
Characters: Justin Finch-Fletchley & Ramona Hardy
Setting: The Thema House & Foundation offices, Islington, Wednesday evening
Rating: PG
Summary: Ramona and Justin are going to talk about their experiences, Ramona might be recruited to help the Macmillan Foundation and the two might enjoy some history geekdom.

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Owl for the Macmillan Foundation

Owl for the Macmillan Foundation )


Characters: Anyone attending Qudditich Gets Grounded...open to multiple threads if people are keen
Setting: mid-day Saturday
Rating: PG
Summary: A good day for a good cause...until someone decides to play foul.

Just as the spectators were heading back to their seats his fears became founded and it practically made his stomach drop. )


Characters: Justin Finch-Fletchley & Vicky Frobisher
Setting: Late Tuesday, their flat
Rating: GP for now
Summary: With all that is going on, or perhaps about to start, Justin has a feeling he wants to talk to Vicky about.

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Characters: Justin Finch-Fletchley & Rose Coote
Setting: Wednesday lunch at Gino's
Rating: PG
Summary: Justin wants to get Rose up to speed on how the Magpie scandal is impacting their upcoming event.

For whatever reason, Rose was one of the few people Caroline might yield to and he needed that )


owl post

From: Justin Finch-Fletchley
To: Rose Coote
Date: 2 April 2011; 14:37


I would love to touch base before the committee meeting. Caroline is going to bring up a number of concerns and it will go better if you're prepared. Let me know when you're available, I'll even buy lunch.


Characters: Justin Finch-Fletchley & Hannah Abbott
Setting: Leaky Cauldron, before it officially opens on Sunday
Rating: GP
Summary: Justin and Hannah catch up.

It was best to do this like ripping off a bandage right? )


Characters: Justin Finch-Fletchley & Susan Higgs
Setting: Higgs Residence, Hogsmeade - Saturday afternoon
Rating: GP - they are Hufflepuffs
Summary: Justin drops by to catch up with Susie Bee and play with her kids for a bit. And tell her the good news.

From the Project offices, it was just a quick walk to the Higgs Residence on Middle Road. )


Characters: Justin Finch-Fletchley & Vicky Frobisher
Setting: Their flat, Friday evening, 18 February
Summary: Justin and Vicky talk about this secret they have been keeping.

They worked, that was never the problem, it was all the other variables. )