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Sep. 21st, 2014


001 ⚓ Action/Video

[At first there’s just a video of boobs because she’s leaning over the journal and humming to herself thoughtfully. Because clearly that’s what we’re all interested in here, right. And then there’s a heavy sigh and Isabela’s face comes into view as she brushes back her hair]

Well. Well, well, in terms of waking up in strange places, this is hardly the strangest I’ve woken up to, believe me. In fact, one time, I woke up to a strange hat hanging from a banister, an incredibly chatty lust demon possessing a flower pot, and a heartbroken man who wanted nothing more than to tattoo my name on his very prominent backside. Now that was a party.

This? This is just quaint. Just too sweet for words. Such a shame, as I’ll take an underbelly over all this cheer any day of the week.

Now then, if you lovelies could point me in the nearest exit, that’d be fabulous. There’s a joke in there about “pulling out” but I’ll spare you that unless you ask very nicely. But you’ll understand if I want to save my better material for an audience I can actually see – preferably drinking down The Hanged Man’s swill.

And at the risk of using a joke that I’ve already used before: Captain Isabela, at your service. I require a nice stiff one … and a drink. [Heh.] It’s a classic, after all, so nothing wrong with a little rehashing. I do so like a good, old-fashioned do over. Leaves you all a’tingle if you do it right.

And if you’ve heard that before, don’t worry. Nothing wrong with getting to know me more than once. Twice is lovely. Three times? Then I really am a difficult person to forget.

I’ll be waiting for your reply.

[Barring that, anyone passing by the Welcome Center will see her hanging around looking utterly bored, so there's that to consider as well.]

Sep. 19th, 2014


001 ☯ Action/Video | open to all

[So it's a nice start to the weekend, and maybe you're looking for something to do. Fear not, because perhaps you get it in your mind to explore some of the islands. Should you find your way to the sports island, you'll find a lot of fun opportunities to have some fun: sports courts, fully-equipped gym, ice rink, a giant frickin' swimming pool...

Wanting to have some fun? Work-out? Scope out the hot eye candy working out? Harass the workers? Plenty of opportunity for all these things and more.

Korra, for her part, is one such worker who's in the process of collecting some stray basketballs rolling across the court. Eventually, she gets tired of trying to herd the things so she just sends out a massive airbending attack!!1 to get all the balls rolling in one direction... of course, then they just bounce off the walls, hitting it too hard, and start bouncing all over the place.]

... Geez. [Stop that.]

[She starts airbending again but the basketballs all have their own thoughts and keep bouncing around everywhere.

And then all of a sudden there's a giant polar bear dog bounding in through the front doors and across the court, trying to catch all of them at once. This isn't totally unlike her, though, so Korra what did you expect?]

Naga! Wait - ! [and that's when the video ends.]

[[ooc: this is open for a basic mingle, as well. Come over to the sports island and have fun!]]

Sep. 10th, 2014


video || open to everyone

[Did you have enough Syao for one day? Here, have more. For those who did know him, it might clear a few things up when Syaoran's journal records a video, showing him next to the other Syaoran in what is now their room.]

[The other Syaoran's blood has been cleaned off, and he's finally managed to sleep, so this Syaoran is watching over him, looking thoughtful as he sits next to the bed. He keeps glancing at him, making sure he's asleep, as though he's trying to guard his other self. And partially just to reassure himself that he's really there with him.]

Sep. 8th, 2014


[Video - Open to action]

[Daigo's face shows up on the video, although he looks more serious than usual. He stares at the journal as if he had trouble accepting it'll show his image and words to other people. Which is actually the case. In the end, he decides to give it a try and starts speaking.

It turns out he doesn't sound like Daigo either. He's way less bubbly and more firm.]

Good day, citizens of Miracle Country. In due fairness, I must clarify the situation. My name is Iwaizumi Moushinosuke. I used to be a samurai lord four hundred years ago, and for some mysterious reason, now I am inhabiting the body of a youth named Daigo Kiryu.

It is my wish to avoid any confusions, although I'm looking forward to know more people of the modern era.

Please, don't be shy!

[He laughs, somewhat obnoxiously, before closing down the journal.]

((Open to action at the Spirit Base or anywhere your character might meet with this guy. He's going to be all over familiarizing himself with Kiseki while he's here.
ETA because I forgot: The thread with Ucchii is backdated to early this morning.>))

Sep. 4th, 2014



[There is a large white horse chewing on Zero's hair affectionately. He tries to retrieve it from her, but gets headbutted instead. Sighing, he tries to ignore her attempts to nuzzle him while he speaks. Holding up a small note, while trying to maintain his balance against something several hundred pounds heavier than himself trying to knock him over, he questions everyone in Kiseki.]

Did anyone else wake up to a note today? [And suddenly the note is gone, snatched from his hand by the horse. Zero just stares at the empty fingers, dumbfounded. He really shouldn't be surprised by now. He instictively goes to rip it out of her mouth, coming away with about half of it.] Don't eat paper, Lily. I'll grab you something to eat in a minute.

