
Who: Alexander and Savina Summers.
What: A pair of Caxton tenants worry about their living situation, amongst other things...
When: Wednesday evening, after Alexander returns from a work meeting.
Where: Their flat on Vertic Alley.
Summary: Unlikely to be rated high...

Alexander's concerns were more to do with the welfare of all three of their growing family, rather than one of them in particular. )


Who: Rose Coote and OPEN!
Where/When: 24 May, afternoon, Diagon Alley
Rating: TBD
Summary: Rose spends some time shopping in Diagon.

Unable to sit in the office any longer, )


Who: Savina Summers & Marietta Edgecombe
Where/When: Friday afternoon, around lunch. @ Twilfitt & Tatting's.
Rating: Let's say PG-13?
Summary: Savina and Marietta cross paths while shopping.

Read more... )


Who: Julia Dorny, Anyone attending the Ladies of Elegance Benefit Auction and Dinner
Where/When: LoE Auction, Saturday Evening
Rating: I'd bet PG? Will update if someone gets naughty!
Summary: An unwittingly doped Julia is manning one of the auction display tables

The Gift Certificate table hadn't been so active since the evening Maia Whittaker had worn a dress with a neckline that didn't quite live up to the organization's name. )


Who: Alexander & Savina Summers
Where/When: the Summers' home | Thurs., 17 March 2001 [in the evening].
Rating: UM. Let's say of the PG-13 sort?
Summary: Savina's going to hold onto her little secret for a little more, if you don't mind. Or at least until Alexander says something.

it added a level of difficulty that had continued to make the very idea of announcing their impending parenthood all the more daunting. )


Characters: Alexander and Savina Summers
Setting: Their flat, Saturday morning, 19th February
Summary: Savina's change in behaviour hasn't escaped her husband's notice...

Alexander, having swapped his usual morning shift for the just-finished night shift (a one off - Alexander was no pushover, but he wasn't above doing things to curry favour and win brownie points on occasion), arrived home by apparating into his kitchen with a loud 'pop'. It wasn't far off breakfast time, he guessed, which meant that Savina was likely awake by now.

"Hello?" he called, wandering around the flat in search of his wife.