May. 18th, 2008


Who: Claudia Thompson (Little Girls) and Christopher McMillan (Sugar Plum Tree)
Where: Outside the the Northwestern Baseball Team's Locker Rooms
When: May 16th, a few hours before the game

trying to bribe him with baked goods )

Mar. 9th, 2008


Who: Claudia and Joey Joseph
What: Sibling time!
When: Backdated to 3/4, after this.
Where: His dorm
Rating: pooossibly PG-13 for language
Status: Incomplete. Closed.

I am way too lazy for anything clever. )

Mar. 5th, 2008


Who: Matt Kane
What: voicemail to Claudia Thompson
When: Monday, March 3, 2008 - noonish (backdated)

voicemail left for Claudia )

Feb. 19th, 2008


birthday presents for Joey! )

Jan. 30th, 2008


gift delivered to Zephyr Way )

Jan. 16th, 2008


Who: Claudia and anyone who want to get some Andrew Fuller
What: Blowing off some steam
Where: some club in Chicago
When: after fighting with Caleb
Rating: PG-13? Maybe more?
Status: completely open to anyone

dating was stupid.. this was a much better use for her time )


another tabloid article - dated today

[ooc: please to be pretending it's a real photo and not a crappy manip by yours truly]

You would think recent events would make him a bit more cautious, but it appears Zephyr Way is up to his usual tricks. After a night of partying at one of New York City's hottest clubs, not to mention putting on quite a display on the dance floor, the Panic! at the Disco singer was seen leaving the club with two as yet unidentified women.

Let's hope this time he thought to use protection.

Jan. 15th, 2008


WHO Claudia Alisha (Little Girls), Zephyr Way (Town Mouse) & Frankie Ansboro (Mouse (AiW)) The more, the merrier..!
WHAT Zeph gets back into his usual habits
WHEN Saturday night
WHERE New York club
STATUS Completed // PG-13

I only want sympathy in the form of you crawling into bed with me )

Jan. 11th, 2008


Who: Caleb Zale (Whope) and Claudia Thompson (Little Girls)
What: Morning after the party
When: Thursday morning
Where: Caleb's bedroom
Rating: To play it safe... let's say R
Status: Incomplete||Closed

Time to make the donuts )

Jan. 5th, 2008


Who: Claudia Thompson and Matt Kane
What: she wants to cheer him up
Where: Matt's Dorm
When: Saturday - late morning/early afternoon
Rating: PG-13? IDK.
Status: Incomplete | Closed

witty cut text )

Jan. 2nd, 2008


Who: Claudia Thompson and Frankie Ansboro (Little Girls and The Mouse)
What: getting their whore on picking Frankie up at O'Hare
Where: Chicago O'Hare Aiport
When: around 3am Tues night/Wed morning
Rating: TBA, probably PG-13 for about two seconds
Status: Incomplete // Closed unless Matt wants to join the party, says Claudia

you say slut like it's a BAD thing... )

Dec. 22nd, 2007


Who: Claudia Thompson, Lainey Kane, open
What: Pigging out on Fuji's
Where: The Kane house
When: Saturday evening-ish
Rating: PG, I think?
Status: open to any of the south-georgia brats

fuji's isn't food.. it's crack )

September 2009




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