January 8th, 2022



Come with me if you want to live

Come with me if you want to live )



RP: Welcome to a nuclear wasteland

Who: Open
When: pre dawn, January 8th
Where: On the bus/Skynet camp
What: The group has another mission

Welcome to a nuclear wasteland )



Text to All Passengers


Each of you should have a package of pills in your vests. It's vitally important that you take one of those pills per day. It will protect your thyroid gland from one form of radioactive contamination. When we reach our destination, they should have decontamination facilities and protocols that will help us avoid contamination from other radioactive materials.

If there are wizards or witches here familiar with radiation-shielding spells, we'll need those as soon as possible. If there are none, it would be wise for us to see if we can create something that's easy to cast on everyone.

Be careful out there.

- Dr. Strange