Upon checking the board for her partner, she looks around. Doesn't look like she recognizes her partner's name. But, hey. At least she's not with Ben. That might be weird. She's already working up the patience that's going to be needed for homecoming.

Ughhh, partner assignments. Romeo is not a fan of them, unless Joanna is his partner. But she's not now, not even in this class, and so Romeo looks up at the board, searching out his name. Max. Alright, that's fine, he can do a partner thing with a dude, just as long as it's not a girl, because-- wait. There's a chick named Max in this class. Oh, fucksticks.

Read more... )

Jul. 29th, 2010


[IC] Meet and Greet

Welcome, parents and students and teachers alike, to the open house! The outside of the school has been decorated with streamers and brightly colored signs, directing people inwards through the open doors.

Once inside there's a small podium with a sign in book (just so Principal Blake can track who RSVP'd and showed up/didn't show up) right near the doorway. Past that brass bars with velvet ropes connecting them form a pathway to lead visitors and staff alike into the gymnasium.

In the gym, tables are set up with punch and several party subs all cut up into small portions. There's more than enough food for everyone to have seconds. There's also paper plates, cups, napkins, all that fine stuff. Staff mill about, waiting to be approached, and the man himself (Mr. Blake) looms near the emergency exit doors in his tuxedo, sipping punch.

So parents, students, teachers, go and mingle! Have fun! Try not to break anything or Mr. Blake WILL be upon you like an unholy plague.