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Feb. 24th, 2010


Who: Melpomene and Thalia (aka, Mel and Joanna)
What: Theater Muse Time
Where: The Piera Theater
When: Sometime before Zeus disappearance
Warnings: None that I can think of. Cute? Fluff?

...another round of Tickle Tragedy. )

Summary: Mel and Thalia at their theater, being sisters and all. Nothing real exciting.

Jan. 17th, 2010


Who: Thalia and Polyhymnia aka Joanna and Shiri
What: Sister Reunion
Where: Shiri's House
When: Saturday Night
Warnings: Cuteness and speechless Thalia...

Besides, we have a guest room. We would not have one of those if guests were forbidden. )

Summary: Thalia goes to visit Polyhymnia, lots of muse-y cuteness follows as she gets the tour of the house. And there is food too!

Jan. 2nd, 2010


the return of Thalia.

Thalia loved her job working for Connor McNab and when in January 2009 he decided to pack up his play and wife to find a better place to work, she had gone with them. It was a hard decision because it meant leaving her beloved sisters behind, Mel's new baby, their theater and even though he didn't want anything to do with her, Apollo... all of them were in Miami and she had just gotten them back into her life. Comedy didn't cry often but she did the day she left her little place in Miami. Vowing that one day she would be back.

Her travels took her from one nice city to the other, London, Paris, Amsterdam and Athens. The MacNabs loved every single one of them. A lot of theaters were visited and all of them helped her to inspire Connor with his play. She missed her family but she was too busy to dwell on it for too long. A lot of her time was used reserving plane seats and hotel rooms, but also organizing talks with theater executives.

Connor did well, impressing a big shot from Australia with his writing. So one day in August 2009 they left Europe behind them and traveled to Sydney. Thalia did her job well, got the McNabs a house in no time flat while she kept inspiring Connor to write and she noticed that his confidence grew.

She got more and more homesick for her sisters, for Mel. Australia was a beautiful country but with Connor's newfound confidence she noticed that he needed her constant inspiration less. After long talks with her boss and his lovely wife she decided that she would go back to Miami after she found them an Australian PA, which she did.

2010 would be a great year, she just knew it. The year that Comedy would hit Florida again.

Feb. 28th, 2009


Who: Val, Jarrod, their wedding guests
What: Wedding Reception
Where: The Jube Hotel
When: Sunday, March 1
Warnings: None, so far?

Happy? )

Jan. 21st, 2009


Who: Hestia, Hades, the twins and all invited party guests
What: Party
Where: Hestia and Hades' house
When: BACKDATED to the 20th, around 4 PM
Warnings: None

Something was different today. Ed and Eric could almost sense it.

Or at least, it seemed that way to Hestia, the way their eyes and ears followed her as they sat on the kitchen floor on their blanket, toys to keep them happy while she put together the last treats for their first ever birthday party. While they seemed rather nonplussed about it, unaware of the special day, Hestia could barely contain herself. Her only sons had lived an entire year... had made it through a risky pregnancy and birth, and look at them now. She couldn't help but feel proud of it all, and yet, humbled. Humming happily, she put some cupcakes aside and continued work on the cake. Punch could wait.

Nov. 10th, 2008


Who: Ares, Melpomene, Thalia and baby Helen
What: Returning Helen to her parents.
Where: the Theatre
When: Early morning of November 1, after the killing of Brian
Warnings: None

She'd sent him not because he was nurturing, but because she knew he was protective, and would see that the kidnapper paid for what was done to him. )

Summary: After deposing of the kidnapper's body Ares returns little Helen to her mother.

Nov. 7th, 2008


Who: Carmen Summers and everybody else!
What: Aphrodesia Grand Opening (finally)
Where: Aphrodesia
When: November 7th - 9:00pm-whenever
Warnings: Lingerie + bartending by D = trouble

Aphrodesia was officially opening it's doors, not that they hadn't been unlocked from time to time. The general public had shied away from the store, but they had all stopped to ogle the storefront, and now, after weeks of advertising and some hard work by the goddess in charge, the shop was having it's grand opening.

Naturally, an opening at night was cause for celebration. There was a bouncer stationed at the door, letting those who were of drinking age in, while anyone under were turned away (with gift certificates).

Inside, the shop was well lit, natural light pooling over the two stages in either corner of the shop. Between them, the bartenders were stationed. The soft beat of music echoed from the speakers in every corner, inviting people to dance, though there was no established dance floor. Around the shop, lingerie of all colors clung to the marble white mannequins or were loosely hanging from golden racks. All the workers that Aphrodite, well, Carmen Summers, had hired were wearing their favorite piece of lingerie while sharing drinks, working the register, or modeling on stage. Aphrodite, on the other hand, had chosen to stand out in a flowing, pale yellow dress that matched her hair and made her skin shine. There was a dazzling smile on her face as she watched more and more people come into the shop and grab their drinks.

This was her party, and it was going to be great.

Oct. 30th, 2008


Halloween Party~

Who: Mel... and whoever else comes in!
What: Aoilos Halloween Party!
Where: Piera Theater
When: Halloween~ (after the kiddies go home)
Warnings: TBA ... and Doom.

