August 2017




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Sep. 23rd, 2014


crystal the first • video

People trapped in this world!

[a young female voice is booming authoritatively from your journal, residents of Kiseki. when you open it to look at the perpetrator, your eyes may be violently pink. a teenager with cotton candy pink hair, and styled in not dissimilar shapes.....]

[she looked fierce and determined at first, but her expression softens into one of cheer and encouragement]

The ladies here tell me that I'm not the only one stuck here, some of you for a very long time. I want to make you all a personal promise that I'll do everything I can to get us all out of here, together! [yeah so that AIR OF AUTHORITY is back, the girl snapping to attention] Even if this place is super cute, I won't be fooled by its facade! It's suspicious and cruel to steal people from their home worlds, no matter how adorable you appear!

[claps a hand to her chest, clear sign of some upcoming vow]

I swear, in the na-

[she freezes, mid-word, mouth comically hanging open for a brief second before she closes it, turning deeply red in embarrassment and smiling sheepishly.]

Um. In the...nature of goodwill and...altruism? [SWEATS NERVOUSLY] That I will, ah. I will do everything I can to. Add to your home going efforts! And um. [she giggles nervously, but that seems to be the last of her embarrassment and she smiles, confident and friendly]

My name is Chibiusa. I can't wait to meet you all!

[she waves energetically before the feed cuts]

Sep. 12th, 2014


video & action || open to everyone

[Have yet another video, this time showing the Charmings' room early in the morning. Even if you're not checking the journal, you might've heard some scandalized yelling coming from it.
The video shows them both standing on opposite ends of ther bedroom, Snow pacing and looking rather scandalized, holding their bed cover around herself, while David looks like a scared animal, apologetic and confused. Over their voices, baby Neal can be heard crying, half-drowning out the sound of them talking.]

[Snow's voice can't be completely drowned by her baby's shrieks, though;]

This is completely inappropriate! W-- what are you doing here?

[David attempts to cut in with a weak I said I don't know--, but Snow continues to talk over him]

And why are you-- !? [asldhga;] Alright, no, you said you were leaving and... and why is there a baby here?!

[[OOC: Personality switch event! With a bit of a twist. David and Snow are their cursed!Storybrooke selves, and have no memory of who they truly are or even being in Kiseki! Feel free to go meet them or try to keep Snow from hitting David with something.]]

Sep. 8th, 2014


[Video - Open to action]

[Daigo's face shows up on the video, although he looks more serious than usual. He stares at the journal as if he had trouble accepting it'll show his image and words to other people. Which is actually the case. In the end, he decides to give it a try and starts speaking.

It turns out he doesn't sound like Daigo either. He's way less bubbly and more firm.]

Good day, citizens of Miracle Country. In due fairness, I must clarify the situation. My name is Iwaizumi Moushinosuke. I used to be a samurai lord four hundred years ago, and for some mysterious reason, now I am inhabiting the body of a youth named Daigo Kiryu.

It is my wish to avoid any confusions, although I'm looking forward to know more people of the modern era.

Please, don't be shy!

[He laughs, somewhat obnoxiously, before closing down the journal.]

((Open to action at the Spirit Base or anywhere your character might meet with this guy. He's going to be all over familiarizing himself with Kiseki while he's here.
ETA because I forgot: The thread with Ucchii is backdated to early this morning.>))

Sep. 4th, 2014



[There is a large white horse chewing on Zero's hair affectionately. He tries to retrieve it from her, but gets headbutted instead. Sighing, he tries to ignore her attempts to nuzzle him while he speaks. Holding up a small note, while trying to maintain his balance against something several hundred pounds heavier than himself trying to knock him over, he questions everyone in Kiseki.]

Did anyone else wake up to a note today? [And suddenly the note is gone, snatched from his hand by the horse. Zero just stares at the empty fingers, dumbfounded. He really shouldn't be surprised by now. He instictively goes to rip it out of her mouth, coming away with about half of it.] Don't eat paper, Lily. I'll grab you something to eat in a minute.

It said that they had brought me something and it was waiting for me outside the hotel. As grateful as I am, I'm not quite sure what to do with her. I don't think I saw any stables around. I don't have any problems building some if we need to, but have no experience in that sort of thing.

[Which brings him to the second point in his message.]

Because of this, Hanahito might be opening a little later than usual. I'm looking for help if anyone is interested. It will be open for dinner tonight, if you want a job, stop by around four otherwise I'll open the restaurant at five.

[ooc: Come have dinner at Hanahito. This can be a mingle log if you want. Have a date, eat with your friends, get a job.

Canonly White Lily only likes Zero. She's technically one of the school horses but everyone steers clear of her and refers to her as 'The Demon Horse from Hell'. If your character is really good with horses and really wants to ride her, Zero has no issues sharing. It just might take time for her to warm up and you have to be pretty persistant.]

