Posts Tagged: 'l:+space'

Mar. 21st, 2022



Text from Steve

Mia's and Abigail's messages brought up a few problems, mostly the fact that we're terrible at accepting discrimination, but I suppose we'll need to shut up and accept it (feel free to remind me).

To keep a semblance of cover and to speed up the return to a normal timeline, Mia is helping us purchase the general store. Bucky and I will pose as brothers and live upstairs. If anyone wants to be married to one of us, it'd help with the cover.

As you've seen, women are unlikely to work and since we are maintaining 'family value', it's probably best that the women don't work, unless involved in a 'family business'. Feel free to exchange texts to figure out jobs we can have and arranged marriages.



[No Subject]

How's everyone feeling about the bus landing? 

I have mixed feelings. What happened with the way the last stop ended was horrible and I don't want us going through that again. 

At the same time, I need more space.  I hate feeling so confined.  Too many bad memories.

Mar. 20th, 2022



Message From the Conductor (heard through the bus intercom)

Good Afternoon.

We have some bad news. The bus will need to land in an area where we can make the necessary modifications. Also we have spotted another temporal anomaly, so we can drop you off before being on our way. This means that bus will be working when you return.

We've been a little slower than normal to pick up the anomaly and that has given the time to learn a little more. There's a general store in Pleasantville that has been shut down and then turned into some kind of night club. Your job will be to buy the general store and maintain the type of lifestyle that exist in Pleasantville.

If you have questions, feel free to text me, this way everyone can see it. I will tell you what we know at the moment.

Mar. 16th, 2022



RP: Natasha/Ariel

Who: Natasha/Ariel
When: March 16th
Where: the restaurant
What: Ariel talks to Natasha

This is nice! )



RP: Derek/Theo

Who: Derek/Theo
When: March 16th
Where: the restaurant
What: another random encounter

I hate this )

Mar. 12th, 2022



Text From the Conductor

Sorry about all the hiccups lately. )

Mar. 10th, 2022



RP: The Funeral

Who: Open
When: evening March 10th
Where: the bar
What: they remember two fallen friends

May They Rest In Peace )

Mar. 9th, 2022



[No Subject]

Who: Abigail and Open
Where: The Holodeck
When: March 9th, afternoon 
What: Holodeck malfunctions in a cute way.

The Louvre )



Text from Ariel

I don't know if this is a custom in your realities, but in my world, we have a funeral for people who die. We have lost two people who were dear to us in addition with countless of other lives we didn't even know and everyone seems to very sad.

I was thinking tomorrow or Friday evening. We don't have to do anything big, maybe just a few words and lots of drinks? The bar seems like the perfect place.



RP: Draco/Theo

Who: Draco/Theo
When: evening, March 9t
Where: his room
What: Draco spends some time with Theo

I don't like this )

Mar. 8th, 2022



Text from Sabrina

Usually, when I fall asleep in a movie theater, I end up having weird movie-inspired dreams. You know what pretty much never happens? Waking up to find myself floating in mid-air surrounded by a cloud of popcorn.

I guess what I'm saying is that I'm stuck in the movie theater because the gravity appears to have stopped working.

Mar. 7th, 2022



RP: Steve/Bucky

Who: Steve/Bucky
When: Morning, March 7th
Where: the gym
What: Steve is taking his frustrations out on the punching bag

We failed )



Text from Roman

What the fuck, people? I went to the gym. Put the treadmill at 5mph and it goes at 30, put it at 10 mph and goes at 60, put it at 20 and goes at 1mph. Jesus fucking Christ, what's going on? Also if you don't have superpowers, be careful or you could break your neck.

Mar. 6th, 2022



RP: Faith & John

Who: Faith and John
Where: The Workshop
When: Same day as this
What: Faith drops off the busted microwave, and her and John talk.

Read more... )



RP: Tony & The Conductor

Who: Tony & Mia the Conductor
Where: Tony's Room
When: March 6th
What: Someone needs to check on Tony

Mourning )



[No Subject]

I don't know how much anyone cares today, but the microwave caught on fire while I was using it. I put out the fire, but now it's busted.

So, fair warning there.

Mar. 5th, 2022



RP: A World Comes Undone

Who: Open
When: midday March 5th
Where: Okeano
What: Destruction comes unexpectedly

The Death of a Reality )

Feb. 10th, 2022



RP: Ariel/Theo

Who: Ariel/Theo
When: after training, February 19th
Where: The restaurant
What: they talk

Why don't you grab something to eat and join me? )

Feb. 8th, 2022



Text from Roman

Is it me or time on the bus if fucking boring? And I'm getting laid. I can't even imagine how boring it must be for the rest of you.

Sure, we have rooms and shit, but training is the only thing with somewhat of a purpose. It's like we're in fucking limbo until we get to the next place.

Feb. 6th, 2022



[No Subject]

Who: Marcus and Natasha
When: During the Morning, February 7th
Where: The Bus
What: Training and Assessment of each other
It's a fight )