May. 16th, 2009


"Dragonfly", [Discworld/Firefly], Theme #1: Crossover

Title: Dragonfly
Author: [info]roruna
Fandom: Discworld, Firefly
Characters: Vimes and the Watch mostly.

Warnings: Obscenely long fic. Just the prologue turned into 14 pages when I wasn't looking.
Theme: #1. Meta - Crossover
Rating: PG-13.
Summary: Sam Vimes, captain of the dragonfly class bulk transport ship, "The Watch" is just trying to get by in the 'Verse after the Unification War. He's got a crew made up of a fellow Browncoat (Carrot Ironfoundersson), two ex-coppers from his old police department in Ankh-Morpork, Dyton. (Nobby Nobbs and Detritus) and an engineer (Havelock Vetinari) who is very good friends with the Companion (Rosie Palm) renting Vimes' shuttle. Life in the 'Verse was complicated enough just making ends meet but when an old flame of Vimes' (Sybil Ramkin) turns up needing passage to Athens, Vimes is going to really miss the simple days when he just had to kiss Badger's arse for a job

Apr. 22nd, 2009


"Dragonfly", [Discworld/Firefly], Theme #1: Crossover

Title: Dragonfly
Author: [info]  [info]roruna
Fandom: Discworld, Firefly
Characters: Vimes and the Watch mostly.

Warnings: Obscenely long fic. Just the prologue turned into 14 pages when I wasn't looking.
Theme: #1. Meta - Crossover
Rating: I think that I'll rate this part R just to be on the safe side.
Summary: Sam Vimes, captain of the dragonfly class bulk transport ship, "The Watch" is just trying to get by in the 'Verse after the Unification War. He's got a crew made up of a fellow Browncoat (Carrot Ironfoundersson), two ex-coppers from his old police department in Ankh-Morpork, Dyton. (Nobby Nobbs and Detritus) and an engineer (Havelock Vetinari) who is very good friends with the Companion (Rosie Palm) renting Vimes' shuttle. Life in the 'Verse was complicated enough just making ends meet but when an old flame of Vimes' (Sybil Ramkin) turns up needing passage to Athens, Vimes is going to really miss the simple days when he just had to kiss Badger's arse for a job.

Apr. 9th, 2009


"Dragonfly", [Discworld/Firefly], Theme #1: Crossover

Title: Dragonfly
Author: [info]roruna
Fandom: Discworld, Firefly
Characters: Vimes and the Watch mostly.

Warnings: Obscenely long fic. Just the prologue turned into 14 pages when I wasn't looking.
Theme: #1. Meta - Crossover
Rating: Er... PG-13 so far, may deviate to M in later chapters.
Summary: Sam Vimes, captain of the dragonfly class bulk transport ship, "The Watch" is just trying to get by in the 'Verse after the Unification War. He's got a crew made up of a fellow Browncoat (Carrot Ironfoundersson), two ex-coppers from his old police department in Ankh-Morpork, Dyton. (Nobby Nobbs and Detritus) and an engineer (Havelock Vetinari) who is very good friends with the Companion (Rosie Palm) renting Vimes' shuttle. Life in the 'Verse was complicated enough just making ends meet but when an old flame of Vimes' (Sybil Ramkin) turns up needing passage to Athens, Vimes is going to really miss the simple days when he just had to kiss Badger's arse for a job.


Apr. 1st, 2009


"Dragonfly", [Discworld/Firefly], Theme #1: Crossover

Title: Dragonfly
Author: [info]roruna
Fandom: Discworld, Firefly
Characters: Vimes and the Watch mostly.

Warnings: Obscenely long fic. Just the prologue turned into 14 pages when I wasn't looking.
Theme: #1. Meta - Crossover
Rating: Er... PG-13 so far, may deviate to M in later chapters.
Summary: Sam Vimes, captain of the dragonfly class bulk transport ship, "The Watch" is just trying to get by in the 'Verse after the Unification War. He's got a crew made up of a fellow Browncoat (Carrot Ironfoundersson), two ex-coppers from his old police department in Ankh-Morpork, Dyton. (Nobby Nobbs and Detritus) and an engineer (Havelock Vetinari) who is very good friends with the Companion (Rosie Palm) renting Vimes' shuttle. Life in the 'Verse was complicated enough just making ends meet but when an old flame of Vimes' (Sybil Ramkin) turns up needing passage to Athens, Vimes is going to really miss the simple days when he just had to kiss Badger's arse for a job.


