12 Day of Christmas' Journal
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Below are 20 journal entries, after skipping by the 20 most recent ones recorded in 12 Day of Christmas' InsaneJournal:

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    Monday, December 31st, 2007
    8:31 pm
    Hey everyone
    I will be posting days five six and seven tomorrow or wednesday with day eight. Because it's new years and I'm visiting with friends.
    7:21 pm
    Day 6:Flights of Fancy
    Title: Careless & Free
    Author: Lord Localfreak
    Fandom: Harry Potter
    Ship: N/A
    Summary: Title from Savage Garden's 'The Animal Song' but if I gave a summary it'd spoil the story

    Read it Here

    Title: Charlie's Pet
    Author: Lord Localfreak
    Fandom: Harry Potter
    Ship: N/A
    Summary: Charlie always wanted a pet, but could never decide what animal would suit him

    Click Here to Read


    Title: Assumptions
    Author: Lord Localfreak
    Fandom: Harry Potter
    Ship: AD/GG
    Summary: A young man buys a copy of The Wizard's Watchtower
    Please note, The Wizard's Watchtower was orignially conceived by me for the fic Vocabulophile (click here to read) a HP fic from last year's challenge.

    Click Here to Read
    2:58 pm
    6th Day
    On the sixth day of christmas, my true love sent to me
    Six flights of fancy

    GIFT FOR [info]emeraldsword
    Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    Buffy, her mother
    127 words

    Late )

    Chalet School
    Julie Lucy, Daisy Venables, Mary Burnett
    96 words

    Futures )

    Chalet School
    Con Maynard
    97 words

    Sometimes… )
    7:28 am
    On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...
    Title: Six Flights of Fancy
    Author: [info]lee_west
    Fandom: Harry Potter
    Word Count: 100
    Characters: Buckbeak, Thestral, Dragons, Firebolt, Motorbike, Fawkes
    Challenge: Sixth Day of Christmas: Six Flights of Fancy
    Rating: PG
    Disclaimer: Me? Own any of this? Nah. I'm neither English nor rich.

    Thanks to my friend Ceria for the beta.

    Buckbeak )

    Thestrals )

    Dragon )

    Firebolt )

    The Bike )

    Fawkes )

    Happy New Year!
    Sunday, December 30th, 2007
    11:17 pm
    Day 5: Five Crossdressers
    The Prince and the Warrior [Avatar: the Last Airbender, Zuko & Sokka]
    - In which Kyoshi Island has warriors and Zuko is his great-grandfather's great-grandson. Post-series. (Slight spoilers for 'The Avatar and the Fire Lord')

    Handing Down [Vision of Escaflowne, Millerna & Celena]
    - Millerna gives Celena some sisterly advice. (Slight end of seires spoilers)

    Not Drabble #17 [Slayers, Lina & Gourry]
    - ... so Gourry is not in a dress here.

    Phone Code [Fullmetal Alchemist, Roy]
    -Roy Mustang works out a clever code to fool eavesdroppers.

    Tools of the Trade [The Dresden Files, Harry & Murphy]
    -An early-books look at Murphy's reaction to Harry's closet.
    8:22 pm
    Dau 5: Cross Dressers
    Cross-posted from the lj comm

    Only two offerings today (note the pattern continues) sadly RL in the form of two small hyperactive boys, two boxes of lego, and an excitable beagle rather curtailed all my activities today...

    Title: Her World
    Author: Lord Localfreak
    Fandom: Harry Potter
    Ship: none, but slashy flirting
    Summary: "Call me Maria.." with a nod towards The Crying Game

    click here to read

    Title: Narcissism*
    Author: Lord Localfreak
    Fandom: Harry Potter
    Ship: none
    Summary: The moment he walked into the building, he knew he must have it.

    Click here to read

    *This one narrowly escaped being called 'Tulle' so if I ever refer to it by that name, this is the fic I'm on about..
    9:13 am
    On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...
    Title: Five Cross Dressers
    Author: [info]lee_west)
    Fandom: Harry Potter
    Word Count: 100
    Characters: Kingsley, Old Archie, Xenophilius, Lockhart, Snape
    Challenge: Fifth Day of Christmas: Five Cross Dressers
    Rating: PG
    Disclaimer: Me? Own any of this? Nah. I'm neither English nor rich.
    A/N: Cross-dressing is really not my thing, so these are all about different kinds of dressing. Except for the only real cross-dresser in HP canon. Sorry about that.

    Thanks to my friend Ceria for the beta.

