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Characters: George Weasley & Angelina Johnson
Setting: Their backyard, early Saturday morning
Rating: PG-13
Summary: George is hungover and hurting, Angelina is angry over Montrose Magpies scandals and the two collide.

By the time he was heading home last night, he was too drunk and too tired to deal with slipping back in the house. )


Characters: Marietta Edgecombe & Rose Coote
Setting: WAATS offices, 30 March, 11:00 am
Rating: GP
Summary: Marietta needs a means to pay the bills and something to keep her busy and Rose is offering her a chance.

She very nearly looked like an adult. )


Characters: Justin Finch-Fletchley & Hannah Abbott
Setting: Leaky Cauldron, before it officially opens on Sunday
Rating: GP
Summary: Justin and Hannah catch up.

It was best to do this like ripping off a bandage right? )


Who: Katie Bell and Angelina Johnson
What: BFF time!
Where: Angelina's place
When: Friday afternoon, well before Oliver's party
Rating: There might be language.
Status: Incomplete. Possibly open to George since he kind of lives there, too?

--- )


WHO Ritchie and Rose Coote
WHERE & WHEN afternoon, their house (20 Diagon Circle)
WHAT Rose is (re)organizing their kitchen, Richie has his own opinions.

It had started with a simple reorganization of the cookbooks )


Who: Alexander & Savina Summers
Where/When: the Summers' home | Thurs., 17 March 2001 [in the evening].
Rating: UM. Let's say of the PG-13 sort?
Summary: Savina's going to hold onto her little secret for a little more, if you don't mind. Or at least until Alexander says something.

it added a level of difficulty that had continued to make the very idea of announcing their impending parenthood all the more daunting. )


Characters: Justin Finch-Fletchley & Susan Higgs
Setting: Higgs Residence, Hogsmeade - Saturday afternoon
Rating: GP - they are Hufflepuffs
Summary: Justin drops by to catch up with Susie Bee and play with her kids for a bit. And tell her the good news.

From the Project offices, it was just a quick walk to the Higgs Residence on Middle Road. )


WHO Roger & Cho Davies.
WHERE & WHEN Their house, after the kids are asleep.
WHAT Talking about life & plans.
RATING/WARNINGS Highish? It's these two./Complete.

--- )


Who: Vicky Frobisher and Azah Demsky
What: Vicky has some important news to share...
When: One afternoon, when things are quiet at the restaurant
Where: Dem's, Cardiff
Summary: Rating tbd

It was time for a girly chat... )


Characters: Marietta Edgecombe & Cho Davies
Setting: Cho's house, late Tuesday evening
Summary: The rules were simple, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars, and go straight to jail. Only in this case, jail meant the Davies resident in Diagon Circle.

For whatever reason, Cho never let her down. )

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