Aug. 17th, 2014


video & action || open to everyone

[Today, on one corner of the Sakura Park closest to the housing areas, there's a big booth set up. With a glittery sign saying Love Advice on the top, its bright and pink colors should be enough to clue in that this is Kiseki's idea, and if not, it should be evident once it can be seen that Aramis is chained to it by his foot.

He seems to have given up for the most part, sitting by it with a resigned look in his face. Of course, the chain cannot be broken or open, and the only way to get him out is by, indeed, receiving love advice from him.

In fact, even if you'd never dream of asking him for such a thing, or simply don't care, you might find yourself drawn to the booth and realize you're now stuck sitting by it, waiting to hear some advice, also unable to leave until you do.

Aramis would look more bored or irritated he got trapped, except he keeps glancing every now and then towards Porthos, who is hanging out nearby due to entirely different reasons. After they made a bet with each other which Porthos spectacularly lost, he's now looking a little different, and seems as happy about it as you'd imagine.]

[But of course, Aramis is nothing but a great friend, so soon there's a short video in which Aramis points the journal towards Porthos, waving cheerily at him from behind it.]

Come on, give everyone a smile!

Aug. 14th, 2014


all day || open to everyone

["Free". What does this word mean to you? Today, it's a day to embrace freedom - as much as you can while being trapped in a different world against your wishes, that is.

Is it doing what you love that makes you feel free? Reading a book, or watching your favorite film and being immersed into adventures in another land? Learning new skills that make you feel more useful and empowered? Being with your friends?

Kiseki will facilitate these things today. You might find just what you needed set out so you can practice that new skill or sport you wanted to. You may even find all volumes of Love Touch and fulfill your dreams!]

Aug. 11th, 2014


accidental video/action; dated to middle of the night

[ guess who's been persistently trying to keep to himself for like this past month? 100 points if you guess moody bitch souji okita. it's not like he's pushed himself too far (though he did run into trouble with the oni, but he was barely scathed), he shouldn't be having a relapse here of all places ]

Ugh -- [ the journal's showing nothing but the ceiling of his apartment room, but the pained, choked gasps coming from off screen imply that someone's close by. ] Ghk -- shit --

[ He reaches for his journal, belatedly realizing that it's somehow turned itself on overnight, and flips it shut, but not before descending into another coughing fit. ]


[ later, he's sitting outside the forest, staring up at the sky. he's also covered in blood, but hey, at least he's not coughing up his lungs anymore. there's no sign that he's been physically hurt (all that blood isn't his, after all) and the sword in his hand reflects the moonlight from time to time, throwing off a bright reflection. ]

Jul. 17th, 2014


005 ƸӜƷ Video - Action

So many...

[ Standing affront the pet shop, the recording starts without Yuuki's knowledge. But that's nothing new in Kiseki. Eyes bright, Yuuki leans forward, one hand resting against the glass, her other holding an umbrella up over head. Yet-- while Yuuki seems wide-eyed and excited, the more docile animals are pressed to the opposite side of their cages, others out right cowering.

The kittens and puppies in the window seem unsure at best, but are clearly nervous. For now, she seems oblivious to their reaction. Or that it's actually her they're attempting to hide from. ]

I wonder what would be the best fit?

[ Find her outside the window or causing a ruckus inside the actual shop! ]

Jul. 6th, 2014


006 ♔ Action | open to everyone

[With all the new arrivals lately, it seems that Miracle Country wants to help encourage some new jobs and positions in the community...

Which is why today, flyers are appearing under everyone's doors with advertisements for all of the many attractions in Miracle Country. Want a relaxing job? There's the onsen to consider. Want something more exciting? How about being a keeper at the zoo! Want something more sweet and fun? The amusement park needs ticket-takers. There are lots of ads available and today you might feel motivated to finally get out there and get yourself a paying job!

And for those who already have jobs, or go to the school, perhaps these advertisements don't mean much to you. But, fear not, because Miracle Country wants you to support your friends and family in their pursuits - and you might find some coupons tucked under your door: a free slice of cake at the Cherry Blossom Café, a free ride on the roller coaster at the amusement park, 50% off of a ticket into the museum, etc. The choices and opportunities are endless!

Signing up for a job today means you'll get a small starting bonus, too, so even more reason to get up and get out, find something you'd like to do! There are lots of places and opportunities to explore, either as an employee or as a customer.]

Jun. 30th, 2014


[It's time for candy! All around Kiseki, for the following three days, Welcome Center ladies will be offering samples of candy for people to give away. And everyone will receive a little pamphlet, explaining the idea behind this - when someone gives you a piece of candy, you should thank them through a kiss! Kisses on the cheek, hand, etc. are perfectly fine, of course.

But what if you're a grump who refuses to participate, or too shy for it, you happen to not trust Kisekians with anything, or simply don't care? Well, don't worry, because this tradition is just awfully tempting. Your character may find that they simply can't resist giving away candy to others, maybe even to their worst enemy! And sometimes they simply won't be able to stop themselves from thanking this gesture through the necessary kiss.]

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