    Kingsley )

    Old Archie )

    Xenophilius )

    Lockhart )

    Snape )
    8:44 am
    5th Day
    On the fifth day of christmas, my true love sent to me
    Five crossdressers

    (by the way, the Harry Potter ones are always at the end, so if the other fandoms aren't yours, if you click on the first HP one, they'll all be Potter from then on.)

    As You Like It (Shakespeare)
    13 words

    A request )

    Twelfth Night
    Orsino/Viola, Orsino/Sebastian
    149 words

    Mistaken Identity )

    Harry Potter
    33 Words

    Just wondering… )

    GIFT FOR [info]ceria
    Harry Potter
    224 words

    A Promise Broken )

    Harry Potter
    399 words

    Draco Malfoy – Slytherin )
    1:51 am
    Four Going Steady
    Well, more like three. I iz tired, and can't write anymore.

    Title: Something New
    Fandom: Buffy: The Vampire Slayer Five years Post Chosen
    Characters: Buffy and Willow (Friendship)
    Summary: Willow points out that Buffy has something she never had before.
    Notes: Nope, still not mine. And Sunnydale was not completely cratorized. It was taken down a bit, but easily rebuilt.

    It's been five years )

    Title:Not the most romantic date
    Fandom: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer Five years Post Chosen
    Characters: Dawn and Frankie(romantic)
    Summary: Sometimes, it’s the unconventional that’s the most romantic date.

    Where exactly are we going? )

    Title: A lot has happened since you died
    Fandom: Buffy: The Vampire Slayer Six months Post Chosen
    Characters: Frankie, Dawn and Belle (friendship mostly)
    Summary: Just a boy, his twin sister and his girlfriend sitting on a porch swing, catching up on old times.
    Notes: Can you guess, I bet you can. Belle and Frankie are originals, I don’t own Dawn or Sunnydale.

    In which Frankie is told to never die again. )

    Title: A Charlie Brown Christmas
    Fandom: Before Buffy: The Vampire Slayer Welcome to the Hellmouth
    Characters: Xander and Willow
    Summary: Willow always had to sneak over to Xander's to watch a Charlie Brown Christmas
    Notes: Ze Buffy. I do not owns them

    The Snoopy Dance )
    Saturday, December 29th, 2007
    9:24 pm
    Day Four: 4 Going Steadies
    Maskless (Avatar: the Last Airbender, Mai/Zuko)
    - Zuko considers who really knows him.

    Self-Gravity Wakes and the Multi-Body Problem (Escaflowne, Dilandau & Dragonslayers)
    - Dilandau and the Dragonslayers -- and Zaibach's efforts.

    Ambiguity (Slayers, Lina/Gourry... maybe)
    - Amelia tries to figure out what the heck Lina and Gourry are, anyway.

    Together (Fullmetal Alchemist, Winry/Sheska)
    - Winry is uncertain about her relationship.
    7:04 pm
    Day 4: Going Steady
    Only one this time (you may be noticing a pattern here...) I found this one of the hardest prompts to do, not too sure why.

    Title: Comfort
    Author: Lord Localfreak
    Fandom: Sherlock Holmes
    Ship: Gen or Gennish SH/JW
    Summary: Christmas is a time of warmth and good-feeling

    Click Here to Read

    Author's Notes: Considering my output thus far, I hope this convinces people that I'm not solely an EvilProducerofExcessofAngst! lol! (Though I do write an awful lot of angst...)
    9:34 am
    On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...
    Title: Four Going Steady
    Author: Lee West ([info]westwardlee)
    Fandom: Harry Potter
    Word Count: 100
    Characters: James and Lily, Rodolphus and Bellatrix, Merope and Tom Riddle, Sr, Remus and Tonks
    Challenge: Fourth Day of Christmas: Four Going Steady
    Rating: PG
    Disclaimer: Me? Own any of this? Nah. I'm neither English nor rich.

    Thanks to my friend Ceria for the beta

    James and Lily  )

    Rodolphus and Bellatrix )

    Merope and Tom Riddle, Sr  )

    Remus and Tonks )
    10:07 am
    4th Day
    On the fourth day of christmas, my true love sent to me
    Four going steady

    GIFT FOR [info]lycoris, Queen of 12 Days
    91 words

    Having a bad day? )

    GIFT FOR [info]versipellis
    Malory Towers
    226 words

    Together )

    Inspector Morse
    Morse and Lewis
    62 words

    Answering the question – Morse-style )

    GIFT FOR [info]dracoluvah
    Harry Potter
    84 words

    Losing to Severus )
    Friday, December 28th, 2007
    10:28 pm
    Day Three: 3 Nightmares
    Title: Midnight Snack
    Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
    Notes/Warnings: Inspired by Episode 3x09.
    Summary: At the cusp of history they stand...

