Oct. 6th, 2008


Renovation Reservations

Who: Jo, Paziter (And Harlan?)
When: Anesus 4, 12:30AM
Where: The Staircase



Not the Best of Times

Who: Joy and Paziter
When: Anesus 3, 8:00 PM
Where: Main Hall

Paziter was in a righteously cranky mood, by all the gods and their consorts. He had gotten to sleep late due to Harlan's dawn-time visit (not a problem in itself. Harlan was nice. Harlan was fun. Most importantly, Harlan understood how to act like a half-decent Vrykolas-being.) The trouble had come after the human had left.

Oh, and had it come in spades.

Needless to say, Paziter had slept very poorly, and held Lykos-kind to even lower standards than he'd felt when he stumbled into Raven the first time around. That tramp, she had run Paziter to within an inch of his temper, which had -- until this point -- come in yards and miles. One of these nights that bloody unfortunate Zalaron was going to get just what she was asking for...

But it was not going to be tonight.


It's Not So Great To Stay Up Late

Who: Paziter and Raven
When: Anesus 3, 9:00 AM
Where: Basement, Block 23-2 and Block 20-4

After nearly two hours of working on Harlan's inventions, Paziter was ready to call it a day. He was exhausted, both physically and mentally, so while he was raring to continue the problem of the automatic tooth-cleaner, he was also barely able to keep his eyes open.

He had had to shoo Harlan away in order to sleep. Now, head hitting his pillow, he gave a sigh of relief that his coat was blocking out the hall and that his neighbors were quiet (or absent, as the case might be). He would do very well for a few extra winks. For all that Harlan's blood had sustained him for a night and a bit, he didn't want to wear himself out too quickly. Even if Alarie had offered herself up for another meal, Paziter would prefer to save his strength!


Tinker Time

Who: Harlan and Paziter
When: Anesus 3, Just after dawn
Where: Paziter's Room (Basement, Block 23, Room 2)

After Alarie had mentioned that Harlan might (just might!) be lurking around in the basement, Paziter couldn't wait to get to his room, himself. He wanted to double-check all of his belongings, root around in his chests (he hadn't adjusted the belongings so that all of his materials and the tools to mold them into useful things were in just one), change where applicable, and then proceed to set up his make-shift shop.


Begging Your Pardon

Who: Paziter and Tayne
When: Anesus 2, shortly after the meeting
Where: Main Hall

Gods, it had been an awkward meeting, and not just for Tayne. After risking himself on such a faux pas, Paziter had sat silently on the bench, aware that the occasional person was darting him a look. Calculating, curious, or maybe even sinister? He wasn't sure, but he had decided then and there that he really ought to learn to refine his grasp on shadow walking... if he'd known how to sink into the shadow under the table, he probably would have simply disappeared for a few hours. What a way to start a night.


Supporting the Vrykola

Who: Alarie and Paziter
Where: Anesus 2, Main Hall
When: After the meeting (and Paziter's conversation with Tayne)

Alarie couldn't help herself. She waited for the blonde Vrykola to finish speaking to Tayne before she bounced after him, determined to ask a few questions before he disappeared. He seemed a bit hesitant during the meeting, nervous sort of quiet and given he asked about a list of people to feed from... or support, as he'd called it - well, that tipped her off and had her thinking of Harlan all over again. Which was why she stuck around after the meeting, keeping her eyes glued to the guy and waiting for a chance to corner him.


A Long Awaited Party ( ... only not really)

Who: Tayne and OPEN TO ALL
Where: Anesus 2, The main hall
When: Shortly after sunset

Though Tayne had been early, other people had been earlier still. There had been a small variety of people already in the great hall-- including a few "repeats"; he recognized poor Kierban, shooting him a little wave, though he didn't expect to get one back, and the sight of Remy already waiting made him want to groan, though he didn't. That Vrykola had made trouble for Torehl the whole year previous, and he had a feeling the spoiled brat was going to cause him no end of trouble, as well.


Just a Bite? A Little Bite?

Who: Harlan and Paziter
When: Anesus 2, 12:30am
Where: Main Hall

While Elanna's presence had been fortifying earlier in the night, Paziter had apologetically unhooked himself from her and set himself to wandering alone, intent on the only kind of hunt that he knew how to negotiate. His stomach was all but rumbling; it had been getting towards three days since last he'd fed and he really wanted to set some kind of connections up before he had to resort to something completely ingratiating, like begging. Or worse (and he prayed to Rapemi to leave him be) succumbing to blood-lust over an accident in the kitchen. That had only happened to him once before, as a child, and he had been on chicken's blood for a month. It had been a foul month.


The Art of Mingling

Who: Paziter and Desdemona, then Elanna
When: Anesus 1, 9pm
Where: Lounge

After his first encounter with one of the compounds host of residents, Paziter's gleaming enthusiasm for socialization had all but guttered out. The Vrykola was feeling down-trodden. His feelings and what little ego he possessed were hurt and it hadn't even been a full night, yet. He'd spent the rest of the evening confined to solitary quarters, moving his belongings around until he had enough space to get between the door and his bed, with a make-shift bench set over one of his trunks, a complicated looking contraption of glass and metal balanced atop that, and a locked box of tools nearby. Candles had been placed over ceramic tiles, glued to their spots with dabs of wax (though now most of them were melted down, having seen use right through dawn and into the day.)

Sep. 23rd, 2008


Night Sky

Who: Raven and Paziter
When: Anesus 1, 2am
Where: The Courtyard

Raven was in no mood to sleep. She'd always been a bit nocturnal and all the night's activity only made it worse. While the others had gone about finding their rooms or uniting with family, she'd taken the time to explore the grounds outside the castle. The full moon pulled at her, encouraging restlessness, even if the moon was not her own. It made her wander, urging her towards curiosity that only seemed natural in a new setting. Rather than poke into people's rooms at the late hour, she acquainted herself with the land. There seemed to be decent hunting in the area, but she wasn't hungry enough to track down a catch; it just seemed good to be aware of her surroundings. She'd circled the castle walls, noting the windows and the single entrance and exit, and eventually made her way into the courtyard, pleased to see there was an outside area protected within.

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