Alchemy OOC


Posts Tagged: 'player:+meme'

Sep. 9th, 2015



All Aboard the Good Ship Romance!


+ Post your character with the name in the subject line +
+ Then others can reply with your top 3 shipper names +

+ Find Your Name! +

* Note: Usual disclaimers for ooc memes--you can choose to acknowledge ic or not. But no one is required to :)

Aug. 18th, 2015



pick your poison


- Post your character(s) and their guilty pleasure karaoke song.
- Accompanying/reaction gifs are appreciated.
- Other characters are welcome to put their opinions of the songs in addition to supplying a song they would love for your character to sing.
-Have fun.

Aug. 16th, 2015



Is anybody else a little drunk or is that just me?

So this is how it works: Ask a question, any question and receive an honest answer, it's just that simple!

With that in mind...

- Post your character(s)
- People comment with questions
- Your character(s) answer truthfully and honestly
- Fun and games are to be had by all!

Normal disclaimer about IC/OOC divide - stuff revealed here cannot be used in game unless players have discussed it and permission has been given. If none of that has happened? Yeah no this was all a dream, a very weird dream, but a dream all the same ;)

Aug. 15th, 2015



Sex appeal is the keynote of our civilization

You're laying in bed, drifting into a happy REM sleep, entering the all-important dream state, when BAM - smutty dream alert! The other person is there for you amusement, pleasure, what have you, all -

- so, in that vein... --

- Post your character(s)
- Comment with a ♮ for a wet dream my character has had about yours
- Respond describing said racy dream
- Do a little dance...

(Usual disclaimer about IC/OOC divide here - for anyone wondering, charries can deny dreaming of any of you pervs ;) )

Aug. 6th, 2015



[No Subject]


Send my character a dirty picture or text. Whether by accident or intentional is your choice.





Reply to this comment with your character journal.
And then send if your muse is in love with the poster and tell them why.

Aug. 4th, 2015



It's not the meme the people deserve, it's the meme the people want

Okay, so this was going to be a Get To Know me Meme but apparently that's not what the people wanted. So instead, this is a Teen Wolf meme mostly. Because apparently that's what the people want. Now, if you haven't watched Teen Wolf, then you're just gonna have to binge watch the first four seasons to remain in good standing within this group because that's just how we roll.

I'm kidding, if you haven't watched Teen wolf, this will still act as an efficient way to get to know you and your character(s), they're just gonna sound like super bizarre questions to you. Or you can simply plug in a different fantasy/horror/scifi show in place of Teen Wolf. I'm also filtering in random questions you might receive at a job interview. See if you can guess which ones they are.

You don't have to answer every question, you can cherry pick how many or how little you feel like, but there's literally only eleven, so don't be lazy.


Jul. 25th, 2015



