Oct. 6th, 2008


Everything back to normal?

Who: Davie, Harlan, and Elanna
When: Anesus 5, 12:30 am
Where: Starting in his room, but out and about

Once Davie had managed to get himself upstairs and to a decent meal, he decided the best thing to do with the rest of the day would be to sit in his room and hope the stairs returned to their place before the next day. He could live on one meal a day, and for now that's what he thought was easiest, but if he had to figure out new kinds of devices every time he had to get between his room and the kitchen, he was going to go nuts. As for the time he spent sitting in his room, it was mostly dedicated to flipping through the magic book he had borrowed from Cathryn and making small attempts at practice. He had told himself that he would stay awake until half past midnight so he would know what had happened, but around eleven or so, he was starting to change his mind. He hadn't gotten a decent night's sleep yet in this place, and that meant he was tired. He collapsed into bed at about half past eleven, deciding that the things that had happened so far hadn't been especially urgent, and whatever else was going to disappear tonight, he would find out in the morning.


Renovation Reservations

Who: Jo, Paziter (And Harlan?)
When: Anesus 4, 12:30AM
Where: The Staircase



Right Next Door

Who: Harlan and Jo
Where: Their rooms, and the window between them
When: Anesus 3, late morning

One of the many places Harlan hid his things was the closet, the large room full of clothes and linens and things for everyone in the compound to use if they had need. After visiting with Paziter, he needed to put his tinkerings away, and the closet seemed as good a place as any, and one place he didn't actually have any of his other more personal belongings. By the time he actually reached the second floor, after two flights of stairs and a couple long hallways, however, he was starting to think he'd never make it to the closet. A breather was definitely required, so that his heart might slow down and his head stop spinning.


Tinker Time

Who: Harlan and Paziter
When: Anesus 3, Just after dawn
Where: Paziter's Room (Basement, Block 23, Room 2)

After Alarie had mentioned that Harlan might (just might!) be lurking around in the basement, Paziter couldn't wait to get to his room, himself. He wanted to double-check all of his belongings, root around in his chests (he hadn't adjusted the belongings so that all of his materials and the tools to mold them into useful things were in just one), change where applicable, and then proceed to set up his make-shift shop.


You got into a fight with WHO??

Who: Harlan and Alarie
Where: Alarie's room, this time
When: Anesus 2, late evening

It had been a long day, though in the end not necessarily a bad one. Harlan had pled exhaustion and escaped back upstairs to sit down a while, while Arie signed up for her chores for the year, and had settled on his bed with his latest book on magic until she was finished. He kept his ears sharp for the sound of her door on the wall beside his while he read the book over again-- he'd finished it the first day he'd had it, and now was rereading it for the third time, more slowly-- a trick he'd picked up not long after his arrival at the compound. It was safer to be careful, especially when you knew you weren't the most popular of people.


Minor Implosions

Who: Harlan and Elanna
Where: The basement hall
When: Anesus 2, Late Afternoon

After food, drink, and a very long, deep sleep, Harlan felt as recovered as he ever did after feeding a Vrykola, and better, he felt he'd made a new friend-- or at least ally and possible mine for technological information. Paziter seemed a good boy, Vrykola or not, and someone who probably needed friends.


Sisterly Concern

Who: Harlan and Alarie
Where: Harlan's room
When: Anesus 2, Late morning

It was late when Harlan finally dragged himself out of bed. Far later than the morning before-- far later than usual. He'd been up late first for the test-- which had been nothing, mostly for Tayne, Gochin, and the first years, and not even happening until that evening-- then with Paziter, and even with the food and drink the grateful, helpful Vrykola had brought him, the best cure for feeding a Vrykola was sleep, which he'd taken in plenty. He'd need more food and drink to dispel the headache he'd woken up with, but otherwise he felt surprisingly good when he first opened his eyes.


Just a Bite? A Little Bite?

Who: Harlan and Paziter
When: Anesus 2, 12:30am
Where: Main Hall

While Elanna's presence had been fortifying earlier in the night, Paziter had apologetically unhooked himself from her and set himself to wandering alone, intent on the only kind of hunt that he knew how to negotiate. His stomach was all but rumbling; it had been getting towards three days since last he'd fed and he really wanted to set some kind of connections up before he had to resort to something completely ingratiating, like begging. Or worse (and he prayed to Rapemi to leave him be) succumbing to blood-lust over an accident in the kitchen. That had only happened to him once before, as a child, and he had been on chicken's blood for a month. It had been a foul month.

Sep. 23rd, 2008


Good Morning!

Who: Cathryn, Jacta, and Harlan
When: Anesus 1, from 6 AM until ??
Where: To start, the kitchens of the Compound.

Cathryn had found herself wide awake and clear eyed at 6 on the dot, despite having gone to bed less than five hours before. Longstanding habits were having a hard time breaking, and she'd not been up late enough consecutively to change her circadian rhythms yet. The sun rose, and so would Cathryn.

The halls seemed mostly quiet as she walked toward the stairs, and then up them. From somewhere, probably outside, she heard birds chirping. The relative normality of birds making themselves a nuisance put a spring in Cathryn's step, and helped guide her mind towards things like eggs and bacon. Whether or not these were actually in stock Cathryn figured she'd found out once she'd scavenged the kitchen. Granted, as she entered the (to her) vast hall of the kitchen, a search might be time consuming, but the rewards would be well worth the time spent becoming familiar with the placement of necessities and niceties around the kitchen.


Finding Family

Who: Harlan and Alarie
When: Anesus 1, shortly after 1AM
Where The courtyard, then inside

No matter how much Harlan wished he could be inside, there was no way he was going. The newly arrived adolescents were flooding into the castle courtyard, and all he wanted was to find his sister. Not greet the other new human-folk, not count how many new Vrykola they had this year, not even crane his neck to see if any of the Anasiel tribe had made it as far as the gate before being chased off into the woods-- all he wanted was his sister. He tugged his cloak around him, shivering even though it wasn't that cold out tonight, and pushed his glasses up onto his forehead so he could see better, keeping his eyes open for a familiar face amidst the sea of unfamiliar ones, all with their light baggage and warm clothes.