Previous 20

Feb. 23rd, 2009


Who: Kaelyn, ota
When: Jan 1
Where: Maegor's Holdfast, the Queen's chambers
Rating: PG-13
Status: Open 

Feb. 8th, 2009


Who: Kaelyn, Open
When: Dec 31 
Where: Queen's chambers
Rating: PG-13
Status: Open

Jan. 9th, 2009


Who: Kaelyn, Elia
Where: the queen's chambers
When: Afternoon, day 69
Rating: PG13
Status: Complete- IM log.


Kaelyn has matters to discuss with her lord husband

Who: Kaelyn, William
When: after Tyrith tells William the sitch
Where: Kaelyn's chambers
Rating: PG-13
Status: Closed.

Dec. 15th, 2008


Who: Kaelyn, ?? 
When: Day 66
Where: The Queen's solar, Maegor's Holdfast
Rating: PG
Status: Open to anyone 

Dec. 1st, 2008


Who: Genna, Mathis, Lucius, etc
When: Day 65, late afternoon
Where: Kingswood, then the lovely courtyard with the fountain...
Rating: Er. PG-13. For happy kids in fountains. Towels and smelling salts probably required.
Status: Open to whoever walks in.

Rub a dub dub, three kids in a... fountain? )

Nov. 18th, 2008


Who: Genna, assorted other noble children
When: Day 63, afternoon
Where: The Red Keep. A room which until very very recently was a secondary council chamber and will sadly not be likely to appear as such for a few days.
Rating: PG
Status: Open.


Who: Kaelyn, ?
When: Day 63, late morning
Where: The Great Sept
Rating: PG
Status: Open

Nov. 4th, 2008


Dragons Fall: Executions

Who: Anyone who wants to watch.
When: Day 62. Dawn.
Rating: R
Status: Open if you want to be there. 

Oct. 24th, 2008


still graceful

Who: Hester, anyone else milling about
When: Day 54
Where: The Red Keep
Rating: PG 13
Status: Open.

and even sky maidens can be brought to the ground... )

Oct. 18th, 2008


You did what with the Prince of Dorne?

Who: Kaelyn, Lyanora, unfortunate bystanders
Where: Maegor's Holdfast, the small hall
When: Day 54, morning 
Rating: PG 
Status: Open

Oct. 16th, 2008


Who: Kaelyn, ?
When: Day 53
Where: The Great Hall
Rating: PG
Status: Open to all comers

Sep. 29th, 2008


With Much Pomp and Circumstance...

Who: Lyanora Stark
When: Day 49, Afternoon
Where: Kings Landing
Rating: PGish
Status: Open

At least Winterfell was clean. )

Sep. 27th, 2008


Who: Kaelyn, William
When: Day 48, Evening
Where: Red Keep - The Kings Bedroom
Status: Open to those who have access to William's chambers

the shivers are not caused by cold )

Sep. 21st, 2008


Who: Elia, Kaelyn, Myrwin
When: Day 46, morning
Where: Red Keep
Status: Open- anyone else before or after  

Aug. 9th, 2008


Sitting the Iron Throne

Who: William Stark; anyone who wants an audience
When: Morning of Day 21
Where: Red Keep, particularly the Iron Throne
Rating: PG
Status: Open

*** )

Aug. 4th, 2008


The Master of Whispers Would Like a Word...

Who: Polonius Haine, Kaelyn Stark, William later if he wants
When: Day 18, early evening
Where: Maegor's Holdfast, the queen's chambers
Rating: pg
Status: OPEN

Jul. 21st, 2008


Who: Queen Kaelyn; Prince Brandon
When: Day 16--morning
Where: Red Keep, Kaelyn's chambers
Rating: G
Status: In Progress

The plague continued to abate and Gwyn continued to sleep and Kaelyn could only cling to one shred of hope on that front, Gwyn continued to sleep and while she slept she lived and for now that would have to be enough. Perhaps it had been the sight of William performing his duties at their daughter's bedside that had prompted her to action - she had not ignored things completely but she had found herself in doing the duties that were hers in a half formed vague almost sleep walking way. Well no more, she had reminded Genna to act a Princess and she would act a Queen, she visited Gwyn early in the morning and then forced herself away and to business. It was made easier in part by the certain knowledge that at least one hope had been dashed - it reminded her that hopes were not to be counted on and spurred her on for more future planning, when her moonblood was done she would make herself a posset of herbs and milk for fertility.

She spoke with the Royal Steward about the cost of events held so far and for the ones that were yet to come, she looked over reports of the household and frowned at the placement of guests. Who had done this? It was too late to rearrange it and she should have took an interest sooner - when they had first arrived at the Red Keep she had taken it into her head that much of it needed brought up to date - clearly House Targaryen had not cared but it was the nature of the dragons to be arrogant. No guest chambers at Winterfell would be so shabby though the castle was full much less often than this keep in the capital. No doubt it suited the Targaryen's to remind people of their place in such a manner. She's ordered tapestries then but it had all been forgotten in the rush - if such an order had ever been fulfilled.

She sent a page to enquire and it turned out that the tapestries had been - and placed in storage as no-one wanted to trouble her. She had the wool inspected but it was northern, spun on the Umber estates and the weavers were nowhere near the dressmakers that had survived the fire. Satisfied she ordered the tapestries in those rooms she had thought in need of repair replaced, (the new maids were closer to knowing the order of things now and the fact that the others had been dismissed should have had it's effects.) Kaelyn also felt better with northerners serving her, she penned notes to those whose rooms she had amended thanking them for their patience as the Red Keep was brought to order. It rankled a little to write one to the Martell girl but she did it anyway in her own neat hand. Her task was almost done when she was interrupted, the Maester escorting Bran. His white and grey tunic was slightly rumpled and he clutched a toy in one hand. Bran looked uncertain but that was naught new and then he saw her and she was rewarded with a small smile. "Heartling," she said sealing her last note, they could be given to a page in a bit, "come tell Mama about your visit to Gwyn."

Jul. 15th, 2008


after a bit of absence...

Who: King William; Starks; others
When: Day 15--morning
Where: Red Keep--at Princess Gwyn's side. He can be pulled away if necessary.
Rating: PG-13
Status: In Process

the situation was getting dire )

Jun. 18th, 2008


Day 6: Wolf Pups Can Bite

Who: Genna Stark, Kaelyn Stark, anyone else near the childrens' rooms
When: mid-morning, Day 6
Where: The Royal apartments.
Rating: TBD
Status: Open 

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