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Oct. 1st, 2010


[LOG] Check This Guy Out

"So, where are we meeting the fabled Guy?" Levi asks, taking Ryan's hand once they're out of the car. A beat, then: "... Does he know about us, or do I need to let go of your hand?"

"I dunno, we're gonna have to scout him out." Ryan swings Levi's hand as they walk across the parking lot. "Huh? Oh, no, he knows, I told him." Guy was the first person Ryan told about his newfound sexual preference, actually, but that's neither here nor there. Once they're inside the store, Ryan walks through the different sections, tugging Levi along until they reach the area where the graphic novels are housed. There's a boy their age stooped down in front of the shelves, flipping through a hardcover Spiderman comic.  "I see you're working hard, as usual," Ryan says, coming to a stop a few feet in front of his friend. Guy looks over and up, and smirks. "All day every day." He sets the book back on the shelf and stands up, putting his hand up for what looks like a high-five, but ends up being a rough sort of handshake that he inflicts upon Ryan. "What the hell is up, Brotowksi?" he asks, and Ryan shrugs. "Not much. Guy, this is Levi. Levi, Guy." The blonde boy eyes Levi for a second, then points a finger at him. "Your hair is fucking epic." This is Guyspeak for 'hi, nice to meet you'.

Sep. 23rd, 2010


[LOG] Dissection! And Ben being creepy.

"...And remember, when you and your partner identify the organs in your frog, write its name on the corresponding line on the worksheet." Welcome to fourth period Biology with Mr. Dreiberg. Nothing like hacking up a long dead amphibian right before lunch. "Find your partner's name next to yours on the board, and as soon as you get your utensils and specimen, you can get started."

Guy squints at the chalk board and hmms. Ben McDowell. He has no idea who that is. So, when everyone starts shuffling around the room, he stands up and calls out, "Is there a Ben in here? I'm ready to carve the shit outta this frog." At the front of the room, Dan frowns, but says nothing. 'Shit' is not the worst thing to come out of there kid's mouths, not by a long shot.

When he hears his name mentioned, coming from someone he doesn't know even, Ben scowls a little. He hates random partner assignments with a fiery passion. He stares directly at Guy as he approaches and never once looks away. Even blinking is rare. "I'm Ben," he tells Guy in a flat voice. "I'll assume you're my...partner for this pointless assignment."

Max wrinkles her nose a little. She could do without partner assignments, but sometimes it is a necessary evil. Upon checking the board for her partner, she looks around. Doesn't look like she recognizes her partner's name. But, hey. At least she's not with Ben. That might be weird. She's already working up the patience that's going to be needed for homecoming.

Ughhh, partner assignments. Romeo is not a fan of them, unless Joanna is his partner. But she's not now, not even in this class, and so Romeo looks up at the board, searching out his name. Max. Alright, that's fine, he can do a partner thing with a dude, just as long as it's not a girl, because-- wait. There's a chick named Max in this class. Oh, fucksticks.

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Sep. 12th, 2010



So Wal-Mart. It's cheap, it's easy, and it's... well, not fast, not with how many people are usually there. It's the afternoon after school on a Friday, so there's a good amount of people, but this doesn't seem to matter to Clara. She's dragging her boyfrand around, pushing through crowds (a little violently) and looking for jewelery to go with her dress. Classy, this one.

Alec walks along behind Clara as she plows through the people. Hey, it leaves him free to carry that industrial sized bag of Starburst and the giant box of Snickers! Most guys would be looking for a bench to sit and hide while their girlfriend does the shopping thing but no, not him. He looks quite happy to tag along.

Guy and Ryan have a brodate to go see that sweet 3D Piranha movie, but it doesn't start for another half an hour, so here they are, killing time in the electronics department. Because this is decidedly the hippest place to be in a WalMart. Right now, Ryan is looking at an iPod touch longingly, and Guy is drawing crude male genitalia on the laptops. Really, who leaves MSPaint open on these things?
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