Mar. 30th, 2009


"Dragonfly", [Discworld/Firefly], Theme #1: Crossover

itle: Dragonfly

Fandom: Discworld, Firefly
Characters: Vimes and the Watch mostly.

Warnings: Obscenely long fic. Just the prologue turned into 14 pages when I wasn't looking.
Theme: #1. Meta - Crossover
Rating: Er... PG-13 so far, may deviate to M in later chapters.
Summary: Sam Vimes, captain of the dragonfly class bulk transport ship, "The Watch" is just trying to get by in the 'Verse after the Unification War. He's got a crew made up of a fellow Browncoat (Carrot Ironfoundersson), two ex-coppers from his old police department in Ankh-Morpork, Dyton. (Nobby Nobbs and Detritus) and an engineer (Havelock Vetinari) who is very good friends with the Companion (Rosie Palm) renting Vimes' shuttle. Life in the 'Verse was complicated enough just making ends meet but when an old flame of Vimes' (Sybil Ramkin) turns up needing passage to Athens, Vimes is going to really miss the simple days when he just had to kiss Badger's arse for a job.
Author's Notes: Ok, so now the prologue is out of the way and we're starting on... I guess Episode One which... I'm still not done with. I did say that it was going to be wicked long...





Mar. 18th, 2009


"Dragonfly", [Discworld/Firefly], Theme #1: Crossover

Title: Dragonfly
Author: </a></b></a>[info]roruna
Fandom: Discworld, Firefly
Characters: Vimes and the Watch mostly.

Warnings: Obscenely long fic. Just the prologue turned into 14 pages when I wasn't looking.
Theme: #1. Meta - Crossover
Rating: Er... PG-13 so far, may deviate to M in later chapters.
Summary: Sam Vimes, captain of the dragonfly class bulk transport ship, "The Watch" is just trying to get by in the 'Verse after the Unification War. He's got a crew made up of a fellow Browncoat (Carrot Ironfoundersson), two ex-coppers from his old police department in Ankh-Morpork, Dyton. (Nobby Nobbs and Detritus) and an engineer (Havelock Vetinari) who is very good friends with the Companion (Rosie Palm) renting Vimes' shuttle. Life in the 'Verse was complicated enough just making ends meet but when an old flame of Vimes' (Sybil Ramkin) turns up needing passage to Athens, Vimes is going to really miss the simple days when he just had to kiss Badger's arse for a job.
Author's Notes: Here's part two of the prologue so hopefully things will make sense now. I was kinda annoyed when the whole first part of the prologue was in italics. I hadn't met for that. Hope y'all like it.


"Dragonfly", [Discworld/Firefly], Theme #1: Crossover

Title: Dragonfly
Author: [info]roruna
Fandom: Discworld, Firefly
Characters: Vimes and the Watch mostly.

Warnings: Obscenely long fic. Just the prologue turned into 14 pages when I wasn't looking.
Theme: #1. Meta - Crossover
Rating: Er... PG-13 so far, may deviate to M in later chapters.
Summary: Sam Vimes, captain of the dragonfly class bulk transport ship, "The Watch" is just trying to get by in the 'Verse after the Unification War. He's got a crew made up of a fellow Browncoat (Carrot Ironfoundersson), two ex-coppers from his old police department in Ankh-Morpork, Dyton. (Nobby Nobbs and Detritus) and an engineer (Havelock Vetinari) who is very good friends with the Companion (Rosie Palm) renting Vimes' shuttle. Life in the 'Verse was complicated enough just making ends meet but when an old flame of Vimes' (Sybil Ramkin) turns up needing passage to Athens, Vimes is going to really miss the simple days when he just had to kiss Badger's arse for a job.
Author's Notes: How shall I put this? I took a bunch of characters from Discworld, tweaked their backgrounds so they'd fit into the 'Verse and gave them a ship. Mostly to see what would happen. There are mentions of the crew of Serenity and there's going to be a part (or two) when they're all together. I'm pretty sure that it makes sense in my head... Let's hope that the prologue is as helpful at setting the stage as I think it is. And I really, really hope you all like it. But I gotta say, it' s so much fun when Vimes cursing in Mandarin.

