Oct. 6th, 2008


Lost in the Storm

Who: Rémy and Tayne
When: Anesus 5, late afternoon
Where: the main hall, lurking in the shadows

Rémy was in a much better humor than he'd been in the day before, actually even more so due to the dark, lowering skies and the thunderstorm that had been raging outside since the wee hours of the morning. He loved days when he could walk around above basement level as soon as he woke up and not have to wait for sunset.



Who: Rémy and Elanna
When: Anesus 4, 4:00 AM
Where: the Oratory

To say that Rémy was unhappy at this moment in time would be a gigantic understatement.

He'd gone out at about midnight, wanting to supplement his last feed with animal blood of some sort, even though he knew what the consequences for him would be. He could usually find an amenable human, but thus far that night, those he traded with or who willingly fed him were otherwise occupied, and he'd lost patience with searching the castle. Also, he'd felt like being outside for a while even though the air was cool and damp with impending rain.


Vrykola Neighbors

Who: Churat and Remy
Where: Their rooms
When: Anesus 3, Twelve-thirty in the morning

Really, Churat wasn't one to wait up and hover around the main hall for the challenges in the middle of the night. The night was when he was most active, when he had places to go, things to do-- people to hide from. Right then, he was in his room, working on some mending he would be on duty for once chores picked up again. Probably that would be the day after tomorrow, but he needed something to do, and it was starting to pile up.


Tread Ye Softly

Who: Jacta and Remy
When: Anesus 2, Around Sundown
Where: Kitchens

Though the day had been an eventful one for Jacta Serosum just like the first of the month, things had become no less clear; the notices that littered the compound (by magical means or otherwise? Was there a mole amongst them?) only served to tantalize the human to events yet to come. One 'Tayne Peregrine', she had learned, would be revealing the days to come to them. Chore lists, rules, useful information... Jacta couldn't help but wonder why it hadn't been given out on the first instead of tonight. 'It figures, coming from a man,' she didn't voice, but couldn't help but think. With a name like Peregrine, she doubted that the leader was a lowbrow worker, which was a double-whammy against the as yet unmet man.


Passing Time

Who: Desdemona and Rémy
When: Anesus 2, 5:30 AM
Where: The Main Hall

When the fliers went up at half past midnight, Desdemona wasn't sure what to make of them. First there was an overwhelming sense of relief that something would be explained to them, then there was the anticipation that followed. She had over twelve hours to wait and speculate, her mind too busy to concentrate on the book she'd acquired. 'Common practices', they'd said. 'Rules'. What if they required that the Vrykolas feed on animals? Would she be reduced to chasing rabbits through the woods on foot? Such thoughts turned her stomach, already nervous from the number of pounding hearts around her. One more day. She was sure she could at least make it till the third. By then she'd have to come up with some kind of solution. Maybe one of the common practices would be this whole 'asking' thing she'd been hearing about. At least, in that case, the blood was Human. Or Lykos. Desdemona still wasn't sure what she thought of that. It left a bitter taste on her tongue, just thinking about it.