
Who: Ramona Hardy & OPEN
What: Having lived a greater part of her life 'across the pond,' Ramona pays a visit to Ananke Gallery.
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Ananke Gallery

All the same, there was much that was beautiful in Ananke Gallery... )


Who: Alexander Summers and OPEN
What: Alexander is busy dealing with the beauty potions crisis.
When: Late Saturday afternoon
Where: St Mungo's entrance hallway
Summary: Rating TBD

Flicking through the heavy parchment file as he walked, Alexander, though coming to the end of his shift by now, was still trying to get his head around this business of the problem with the beauty potions. It wasn't so much the sheer number of people affected, nor even any other set of statistics on the sheet in front of him, but simply that the Plants and Poisons ward just couldn't figure out the exact source of the problem.

Products applied directly to the skin, such as blemish potions? Could be. Yet some people had funny coloured scalps after using hair potions and products such as shampoo that required dilution. Alexander liked patterns, and he was good at finding them. Today, however, the mystery just wasn't co-operating.

Striding up to the welcome witch's desk, he slid the latest press release regarding the status of the investigation underneath her nose, indicating that he did not wish any enquiries to be directed to the ward itself. They were far too busy for such things.


Who: Vicky Frobisher and OPEN
What: Reporting for the WWN for the Royal Wedding
When: 10am, Saturday morning
Where: The media centre outside Buckingham Palace
Summary: Rating TBD

Upon reflection, Vicky noted, having a father who worked for the BBC was often a perk when it came to arranging things for the WWN. It wasn't so much nepotism as being able to get a favour that benefited her whole team - an exclusive spot as the only wizarding organisation in Britain with a media office outside the palace. For security purposes, a little (warded) office had been set up inside the temporary BBC studio so that none of the passing Muggles had a clue what was going on.

Vicky had left the most capable of the WWN News interns - a no nonsense Geordie witch named Cassandra - in charge of said office as she stepped outside for some fresh air. The world's media (both Muggle and magical) was still waiting at the Palace in order to capture any events the day after the wedding - perhaps another public appearance? Maybe another drive along the Mall?

Gratefully accepting a coffee offered by a young man wearing an ITV pass, Vicky looked up at the huge building and though what it must be like to have so many people watching your wedding. She didn't think she'd like it, personally, although it had been indeed lovely to watch.


Characters: Anyone attending Qudditich Gets Grounded...open to multiple threads if people are keen
Setting: mid-day Saturday
Rating: PG
Summary: A good day for a good cause...until someone decides to play foul.

Just as the spectators were heading back to their seats his fears became founded and it practically made his stomach drop. )


Who: Julia Dorny, Anyone attending the Ladies of Elegance Benefit Auction and Dinner
Where/When: LoE Auction, Saturday Evening
Rating: I'd bet PG? Will update if someone gets naughty!
Summary: An unwittingly doped Julia is manning one of the auction display tables

The Gift Certificate table hadn't been so active since the evening Maia Whittaker had worn a dress with a neckline that didn't quite live up to the organization's name. )


open thread: salsa night!

Who: Mandy Brocklehurst and OPEN
What: Salsa Night!
Where: From Spain
When: Around 7pm, Sat. March 26th
Rating: PG, I'd imagine. TBA.
Status: Open & Incomplete.

--- )


Who: Pansy Parkinson & OPEN
Where/When: Ministry | Evening, Friday Feb 18
Rating: G
Summary: Another late Friday for Pansy and while leaving to Floo home she runs into another hard working soul. Or someone who fell asleep and just woke up, sheepishly creeping home - whatever.

As far as Pansy knew, the office was empty save for herself. )