The Alley RPG

Upcoming Events

June 12th - Game Opens
June 15th - Mugwumps Perform (The Hideaway)
June 18th - England vs. France (Scotland)
July 1st - Ministry Gala (Avalon Hotel)

(Location of event is in parenthesis. Check Authors for more info on each event.)

September 2010


Posts Tagged: 'place:+residence'

Sep. 8th, 2010


RP: Backdated

Date: 5 September, after this
Characters: Aidan Brown and Lucy Weasley
Location: The Burrow
Private/Public: Private
Rating: (most likely PG to PG-13)
Summary: Aidan has a proposition for Lucy.

This week had been chaotic for everyone )

Sep. 6th, 2010


RP: Ken and Lucy

Date: backdated a couple days - September 4
Characters: Ken and Lucy
Location: Starting at Lucy's flat
Private/Public: Private
Rating: Tame.
Summary: Lucy needs help.

Lucy never thought she'd see the day when she'd be relying on muggle money and technology in any way shape or form.... )

Sep. 2nd, 2010



RP: Corrie and Lorcan

Date: September 2, mid-afternoon
Characters: Corrie and Lorcan
Location: Min
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG
Summary: Corrie spazzes out about the antimagic. Lorcan tries to reason with her.

It was in Scotland. )

Aug. 26th, 2010



RP: Albus and Shaylyn

Date: August 26th.
Characters: Albus and Shay.
Location: The house.
Private/Public: Private.
Rating: tba.
Summary: Shay wants to talk to Albus about Scorpius coming since she invited him and we'll see where it goes from there.

Dear God the only thing I ask of you is to hold her when I'm not around, when I'm much too far away. We all need that person who can be true to you )

Aug. 21st, 2010


RP: Gideon and Lucy

Date: 20 August
Characters: Gideon Summerby and Lucy Weasley
Location: Gideon's flat, Hawthorne Place
Private/Public: Private
Rating: Hard to say - anything can happen!! ;) Currently, tame! Scratch that! VERY NOT WORK SAFE.
Summary: Lucy goes to pick up groceries but nothing seems to go as planned these days

...the truth remained that she would drop everything to help them )

Aug. 20th, 2010


[No Subject]

Who: Albus and Shaylyn
Where: Their home
When: Evening Aug 20th
Why: Talking
Rating: TBA
Status: Private/Unfinished

Would you save, would you save my life if you knew why? This is the last time I'm leaving without you in silence. Could you save, could you save my life had the boy that you knew not died? This is the last time I'm leaving without you in silence. )

Aug. 19th, 2010


RP: Lorcan and Corrie

Date: 19 August
Characters: Lorcan Scamander and Corrie Pye
Location: Min
Private/Public: private
Summary: There's a boggart in the pantry. Things get worse from there.

Read more... )

Aug. 16th, 2010



Note: Roxanne to Gideon

Date: August 16th
Characters: Roxanne
Location: Hawthorne Place
Private/Public: Private
Rating: G
Summary: Grocery list

Slipped under Gideon's door before leaving for her shift )



RP: Albus and Shaylyn

Date: August 16th.
Characters: Albus and Shay.
Location: Their house.
Private/Public: Private.
Rating: tba.
Summary: I guess we'll see based upon what happens won't we?

Love isn't blind, it's retarded )

[No Subject]

Who: Albus and Jubilee
Where: Albus and Shay's house
When: Backdated to August 15th
Why: Mates getting together for dinner
Status: Private/Unfinished.
Rating: TBA

Can you tell me what stops the pain? Self medication? Science, saviors, tragedy? How deep must we cut to reach sensation? Find it, bring it back to me where the void remains )

Aug. 11th, 2010


[No Subject]

Who: Albus and Shay
Where: At their house
When: Night time on August 11th
Why: TBA
Rating: TBA
Status: Private/Unfinished

Goodnight demon slayer, goodnight. )

Aug. 9th, 2010



RP: Albus & Shaylyn

Date: August 9th.
Characters: Albus and Shay.
Location: The new house.
Private/Public: Private.
Rating: G.
Summary: Shay isn't feeling well and Albus comes in to save the day with some attention that turnes into a proposal.

Saying what we think gives us a wider conversational range than saying what we know )

Aug. 2nd, 2010


RPG: Hawthorne Place

Who: Gideon and OPEN to residents of Hawthorne Place
When: Sunday Evening [backdated]
Where: The hallway at Hawthorne Place
Summary: Where's a handyman when you need one?
Public/Private: Public
Rating: TBD

Frustrated, Gideon rested his head against the door and rattled the knob with his hand. )

Jul. 30th, 2010


[No Subject]

Date: 30 July, morning
Characters: Roxanne and Lucy
Location: Roxanne's flat
Private/Public: Private
Rating: Tame
Summary: Lucy is being a good cousin and following her grandmother's orders.

She realized belatedly that she probably should have called first... )

Jul. 29th, 2010


[No Subject]

Who: Albus and Rose
When: afternoon after his release July 29th
Where: The White Horse pub and then back to Rose's flat
Public/Private: Private
Summary: The cousins have a long talk.
Rating: PG-13

You're getting closer to pushing me off of life's little edge cause I'm a loser and sooner or later you know I'll be dead. You're getting closer, You're holding the rope, I'm taking the fall cause I'm a loser. )

Jul. 26th, 2010


[No Subject]

Who: Albus and Harry (NPC)
When: Early morning, around 4am on July 26th
Where: His parents home
Summary: Albus and Harry have a talk.
Public/Private: Private
Rating: G

They're coming to take me away ha-ha )

Jul. 25th, 2010



RP: Corrie Pye (yes, again)

Date: 24 July 2030, Saturday (starting around five)
Characters: Corrie Pye, Min, A Beetle
Location: Min
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG
Warnings: Wanton capture of insects in makeshift containers!
Summary: Corrie visits her sort-of room, decorates, thinks about current events, falls asleep and catches a bug (not in her mouth).

It was full of possibilities in the way only Minifred-rooms could be. )

Jul. 22nd, 2010



RP: Shaylyn and Albus

Date: July 22nd Evening.
Characters: Shaylyn and Albus.
Location: Shay's home since she's not interested in traveling right now.
Private/Public: Private.
Rating: PG at the most. Shay's ill, Albus isn't getting anything but to cuddle.
Summary: to be added.

You've achieved success in your field when you don't know whether what you're doing is work or play )

Jul. 16th, 2010



RP: Corrie and Lorcan

Date: 16 July, mid-morning
Characters: Corrie Pye and Lorcan Scamander
Location: Min, a forest clearing
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG
Summary: Corrie gets caught at Lorcan's house. He confronts her about the changes she's made.

Don't be silly. Nothing could be as nice as you. )

Jul. 15th, 2010



Phone: Corrie and Asha

Date: 15 July
Characters: Corrie Pye and Asha Hopkins
Location: Cell phones!
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG
Summary: Corrie divulges super top secret work information! But it's Asha, so it's okay.

ring, ring, the happiest sound of them all )