
Who: Alexander and Savina Summers.
What: A pair of Caxton tenants worry about their living situation, amongst other things...
When: Wednesday evening, after Alexander returns from a work meeting.
Where: Their flat on Vertic Alley.
Summary: Unlikely to be rated high...

Alexander's concerns were more to do with the welfare of all three of their growing family, rather than one of them in particular. )


Who: Alexander Summers and OPEN
What: Alexander is busy dealing with the beauty potions crisis.
When: Late Saturday afternoon
Where: St Mungo's entrance hallway
Summary: Rating TBD

Flicking through the heavy parchment file as he walked, Alexander, though coming to the end of his shift by now, was still trying to get his head around this business of the problem with the beauty potions. It wasn't so much the sheer number of people affected, nor even any other set of statistics on the sheet in front of him, but simply that the Plants and Poisons ward just couldn't figure out the exact source of the problem.

Products applied directly to the skin, such as blemish potions? Could be. Yet some people had funny coloured scalps after using hair potions and products such as shampoo that required dilution. Alexander liked patterns, and he was good at finding them. Today, however, the mystery just wasn't co-operating.

Striding up to the welcome witch's desk, he slid the latest press release regarding the status of the investigation underneath her nose, indicating that he did not wish any enquiries to be directed to the ward itself. They were far too busy for such things.


Who: Alexander & Savina Summers
Where/When: the Summers' home | Thurs., 17 March 2001 [in the evening].
Rating: UM. Let's say of the PG-13 sort?
Summary: Savina's going to hold onto her little secret for a little more, if you don't mind. Or at least until Alexander says something.

it added a level of difficulty that had continued to make the very idea of announcing their impending parenthood all the more daunting. )


Characters: Alexander and Savina Summers
Setting: Their flat, Saturday morning, 19th February
Summary: Savina's change in behaviour hasn't escaped her husband's notice...

Alexander, having swapped his usual morning shift for the just-finished night shift (a one off - Alexander was no pushover, but he wasn't above doing things to curry favour and win brownie points on occasion), arrived home by apparating into his kitchen with a loud 'pop'. It wasn't far off breakfast time, he guessed, which meant that Savina was likely awake by now.

"Hello?" he called, wandering around the flat in search of his wife.