Jul. 27th, 2008


Baccano!, Pairing, "Pulse" Theme #1: Meta - Crossover

Title: Pulse
Author: [info]badpenny
Fandom: Baccano!, Ergo Proxy

Characters: Luck, Claire

Warnings: Character death and resurrection
Theme: #1. Meta - Crossover
Summary: Luck travels to some odd places while his body repairs itself each time he dies. This journey may be a warning of a possible future.

Pulse )

Jan. 3rd, 2008


"Rookie," FFXII, Judges, theme 01: crossover

Title: Rookie
Author: Laylah
Fandom:Final Fantasy XII (crossover with VII)
Pairing: no pairings; Drace, Gabranth, Bergan.
Rating: PG-13 for language ^^
Theme: crossover
Summary: When one of the Turks winds up in the hospital, the others show up to check on him.

Rookie )

Nov. 23rd, 2007


[Final Fantasy VII] "Synchronicity" 1/? - Rufus - Theme #1 Crossover

Title: Synchronicity 1/?
Author: MadamHydra
Fandom: FF7 x F.E.A.R.
Pairing: none
Rating: R
Warning: violence, cannibalism
Theme: Meta - #1 - Crossover

Claim: Rufus/Turks
Wordcount: ~7300

Summary: "It is the way of men to make monsters. And it is the nature of monsters to destroy their makers."

'Fine, then you'd better get the lube ready and brace yourself for the assf**k of the century, bitch. 'Cause it's coming. You can mark my words on that.' )

Oct. 14th, 2007


Ivalice Meta -- claim #1, crossover.

Title: Flood
Author: Mithrigil
Fandom: Ivalice -- This one 75% FFXII, 15% Vagrant Story, and 10% FFTactics -- crossed over with Battlestar Galactica '04.
Characters: Larsa, Basch, Zargabaath, and Leoben Conoy.
Rating: R for violence and dogma.
Spoilers: For the end of FFXII. Knowledge of VS, FFT, and BSG (up through season one, episode Flesh and Bone) not required but nonetheless highly amusing.

Mithrigil Galtirglin

“We found the ‘prophet’ at the shrine of Zalera in Tsenoble, as you predicted, your Excellency.” )


Sep. 24th, 2007


[Final Fantasy VIII] Quistis Trepe "A New Chapter" Theme #01 Crossover

Title: A New Chapter
Author/Artist: Tripsoverhercats
Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII
Character: Quistis
Rating: Gen
Warnings: Hmmm…. Endings of FFVIII and FFX
Theme: Meta #1 - Crossover
Notes: This is really a prologue that should lead into a larger fic, but I got to the end of the opening and realized… I don’t have a plot yet. *pokes the muses* And they’re not giving me one yet either. This should stand alright, sort of like a pilot episode.

A New Chapter )

Sep. 10th, 2007


[Prince of Tennis] "Unfortunate Attachments" Theme #1: Crossover

Title: Unfortunate Attachments
Author/Artist: [info]valonnia
Fandom: Prince of Tennis (fusion with Discworld)
Pairing: Atobe/Ryoma
Rating: PG-13 for non graphic sex
Word count: 2,200
Theme: Meta 1 Crossover
Summary: Seigaku regulars enroll in the Assassins' Guild
Author's notes: (From Wikipedia) Assassins' Guild is a fictional school for professional killers in Terry Pratchett's Discworld. It is located in Ankh-Morpork and is widely considered by the elite to be the best option for a rounded education anywhere. Sadly, there is no tennis. 22x100.

Unfortunate Attachments )

Aug. 26th, 2007


[Fullmetal Alchemist] "Costume Change" - Theme#1: Crossover

[Title:] Costume Change
[Artist:] [info]catystorm
[Fandom:] Fullmetal Alchemist + Rurouni Kenshin
[Pairing:] N/A
[Rating:] PG
[Warnings:] N/A
[Theme:] Meta - 01. Crossover

Costume Change )

January 2010




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