The Alley RPG

Upcoming Events

June 12th - Game Opens
June 15th - Mugwumps Perform (The Hideaway)
June 18th - England vs. France (Scotland)
July 1st - Ministry Gala (Avalon Hotel)

(Location of event is in parenthesis. Check Authors for more info on each event.)

September 2010


Posts Tagged: 'character:+olivia+mclaggen'

Jun. 30th, 2010


RP: A Day of Filming with Ollie and Jim

Date: June 30th, afternoon (backdated)
Characters: Olivia McLaggen, James Sirius Potter
Location: Quidditch Wives studio, lunch
Private/Public: Private
Rating: TBA
Summary: Jim and Ollie have a run in after filming a love scene. Naturally, tempers are flaring.

Urgh, you're so disgusting! )

Jun. 26th, 2010


RP: Lucia and Open

Date: 26 June, Late afternoon
Characters: Lucia Carmichael
Location: Flourish and Blotts
Private/Public: Public
Rating: TBA
Summary: Lucia goes window shopping at the book store after work

Lucia could only sigh in contentment, staring in wonder at shelf upon shelf of knowledge. She may have gotten over her obsessive yearning for the unknown, but that didn't mean she had dropped it entirely. Her arms were filled with a healthy portion of ancient tomes and manuscripts, so she clumsily organized her stack on a nearby table before riffling through the pile.

With a small sneeze, Lucia blew the dust off  a small tome that she had found hidden in the back corner of the store. Intrigued by the flowing script, she slowly began to make her way down the aisle while translating the ancient ruins that were written inside.

"Third day of the full moon. The men are getting suspicious. Four days have passed since we last saw the others, and many are wondering if we will ever see them again." she muttered to herself, running her finger along the page as she read.

Engrossed in the journal, Lucia successfully avoided several stacks of parchment before tripping (quite spectacularly) into a fellow shopper.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I never intended for that to happen!" Collecting all the fallen books, Lu stood, brushed off her knees and began to hand the volumes back to their rightful owner before catching their bewildered face.

"Oh, Hello! Enjoying a little reading?" She asked, grinning widely.

Jun. 11th, 2010


RP: Festival

Date: June 12, 2030 (noon onwards)
Characters: Everyone (add your tags)
Location: Phoenix Forest Park
Private/Public: Public
Rating: All Ages
Summary: Food, fun and flying for the whole family.

A Few Notes:
  • Gates open at noon, close at midnight
  • Exhibition Quidditch games are on-going throughout the day, everyone is welcome to play
  • There is live music all day, with a Weird Sisters concert at 9
  • As for the rides and games, think old-fashioned country fair, with Wizarding twists
  • There is a petting zoo for the kids, with some of the friendlier Magical animals (nifflers, kneazles, etc.)
  • Vendors are also set up, selling things like jewelry, food, tattoos, fortunes, clothes, potions, runic readings, etc.
  • There will be fireworks (donated by George Weasley) at 11pm

May. 20th, 2010


