Oct. 6th, 2008


Everything back to normal?

Who: Davie, Harlan, and Elanna
When: Anesus 5, 12:30 am
Where: Starting in his room, but out and about

Once Davie had managed to get himself upstairs and to a decent meal, he decided the best thing to do with the rest of the day would be to sit in his room and hope the stairs returned to their place before the next day. He could live on one meal a day, and for now that's what he thought was easiest, but if he had to figure out new kinds of devices every time he had to get between his room and the kitchen, he was going to go nuts. As for the time he spent sitting in his room, it was mostly dedicated to flipping through the magic book he had borrowed from Cathryn and making small attempts at practice. He had told himself that he would stay awake until half past midnight so he would know what had happened, but around eleven or so, he was starting to change his mind. He hadn't gotten a decent night's sleep yet in this place, and that meant he was tired. He collapsed into bed at about half past eleven, deciding that the things that had happened so far hadn't been especially urgent, and whatever else was going to disappear tonight, he would find out in the morning.



Who: Rémy and Elanna
When: Anesus 4, 4:00 AM
Where: the Oratory

To say that Rémy was unhappy at this moment in time would be a gigantic understatement.

He'd gone out at about midnight, wanting to supplement his last feed with animal blood of some sort, even though he knew what the consequences for him would be. He could usually find an amenable human, but thus far that night, those he traded with or who willingly fed him were otherwise occupied, and he'd lost patience with searching the castle. Also, he'd felt like being outside for a while even though the air was cool and damp with impending rain.


A Long Awaited Party ( ... only not really)

Who: Tayne and OPEN TO ALL
Where: Anesus 2, The main hall
When: Shortly after sunset

Though Tayne had been early, other people had been earlier still. There had been a small variety of people already in the great hall-- including a few "repeats"; he recognized poor Kierban, shooting him a little wave, though he didn't expect to get one back, and the sight of Remy already waiting made him want to groan, though he didn't. That Vrykola had made trouble for Torehl the whole year previous, and he had a feeling the spoiled brat was going to cause him no end of trouble, as well.


Minor Implosions

Who: Harlan and Elanna
Where: The basement hall
When: Anesus 2, Late Afternoon

After food, drink, and a very long, deep sleep, Harlan felt as recovered as he ever did after feeding a Vrykola, and better, he felt he'd made a new friend-- or at least ally and possible mine for technological information. Paziter seemed a good boy, Vrykola or not, and someone who probably needed friends.


The Art of Mingling

Who: Paziter and Desdemona, then Elanna
When: Anesus 1, 9pm
Where: Lounge

After his first encounter with one of the compounds host of residents, Paziter's gleaming enthusiasm for socialization had all but guttered out. The Vrykola was feeling down-trodden. His feelings and what little ego he possessed were hurt and it hadn't even been a full night, yet. He'd spent the rest of the evening confined to solitary quarters, moving his belongings around until he had enough space to get between the door and his bed, with a make-shift bench set over one of his trunks, a complicated looking contraption of glass and metal balanced atop that, and a locked box of tools nearby. Candles had been placed over ceramic tiles, glued to their spots with dabs of wax (though now most of them were melted down, having seen use right through dawn and into the day.)

Sep. 23rd, 2008


Meetings in the sitting room

Who: Elanna and Tayne
When: Anesus 1, early morning, just after dawn
Where: the second floor sitting room

Elanna walked down a second floor corridor of the castle, feeling pleasantly full from her recent hunt. In truth, she hadn't been planning on leaving her room at all once the new group had started to arrive. The hustle and bustle of all the new people moving in unnerved her. Much as she couldn't quite deal with being completely by herself, she certainly wasn't fond of large crowds, either. Besides, new faces meant new people who weren't used to being around her species, and while she had no real problem with Humans or Lykos, she would rather avoid the ones that would be likely to have a problem with her.