It said that they had brought me something and it was waiting for me outside the hotel. As grateful as I am, I'm not quite sure what to do with her. I don't think I saw any stables around. I don't have any problems building some if we need to, but have no experience in that sort of thing.

[Which brings him to the second point in his message.]

Because of this, Hanahito might be opening a little later than usual. I'm looking for help if anyone is interested. It will be open for dinner tonight, if you want a job, stop by around four otherwise I'll open the restaurant at five.

[ooc: Come have dinner at Hanahito. This can be a mingle log if you want. Have a date, eat with your friends, get a job.

Canonly White Lily only likes Zero. She's technically one of the school horses but everyone steers clear of her and refers to her as 'The Demon Horse from Hell'. If your character is really good with horses and really wants to ride her, Zero has no issues sharing. It just might take time for her to warm up and you have to be pretty persistant.]

Aug. 30th, 2014


[Action || Open]

[Some might have noticed that, for the last few days, there had been one person missing from Kiseki. During the night, Yukine had been brought back to his world and it's actually been months since he's been in Kiseki for him. And he's quite different from before.

At first sight, though, the only visible difference would be his injuries. He's hurt and tired, and his head hurts from all the memories from Kiseki flowing back into his head. He's sitting by a tree in the park, trying to catch his breath back. Just a few moments ago, he was fighting with the Stray and now... He was back there again. And how come he had forgotten about it when he was back home...?]

Aug. 29th, 2014


006 ⚜ Action || open to all

[Today is Porthos' birthday and anyone who knows anything about the guy is going to know one thing: PARTY TIME]

[The entire day is devoted to drinking, carrying on, card games, drinking, unfortunate uses for melons and gunpowder, more drinking, singing and laughing, more drinking... And everyone's invited, at least unofficially since he's drunk off his ass enough to invite you over or more like drag you over for some celebrations, or maybe you're just a party-crasher.]

[Not feeling in the party mood? Well, that's okay, because there's the drink to motivate you. Or, perhaps, a little influence from Kiseki since the world's decided that you should be in the party mood, as all day today your character might suddenly be hit with a loss of their inhibitions (this mass replay is not mandatory), so all those things they usually hold back from? Poof, gone is the motivation to resist. So dive in and have fun. Make better life decisions than Porthos. Or not. Either way.]

[ooc: This log is open for any mingling needs, and the event is not mandatory - but attendance to the party is not necessary for it to take effect, either.]

Aug. 27th, 2014


[Accidental video | Open to everyone for action]

[Lilo was happily playing in Sakura Park with her dolls when she noticed something on her skirt. He picked it up and stared at it for a moment. Then, she poked her mouth.

A gasp followed.]

My tooth fell!

[She stood up and turned around, properly panicked.]

I'm loosing my teeth!

[She obviously needs some help here.]

Aug. 25th, 2014


all day || open to everyone

[Today, the sun is shining, the weather is perfectly nice and calm, and it's a perfect day to go outside and get active!

Are you jogging early in the morning? Swimming across the lake? Practising some swordfighting with your friends? Doing some magic training? Or maybe practicing elemental bending? If you'd been missing your daily practices, today you'll be sure to remember to get to them!

Or at least feel guilty if you skip them anyway and choose to be lazy instead.]

Aug. 17th, 2014


Video - Written

Wow! Those women are really nice! And their clothes are cute, too!

[Video on, a brightly smiling face greets Kiseki. All in a pinkish red getup, she looks surprisingly unconcerned as she speaks to everyone for the first time. It’s easier going with the flow, and panic doesn’t really do a lot of good. She walks forward, but something is clearly off. Its not her feet she’s walking on. It’s her hands. Body bent forward, she holds the journal steady and level with her face by her feet.

It only goes on for a second longer, before she switches to merely one hand and grabs her journal. Her feet land upon the ground, and she fluidly flips back up with natural, her arms lifting out as though she’s just finished a performance.]

So, what is this anyway? [Head tilting to the side in thought, her brows crease as she investigates her new gift.] Those friendly women said that I could see others using this cute journal. It sounds so neat! Can anyone else see me?

[Unafraid of an audience, she waves cheerfully. Hopefully she’s using it correctly. This whole ‘video’ thing is a mystery to her. How does something like this work, anyway? Tapping her cheek she continues on at a loss..]

This doesn’t look like anywhere within the Fire Nation. And even after having traveled around a lot, I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen architecture like this before. Not even in the Earth Kingdom. They said this place is called Kiseki. Is that a new colony?

[Ah well… there’s a number of questions, but more importantly she needs to get back in contact with her friends. The women she’d spoken to upon waking had made a couple of strange remarks about writing in her journal, and others being able to see it. It sounds weird… but why not! Things are pretty weird already. With a shrug she does just that.]

Azula? Mai? It’s me! You know… I don’t think is anywhere near Ember Island. Where did you girls go?

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