Oct. 12th, 2008



Who: Tabrika and OPEN TO ALL (multiple takers allowed :) )
Where: The courtyard, then Out
When: Anesus 6, 12:30AM

It had been an utterly miserable eight hours, out in the rain and the wind and the cold, and Tabrika was so, so, so, so glad that it was over. As of the evil hour of when things "changed", or whatever it did, she was off-duty and she could get inside, and warm, and dry. After all the rain, wind, and thunder basically making it impossible for her to function by ears and smell alone, her nerves were shot. All she had to do was wait for the next herder to come take over for her, and she could creep back inside and hide.

Such, however, was not her luck. Just as she caught the faint strains of the time-measuring-thing inside the main hall through the wind, her world lit up bright as day, and there was the sudden scent of fire-crackling-burning-glass that she associated with lightning, to strong for even the rain to dampen. Then there was seared stone.

Then there was noise. Rumble and thunder and clatter and screaming animals and screaming people. Tabrika couldn't even sort it all out, she just yowled with pain and confusion and backed her rump against the nearest wall in a blind, helpless daze as the herds stampeded away from her-- and out the castle gates, followed by what few of the herders still had their wits about them. Natural-formed Tabrika, unfortunately, was not one of them.

Oct. 6th, 2008


The Pack and the Hunt

Who: Tabrika, Svathe, and the pack
Where: The woods
When: Anesus 3, just before sunset

It was just as easy as Tabrika thought it would be to find the spot Svathe had intended her to meet him-- and the rest of his pack, whoever they were; she had some scents, from when they'd left their room and she'd dared to poke her head in, but that was it. There was the orchard, there were the trees, there was the marshy ground, and there was the rock, and there were lots of Svathe-smells around it.


Won't You Be My Neighbor?

Who: Svathe and Tabrika
When: Anesus 3, 6:30 AM
Where: Basement, Block 24-2 and block 21-1

Half past midnight and always something new. Svathe was not too concerned. He had gathered a pack for a reason, after all. When the windows opened up, it was Veret who noticed first, being the one awake to watch over the den that had been made out of Svathe's room. The natural-formed Lykos had watched with uncanny hazel eyes as the bricks shied away, revealing the dim torch-light of the hall on one side, and two darker rooms aft and to his right. The Rapemi-born Lykos did little but sigh amusement, but said not a word. He would watch the holes in the den and guard against possible attacks... but he would allow Svathe to find out for himself that the new challenge was a far-reaching one like this. Let the pack-leader know that he had the initiative and the trust to guard without specific order... the older male had been acting more paranoid than usual; Veret figured that there was something he could do to make it up. It was making the rest of the pack edgy, not that he had the place to tell Svathe as much!


Panicked Little Lykos

Who: Tabrika and Kierban
Where: The Main Hall
When: Anesus 2, just after the meeting

By the time the meeting was over, Tabrika had managed to wedge herself into the corner as tightly as he could, eyes wide open and hands pressed over her ears. The only reason she hadn't wound up bolting was some mix of the certainty that if she did, she'd be ridiculed and dumped to the bottom of the compound hierarchy, and the plain fact that she'd have to get through that horrible, noisy crowd to do it. And with how hard it was to see, she'd make a commotion doing it.


A Long Awaited Party ( ... only not really)

Who: Tayne and OPEN TO ALL
Where: Anesus 2, The main hall
When: Shortly after sunset

Though Tayne had been early, other people had been earlier still. There had been a small variety of people already in the great hall-- including a few "repeats"; he recognized poor Kierban, shooting him a little wave, though he didn't expect to get one back, and the sight of Remy already waiting made him want to groan, though he didn't. That Vrykola had made trouble for Torehl the whole year previous, and he had a feeling the spoiled brat was going to cause him no end of trouble, as well.


Olive Branches

Who: Jacta and Tabrika
When: Anesus 1, early evening to later evening
Where: Around the castle, indoors

The day spent exploring with Cathryn had opened Jacta's eyes a little, and she thought that she was beginning to understand how the compound worked. At least... how the compound worked in between those ominous challenges that Harlan had mentioned. There were orchards and tillable land, there were forested areas farther out and she was pretty certain that the river that she'd had to ford to get to the compound gates last night (a thousand years ago) ran through the compounds lands somewhere further East than she'd had a chance to explore today.

Sep. 23rd, 2008


Trees and Lykos and Stuff

Who: Tabrika and Raven
When: Anesus 1, Midday
Where: The orchard

After picking out a room, Tabrika had wound up spending the rest of the night sleeping, curled up in a stupid, heavy, tired, human-formed ball. And most of the morning, too. It had been a rotten night, and all she could look forward to were more rotten nights. And more rotten days. Now that she had a private little room, it was easier to just sleep through them.

Sep. 22nd, 2008


Beginnings are Beginnings, One Way or Another...

Who: Jacta and Tabrika
When: Anesus 1, shortly after midnight
Where: The gates to the compound

The full face of Anesiel cast a turquoise light upon the proceedings just outside the Compound gate as if to further emphasize the unnatural circumstances below; humans, Lykos and Vrykolas gathered together in wait for half past midnight. For the gate to open, for most of them to put their lives on hold for six years.


A Bad Beginning

Who: Tabrika and Desdemona
When: Anesus 1, shortly after midnight
Where: The gates to the compound

Half an hour more. That's all there was until Tabrika's freedom was gone for six whole years. She crouched, no longer in animal form, but in human form, since they'd be stuck in it for the rest of the night and everyone wanted to be in the form that worked best to communicate with people. That meant she'd had to get dressed, too, as some of those humans had been eying her darkly when she'd worn nothing but her skin and mane.