August 2017




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Jun. 27th, 2014


[ video ]

[It begins in the park, in the shade of a tree to avoid the light of the sun. He has been to his room, to the library and school. He is angry with you, Kiseki.]

It is cruel to tease.

[Distracted eyes fall on the journal beside him, recording his every movement, his fingers reaching out to touch its cover and binding, concealing its magical pages. One of the many things he doesn't understand, wants to understand, but right now, he can't bring himself to care. There is a heavy disappointment settling on him and a passive expression that could mean any number of things.]

I would have liked to have slept a while longer still.

[For just a second, something wavers in his gaze and he smiles a ghost of a smile, bitterness and annoyance hidden beneath the empty gesture.]

... very cruel indeed.

[Waking, no matter how long, never ceases to remind him of that burning thirst. He finally takes it in his hand, and as he lifts it, so too does the pretense of pleasantness that he is so very good at.]

I hope things have been well, Kiseki. Has it been eventful?

Jun. 25th, 2014


001 ↩ Video

[Video | filtered from Madoka; hackable]
For some of you this will come as little surprise but to others, it needs to be said: If any of you are responsible for making Madoka cry or unhappy, you will pay for as much.

[Too many people lately have been too forward with her, or, worse, not as pleasant as they damn well should be.]

I won't presume to say you cannot befriend Madoka, if she so chooses to befriend you. But don't be so lenient and don't you dare upset her in any way - or you will answer to me. Madoka is kind, and will do much to befriend you all - but that doesn't give you the right to take advantage of that kindness.

So be sure you don't overstep. [And out of seemingly nowhere, she draws a gun from behind the little shield on her wrist, frowning at the journal she's spent all afternoon trying to properly figure out. Anyway, grumpy girl with a gun.]

You've been warned of as much. That's all.

Jun. 24th, 2014


[ action || open to everyone ]

[Rejoice, Kiseki residents, as today the massive flood finally comes to an end. Starting early in the morning, the water levels will slowly start to go down, faster and faster, the extra vegetation that had grown all over the place receding with it. Eventually, the usual Miracle Country will reappear, just the slightest signs of rust remaining for a while. The tree houses will gradually disappear in the following days, once its inhabitants go back to their usual lodgings.

Not all the water will disappear, however. Now, near the Sakura park, a small lake will show up, and connected to it, a narrow stream that will go all the way up to the ocean, widening as it approaches it and becoming large enough to allow people to swim in it or travel it by boat or other means.]

Jun. 23rd, 2014


[Video || Action || Open]

[Waking up in an unfamiliar place, without knowing how he had even gotten there, was something that he was sadly used to. Despite everything the ladies had told him, he was still quite confused. The difference this time was that he could clearly remember everything that happened before. He remembered Yato, Hiyori, everyone he had meet… He could remember walking the halls of Hiyori’s school and wanting more than anything to be just a normal person who could go to class, have friends and be normal, not a weapon or a God’s servant.

But now Yato wasn’t there. Did that mean that he was… free? Maybe this was a new chance, a real second chance. He just had to try, to see if people could see him…]

Hello? Is anybody there that can hear me? This place is really cool! It’s huge, and Yato is not here to boss me around, so that already makes this place great.

Though I really have to ask what is this journal for? Do I have to write in it, talk to it…? I hope it isn't some kind of thing this place forces you to do, I'm really tired of being told what I have to do and what I can't do. And what’s up with all the eggs with wings around? Are they supposed to fly or something? And is there always so... flooded here?

Now, I just wonder… can anybody see me?

[He sounds hopeful and excited, despite the strange environment. ]

Jun. 19th, 2014


[ action || open to everyone ]

[After the recent flood, things have somewhat settled down. Or, at least, the water has.

It seems as though it's been forever since the change, at least looks-wise; the old buildings now buried underwater have been corroded and invaded by corals and other marine life. If you dive deep in, you might even start finding treasure here and there - not just the old abandoned items in the hotels and shops, but things like weapons or even gold. Banks of fish are swimming around at ease, their number increasing more and more (and of course the areas where the forests are now submerged home much more dangerous sea creatures). And near the area where the beach was, a gentle, massive manatee-like creature will be found, ready to carry people around, be fed vegetables or simply be happy to play around in the water.

The vegetation is thriving, embracing the change, trees growing all around buried buildings, those which hold the tree houses seeming sturdier, their tops getting thicker and thicker leaves, almost camouflaging the houses from view, but at the same time making it easier to travel above the land, as branches from different trees connect to each other.

The rafts are still around for anyone's use, and during the night, fireflies will show up all over Kiseki to help illuminate the way of anyone still awake.]

Jun. 14th, 2014


[ action || open to everyone ]

This Saturday night, when it’s quiet enough and nothing around you is moving, as the night progresses and you look up at the sky, you see that the moon is, slowly, turning red and then fading from sight – an eclipse, blocking out the moon entirely.