    Title: The Moon in Eclipse
    Fandom: Vision of Escaflowne
    Notes/Warnings: End of series spoilers.
    Summary: Celena by day and night.

    Title: Waking Dream
    Fandom: Slayers
    Notes/Warnings: None.
    Summary: Filia's nightmare.
    10:32 pm
    Three Dreadful Nightmares
    Title: Hole in her heart
    Fandom: Buffy: The Vampire Slayer Immediately following Chosen
    Characters: Belle Osbourne and Faith
    Summary: Every Victory has a price
    Notes: I do not own the Buffy Franchise. Joss, the master of all, does. Belle belongs to my dear friend, Debi. Frankie is mine. Please ask permission before using either in a story.

    Also, please note, this is an indirect deathfic. It is very depressing.

    She knew it was bad when Faith showed up. )

    Title: The worst nightmare
    Fandom: Buffy: The Vampire Slayer six months Post Chosen
    Characters: Frankie, Belle, and Dawn
    Summary: The worst nightmares are those that have basis in fact.
    Notes: The Buffy franchise is not mine. It is the all powerful Joss Whedon's property. Frankie is mine, Belle is Debi's. Leave them alone unless you have permission.
    WARNINGS Graphic Violence and Death. You have been warned.

    Frankie tossed in his sleep, fighting to wake up. )

    Title: Dawn's nightmare
    Fandom: Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, season Five
    Characters: Dawn, Buffy, Frankie, and Xander
    Summary: Glory attacks two people closest to Dawn
    Notes: Don't own Buffy. Still own Frankie. My own universe, deal.

    He told her not to go in there. )
    5:10 pm
    3rd Day
    On the third day of christmas, my true love sent to me
    Three nightmares

    GIFT FOR [info]foudebassan
    Pride and Prejudice
    165 words

    A Wedding Day To Remember )

    Harry Potter
    Ron/Lavender, Ron/Hermione
    59 words

    Asleep, awake )

    Harry Potter
    60 words

    Anticipation )
    4:33 pm
    Day 3: Nightmares
    Once again I fall short of the required amount and have only two offerings, one of which is a scrap.

    Title: Pieces of Mind
    Author: Lord Localfreak
    Fandom: X Men (any vers/univers really, it complies roughly with all..except the 'What If..?'s)
    Ship: None
    Summary: Scrap. Wolverine and the psychology of dreams

    Click Here to Read

    Title: The Lingering Cold
    Author: Lord Localfreak
    Fandom: Harry Potter
    Ship: Gen, although mention of Lucius/Narcissa at a push
    Summary: Azkaban doesn't need Dementors, and once it has touched your soul, the cold will always linger.

    Click here to Read


    Current Mood: cold
    7:53 am
    On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...
    Title: Three Dreadful Nightmares
    Author: Lee West ([info]westwardlee)
    Fandom: Harry Potter
    Word Count: 100
    Characters: Sirius, Regulus, Walburga
    Challenge: Third Day of Christmas: Three Dreadful Nightmares
    Rating: PG
    Disclaimer: Me? Own any of this? Nah. I'm neither English nor rich.

    Thanks to my friend Ceria for the beta.

    Sirius )

    Regulus )

    Walburga )
    Thursday, December 27th, 2007
    11:47 pm
    Two Break-ups
    Title: You promised me forever
    Fandom: Buffy The Vampire slayer Season Seven
    Characters: Dawn, Buffy, and Frankie (sort of)
    Summary: Sometimes, the break up is permanent.
    Notes: Nope, still don't own buffy. Still own Frankie.

    Don't leave me. )


    Title: Not what you need
    Fandom: Buffy three months Post Season Seven
    Characters: Willow and Kennedy
    Summary: Willow realizes she is being unfair to Kennedy when she isn't what Kennedy needs

    Long and restless night )
    11:39 pm
    Day 2: Two Breakups
    Title: Sokka's Broken Heart
    Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
    Notes/Warnings: Mentioned Sokka/Suki and Sokka/Yue. Spoilers for Episode 3x10.
    Summary: Sokka has yet to break up with a girl.

    "For once, I'd like a girl to break up with me."

    Title: One Night of Nostalgia
    Fandom: Vision of Escaflowne
    Notes/Warnings: Implied Van/Hitomi. End of series spoilers.
    Summary: Fanalia's Festival of Parting.

    At the longest night of the year, Fanelia held its Festival of Parting.
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