Alchemy OOC


Posts Tagged: 'who:+addye'

Aug. 4th, 2015



[No Subject]

I'm Addye and this is Mina Cain. She is the head of the Necromancers and a bitchy realist with a martyr complex. Mina has a big brood of siblings because he mother, Odette, was adamant about having a big family and also very fertile apparently. Their father, Philippe, is a human and owner of a bar in the French Quarter in New Orleans while Odette owns a funeral home that has been in the family for generations. Mina worked at the bar for the most part, she couldn't get used to the smell of formaldehyde and that was seriously hindering to her dedication to working with dead bodies. Additionally, she was better suited at slinging drinks and charming the tip jar full every night so it wasn't heart breaking for her.

You can't really call her a people person and the Necromancers by nature are a little standoffish about other families because she doesn't trust them as far as she can throw them. But any interaction, good or bad, would be cool if not scary. She doesn't let herself appear uncomfortable or scared, she had a default setting of arrogance and nonchalance and she sticks to it. Even in some of her relationships with her siblings she can appear aloof and even cold.

Anyway, I need lines for her because I have two sisters so far and there needs to be at least two brothers. Both Mina and her younger sister, Elizabeth, have a twin brother and I'd love, love, love to get those lines filled. I also need other family interactions and maybe a protector, who knows. I'm open to anything because I love this character and I can't wait to start playing her.

If you'd like to plot my aim is thataddyechick and my email is!

Jul. 25th, 2015



