Posts Tagged: 'c:+abigail+hobbs'

Apr. 12th, 2022



Text from Sabrina

If anyone happens to be looking for somewhere to stay that isn't above Steve and Bucky's store, Roman and I have a lot of space and empty, unused bedrooms. We definitely wouldn't mind the company.

As a bonus, you can marvel as I exhibit incredible self-control by not using magic to make our nosey neighbors quit trying to be all up in our business. Why yes, Gladys, I did make a roast chicken last night, and no, it didn't somehow get me pregnant...

Apr. 10th, 2022



[No Subject]

I feel like an idiot.  I went out for an early walk through the park this morning, saw two men and said a polite hello.  I figured that was what people do in this time, you know before stranger danger and all that.   They ran from me like I was a monster.  I didn't figure it out until just now.  They were holding hands.  They must have thought that I was letting them know I had seen them.  Like a judgement, or worse, a threat.


Apr. 8th, 2022



[No Subject]

Who: Aloy and OPEN!
When: Afternoon
Where: Pleasantville
What: Ice Cream shop

Aloy's adventure )



Text From Dax

Good morning. Steve, Bucky and Nastasha were helpful in opening their home to the new arrivals. It looked like the Academy or an orgy on Riza, minus the sex, which is sad. If you have to be with so many people sex is always a good way to pass the time.

I see this technology is very limited. I have to use my hands to do things. It'll take some time to get use to this primitive age, although the bus is very advanced. Has anyone figured out how it travels through time and realities? Is it possible that it has solved the Warp 10 problems? Because that would explain exactly how it's done. It brings up very interesting possibilities.

On a personal note, I'm glad I know something about earth history. My hair and make up is on point.

Mar. 26th, 2022



[No Subject]

Well, that turned out better than I thought. A car broke down down the street, and without thinking I went to see if the driver was alright. Turns out it was a problem with his transmission, which is common in the Pontiac Chieftain.

He was so impressed that I diagnosed what was wrong with his car, that he asked if I wanted a job at his auto shop. I said I had to ask my husband. So... yeah.

Mar. 21st, 2022



[No Subject]

How's everyone feeling about the bus landing? 

I have mixed feelings. What happened with the way the last stop ended was horrible and I don't want us going through that again. 

At the same time, I need more space.  I hate feeling so confined.  Too many bad memories.

Mar. 20th, 2022



Message From the Conductor (heard through the bus intercom)

Good Afternoon.

We have some bad news. The bus will need to land in an area where we can make the necessary modifications. Also we have spotted another temporal anomaly, so we can drop you off before being on our way. This means that bus will be working when you return.

We've been a little slower than normal to pick up the anomaly and that has given the time to learn a little more. There's a general store in Pleasantville that has been shut down and then turned into some kind of night club. Your job will be to buy the general store and maintain the type of lifestyle that exist in Pleasantville.

If you have questions, feel free to text me, this way everyone can see it. I will tell you what we know at the moment.

Mar. 9th, 2022



[No Subject]

Who: Abigail and Open
Where: The Holodeck
When: March 9th, afternoon 
What: Holodeck malfunctions in a cute way.

The Louvre )



Text from Ariel

I don't know if this is a custom in your realities, but in my world, we have a funeral for people who die. We have lost two people who were dear to us in addition with countless of other lives we didn't even know and everyone seems to very sad.

I was thinking tomorrow or Friday evening. We don't have to do anything big, maybe just a few words and lots of drinks? The bar seems like the perfect place.

Mar. 5th, 2022



RP: A World Comes Undone

Who: Open
When: midday March 5th
Where: Okeano
What: Destruction comes unexpectedly

The Death of a Reality )

Feb. 23rd, 2022



[No Subject]

Is everyone okay?

I'm just checking because that boom made me think of robot land. I don't think I'll ever be a fan of unexpected loud noises when I'm trying to sleep. I figure it must be even worse for those of you that have been through wars and similar situations.

If anyone wants to talk, I can listen.

Feb. 18th, 2022



[No Subject]

My knowledge of volcanoes is limited to a baking soda and vinegar experiment that I had to do for a science class when my life was normal I was a kid.

Does anyone know more? Should we be worried about the one that the conductor mentioned?

Feb. 15th, 2022



[No Subject]

Who: Faith and Open
Where: Out wandering through Sfaira
When: Feb. 15th, Afternoon
What: Faith is antsy and wants to explore.

Read more... )



[No Subject]

Alright, this shouldn't be so bad, right?

Feb. 3rd, 2022



RP: Roman/Abigail

Who: Roman/Abigail
When: February 3rd
Where: the restaurant
What: they talk

How are you doing? )

Jan. 17th, 2022



[No Subject]

Who: Abigail Hobbs and open to multiples!
When: Monday, after the battle
Where: The tunnels and universal studios
What: Post-battle talk.

post-battle" )

Jan. 10th, 2022



RP: Forced Labor

Who: Open to all groups (feel free to put individual threads)
When: morning, January 10
Where: Inside the camp
What: There's work to be done

Cut for Length )

Jan. 8th, 2022



Text to All Passengers


Each of you should have a package of pills in your vests. It's vitally important that you take one of those pills per day. It will protect your thyroid gland from one form of radioactive contamination. When we reach our destination, they should have decontamination facilities and protocols that will help us avoid contamination from other radioactive materials.

If there are wizards or witches here familiar with radiation-shielding spells, we'll need those as soon as possible. If there are none, it would be wise for us to see if we can create something that's easy to cast on everyone.

Be careful out there.

- Dr. Strange



RP: Welcome to a nuclear wasteland

Who: Open
When: pre dawn, January 8th
Where: On the bus/Skynet camp
What: The group has another mission

Welcome to a nuclear wasteland )

Jan. 7th, 2022



Text from Steve

Today, the group will train at the gym from 8:30 to 9:30 and then in the holodeck from 9:30 to 12:30.

The reason I'm texting everyone is because from 9:30 to 11:30 the holodeck will be a shooting range. Even if you don't normally train with us, if you want to learn to shoot or practice if you already know how, you are free to join us.