Oct. 6th, 2008


It's a Long Way Up and Down

Who: Desdemona and Kai
When: Anesus 4, 12:45 AM
Where: First Floor Stairwell

When the holes remained all over the walls, Desdemona assumed that the test remained, not that another had appeared. She'd been sitting in the Main Hall with a few other of her kind, then breathed a small sigh of relief when nothing seemed to change. Having risen from her chair, she started back to her room, thinking she might change into something a bit more comfortable before heading out for the night. Her mind wandered, wondering what she might chase, or if she would just play in the darkness alone. It was a silly thing to dedicate her thoughts to, and she felt even more foolish when she tripped, thinking she should watch where she was going right before she understood the situation in full.


A Little Light

Who: Desdemona and Jacta
When: Anesus 3, 8:30 PM
Where: The Sitting Room

With little windows all over the castle, Desdemona wanted to spend as little time in her room as possible. As soon as the sun was down, she was gone. It felt like her privacy had been invaded and taking up in a public room gave the illusion that everything was okay. It had been practically impossible to sleep when anyone passing by had a window into her room. People she didn't know. They could just look in and... And it was better not to think about it right now. It would make her uncomfortable all over again.


Awkward Inquiry

Who: Tayne and Desdemona
Where: 2nd Floor, Block 2, Room 3
When: 9:00 PM

The meeting had left Desdemona feeling neither better nor worse. For all it's hype, there were no grand answers, and she'd found herself silent, unable to ask questions. Without knowledge of what lay ahead, she wasn't even sure which direction to ask. Even if she had, their designated leader seemed unable to foretell the future, so what good would it actually do? Paziter had asked the question she'd never have voiced to that big a crowd, and even if the answer wasn't entirely satisfactory, she'd heard all she needed to know for the time being.


Passing Time

Who: Desdemona and Rémy
When: Anesus 2, 5:30 AM
Where: The Main Hall

When the fliers went up at half past midnight, Desdemona wasn't sure what to make of them. First there was an overwhelming sense of relief that something would be explained to them, then there was the anticipation that followed. She had over twelve hours to wait and speculate, her mind too busy to concentrate on the book she'd acquired. 'Common practices', they'd said. 'Rules'. What if they required that the Vrykolas feed on animals? Would she be reduced to chasing rabbits through the woods on foot? Such thoughts turned her stomach, already nervous from the number of pounding hearts around her. One more day. She was sure she could at least make it till the third. By then she'd have to come up with some kind of solution. Maybe one of the common practices would be this whole 'asking' thing she'd been hearing about. At least, in that case, the blood was Human. Or Lykos. Desdemona still wasn't sure what she thought of that. It left a bitter taste on her tongue, just thinking about it.


The Art of Mingling

Who: Paziter and Desdemona, then Elanna
When: Anesus 1, 9pm
Where: Lounge

After his first encounter with one of the compounds host of residents, Paziter's gleaming enthusiasm for socialization had all but guttered out. The Vrykola was feeling down-trodden. His feelings and what little ego he possessed were hurt and it hadn't even been a full night, yet. He'd spent the rest of the evening confined to solitary quarters, moving his belongings around until he had enough space to get between the door and his bed, with a make-shift bench set over one of his trunks, a complicated looking contraption of glass and metal balanced atop that, and a locked box of tools nearby. Candles had been placed over ceramic tiles, glued to their spots with dabs of wax (though now most of them were melted down, having seen use right through dawn and into the day.)


Windows & Books

Who: Desdemona and Alarie
When: Anesus 1, 7:00PM
Where: 2nd Floor, Sitting Room

The day passed quickly, as it usually did for someone who slept through the daylight. Desdemona had been exhausted from her journey, and if that wasn't enough, there was the emotional baggage that came with being locked inside a compound for six years. She woke slowly, not particularly eager to explore her new home, but eventually deciding she didn't want to stay locked in her room. After pulling on a crimson silk gown and fixing her hair, Desdemona departed from her room, locking the door behind her.

Sep. 23rd, 2008


Stake Your Claim

Who: Churat and Desdemona
When: Anesus 1, After 1AM
Where: The basement

As soon as the clock had struck for half past the hour, Churat had been among those who'd shuffled back off to their rooms, or at least away from the main hall and the courtyard. There were going to be a lot of people in both places shortly, new people who didn't know him and his, er, oddities. He wasn't cruel enough-- or brave enough, for that matter, as one of the shadows had openly mocked-- to inflict himself on them just yet.

Sep. 22nd, 2008


A Bad Beginning

Who: Tabrika and Desdemona
When: Anesus 1, shortly after midnight
Where: The gates to the compound

Half an hour more. That's all there was until Tabrika's freedom was gone for six whole years. She crouched, no longer in animal form, but in human form, since they'd be stuck in it for the rest of the night and everyone wanted to be in the form that worked best to communicate with people. That meant she'd had to get dressed, too, as some of those humans had been eying her darkly when she'd worn nothing but her skin and mane.