Just before 11 and Melpomene was doing a final check around the theater for the second wave of the event. Podiums like columns were set up with the displays for the items to be auctioned -- three with sets of jewelry, the boat from Hades (a toy boat on top, picture behind), two entertainment baskets with movie tickets, gift cards and promises of shows at the Piera, three different masks that Mel had made herself with different items that went with each one (one had art supplies, another gardening, and a third things for children), a romance basket, and a few others ones that had been set up -- all were spaced about the upstairs with a bar, stands in front of them to take record of the amounts being offered in the silent auction. Downstairs, the stage was prepped for dancing, the edges of the stage guarded with streamers to prevent people from falling off, and the small envelopes containing prizes or coupons for prizes were hidden all through out the theater. Almost literally. Rugs, bathrooms, seats, lights, even auction podiums weren't safe from the things. Mel intended to casually stick them on people as they milled about as well as yet another way to finish off the thirty of so she held in her hands.

Somewhere in the mess of staff setting out food for refreshments or reorganizing the bars, maybe cleaning messes or setting up the prize table, Nick would be in his headless horseman costume with Helen in his arms. Hopefully Shadow would be close by as well. The backroom was set up as a place for the baby to sleep if she didn't do so in her parents arms, but who knew how quiet it would even be there?

Walking to the front of the theater, she smiled behind her tragedy mask, so much like the real one, and peered out at the people standing on the red carpet that had been set out. The gold banded watch on her wrist said five more minutes, but why wait? Grabbing a mic near the door, she announced into the theater as a whole. "Showtime."

There was a flurry as people rushed to places, and Mel nodded to herself. This would work. Turning around, she opened the doors, and let the guests in. Let the tricks and treats begin...

Oct. 11th, 2008


Who: Polyhymnia and Thalia
What: Kidnapping of the Ice Cream Variety
Where: University of Miami, and then an Ice Cream shop
When: Backdated. Sunday, Sept 28
Warnings: None

I would like to see you try. )

Summary: As promised, Thalia comes to kidnap Poly and force her to endure the terrible fate of eating ice cream sundaes. Thalia is a cruel, cruel muse sometimes.

Sep. 28th, 2008


Who: Thalia/Joanna and Aphrodite/Carmen
What: Thalia is going to check out Erato's work
Where: Aphrodesia
When: September 28th - afternoon
Warnings: None

What do you know about caterers in Miami? )

Summary: Thalia comes by the shop to see Val's work and offers to try and find Aphrodite a caterer. Free lingerie for another Muse!

Sep. 15th, 2008


Who: Thalia and Pan
What: Going to the movie
Where: Starts out at Mel and Thalia's Theatre and should end up at least at a cinema
When: Saturday the 13th of September at 7pm
Warnings: TBD - Status incomplete

It would be fun, what else could a evening with Pan be then fun? )

Summary: Pan and Thalia are going to the movie - Status incomplete

Aug. 23rd, 2008


Who: Melpomene and Thalia
What: Checking out their theatre
Where: The new theatre Hades gave them.
When: BACKDATED - August the 14th
Warnings: None

A double feature. A tragedy and a comedy )

Summary: Thalia and Mel enjoy looking around their theatre together. They named it and they started making plans for the future.

Aug. 13th, 2008


Who: Aphrodite and Thalia
What: Chance meeting
Where: the Mall
When: Backdated, Saturday afternoon, the 2nd of August
Warnings: None

What brought you to this palace of clutter and quirk? )

Summary: Thalia and Aphrodite meet, find out who the other is and have ice cream and a nice talk.

Jul. 31st, 2008


Who: Thalia and Calliope
What: House shopping
Where: Miami
When: August 1st
Warnings: None

and hoped her sister would drive so they would not get lost )

Summary: Thalia and Calliope really do need a bigger place. Thalia's studio is fun and homey but it is really much too small for two muses.

Jul. 20th, 2008


Closed Scene - Helen's Birth

Who: Mel, Thalia, Artemis, Nick
What: Baby!
Where: Nick and Mel's place, Theater
When: Today! The 20th
Warnings: Baby warnings of ichor and messes.

Part One, getting a theater  )

Here there be babies to be born. )

Jul. 6th, 2008


Who: The Muses
What: Mel's Baby Shower
Where: Erato's House
When: Some recent day
Warnings: None, besides general ongoing thread scene stuff. Posting order is a free for all.

No one could be upset when balloons were around. She dared them to try. )

Summary: Finally, the baby shower.

Jun. 8th, 2008


Who: Nick, Hades, and anyone who replied to this
What: Thread, feel free to post now if you replied to the link above
Where: Nick and Mel's house
When: BACKDATED to Friday evening, after the Nick solo
Warnings: Ichor and aaaaangst, maybe more to come!

Ichor! Kills those humans dead. )

May. 6th, 2008


Who: Temperance and Joanna
What: Moving in!
Where: Thalia's home
When: Today

here comes the sister! )

Apr. 20th, 2008


Who: Mel and Thalia
What: Shopping
When: (not time dependent)
Where: Near Thalia's work and studio
Warnings: none

Ok, we'll get ice cream next then. With sprinkles even. )

Summery: Thalia and Mel go out for ice cream but find the perfect gift for their favourite uncle too.

Apr. 13th, 2008


Who: Muses and all they have invited.
What: Muse picnic
Where: A cute little park near Thalia's studio
When: Sunday, 1pm
Warning: None

Thalia had packed enough food to feed a small army )

Summary: A picnic with a lot of sisterly fun.

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