Along with this eclipse, you might begin to hear the steady drip-drip-drip of moving water. Quiet at first, just a few drips and drops, like rainfall or a faucet that forgot to be turned off. And then the sound of water grows louder, and louder, and suddenly the ground feels a little wet. And steadily, as the night fades into morning, the water just keeps on rising, flooding everything. It starts ankle-deep but it slowly begins to rise, inch by inch. There’s no use going for higher ground, though, because the water just keeps on rising.

Soon, as the day progresses, everything is underwater. The buildings crumble down due to sudden erosion, and the entire island is covered. Plants, trees, grass, walkways, hotels… it’s all gone, beneath the water. There are parts, throughout the island, where the water is shallow enough to stand in, so don’t fear drowning. There are other parts, though, that are deep as can be – and if you peer down into the water deep enough, you can see the ruins of lost ships and lost cities, and if you peer even deeper, you’ll see the underwater caves, settled down beneath coral reefs and underwater vents.

There are pockets of dry land, only large enough to hold a few people at once – but fear not, for it is dry land. But don’t be surprised if it suddenly disappears beneath the water and resurfaces elsewhere throughout the day or night. But it isn’t your only means to get out of swimming: there will be rafts floating throughout the watery paradise, and when it comes to sleeping and eating – there are large trees growing high from the water, with tree-houses for your convenience.

Afraid of going under the water? Anyone who braves the deep dives will find that they can hold their breath for much longer than they thought. It might also seem like they’re basically breathing under water. But certainly it makes exploring all the things under the water much easier.

May. 24th, 2014


099 ❀ Action/Video

[It's just Himawari in the candy shop today - as it has been for the last few days now. She keeps waiting, and hoping, but... since both of their things have disappeared, it doesn't seem likely, does it?]

It was only a matter of time, wasn't it? [She sets out a sign outside the door, on a sandwich board, advertising 50% off chocolates today only - and goes back inside]

[She's organizing a shelf, but her movements lack a lot of luster, and even though she's smiling, she's undoubtedly sad. Tanpopo chirps sadly from her shoulder and she shakes her head]

Isn't it interesting, Tanpopo? That I could be here for so many years and yet... never get used to it. How many people have I had to say goodbye to, over the years...? [it seems that, no matter what happens, she's always saying "goodbye" without the proper chance to. How many friends has she lost along the way, too? Kohane, Yumi, Mong Ryong, Hideki, Rikuou, Fay, Shara... Eventually, anyone who gets to know her just disappears, never to return. She's not so presumptuous to assume it's her fault, but...]

[... she really has gotten used to Doumeki's aura keeping things relatively normal. Being without it now...]

I guess saying goodbye - or not getting a chance to - is something you never get used to. Maybe you shouldn't get used to it.

[She touches at the necklace around her neck - a little sunflower in a jar, given to her by Watanuki - and then fiddles with the ring on her finger, given to her by Doumeki.]

[...] [She wipes away one betraying tear]

... Happy Anniversary, Watanuki-kun. Shizuka-kun.

May. 20th, 2014


action ✥ open to everyone

[During the evening, everyone with a bit of magic in them will feel a loss, that something - someone - is missing. Watanuki has gone home, his shop now entirely left to Rumpel, except there are small packages laid out on the porch, in a neat row, each bearing a name on them. The names belong to those who have, at any point, approached Watanuki for a wish: Yuuki, Jamie... and of course, even though he has no way to pay the price of gifts now, Himawari and Doumeki.

But even if you don't go anywhere near the shop tonight, you will see black butterflies flying in the darkness, dissolving into nothing if you try to touch them.]

[[OOC: With Watanuki gone, feel free to make up a wish if you want your character to have received something! The mentioned packages contain more blood tablets for Yuuki, spider's web for Jamie, a glass necklace with a miniature sunflower inside it for Hima, and a bottle of sake and a plate of fried shrimp for Dou. Feel free to use this post for general mingling! ♥]]

May. 18th, 2014


002 | Action | Video

[Rose can be seen sitting by a bench at Sakura Park with the tree behind her. She's really just taking a minute or two to catch her breath as she's been doing a bit more exploring today. She's unaware of the small thought bubble looming above her head projecting a cafe and tea.]

Maybe some tea later would be nice.

[ooc: She's going through the thoughts bubble event, feel free to bug her. :D]

May. 9th, 2014


[ action || open to everyone ]

[Good morning, Kiseki! Perhaps you were starting your day off already, thinking of the morning ahead in school, at one of the stores you work at, training by yourself, or even just being lazy and finding ways to spend the time… Well, not today.

Shortly after waking up (and without even the chance to dress up! If your sleeping attire is not suitable, Kiseki shall provide pyjamas or bath robes), you’ll be drawn to the ever-so-versatile sakura park, where many tables with food are set out. All kinds of breakfast things are available, from pancakes to sausages, eggs, breads and pastries, to fruits and yogurts, many kinds of teas and coffee, hot chocolate, fruit juice, and anything you could possibly want. While some tables are set for eating at them, you might choose to hang out in the many Mokona-shaped beanbag chairs set around the ground on top of big picnic blankets.

It’s one big lazy morning off for everyone, so enjoy the treats and have fun.]

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