[info]emynn in [info]sshp_prophet

SS/HP Prophet for June 28 - July 4

World Cup 2015
banner by [info]sdkshelly

If we missed an entry, please comment on the latest newsletter and it will be added to the next edition.

One Shots
[x] amanitamuscaria: Midsummer Nights' Dream [G]
[x] starduchess: Reflections Upon a Fire [PG-13] - Harry/Severus/Draco

Works In Progress
[x] Thirteen Ravens: Corpus Encambio [M]

Drabbles And Ficlets
[x] alisanne: Rebellion [PG]
[x] alisanne: Time Will Tell [PG]
[x] lilyseyes: Dreams of Summer [PG]

[x] snape_potter: The Snarry Summer Challenge has begun
[x] snarry100: Has Issued Challenge #482 - Talent

This Newsletter
[x] Send your Snape/Harry news to sshp.prophet@gmail.com!
