August 2017




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Mar. 14th, 2016


All day || Action || Open

[Lately it’s been a couple of days to get closer to each other, to get to know others, make friends. Whether it’s by sitting in a pool of soup together or cooking chocolate for Valentine’s Day, Kiseki loves to have its residents bonding with each other. And with White Day starting… well, it’s not like there had to be a reason to make something happen, but it’s always nicer when that’s the case, isn’t it?

So today, everyone will wake up with white strings around their fingers. They are long, long enough that following them might take some time. Each string represents a bond, a friendship, and to people that have a lot of friends they might soon notice that having so many strings is… quite bothersome, to say the least. They might get tangled or stuck on something and of course it’s not possible to just cut them and be done with it: they are a physical representation of a bond, after all. But luckily, the Usyagi have a solution to your problem! Soon they’ll appear everywhere with little signs, telling people that the strings will go away if they find the person it connects to and proves their friendship. So gifts, a hug, nice words, hanging out, anything is fair game.]

[Replay of the white string of fate event in honor of white day. Haha, get it? Either way, have a mingle!]

Mar. 12th, 2016


but what about the dragons | all day | open

[On this fine afternoon, the residents of the hotel will find a notice board right outside the hotel, and written in large block-letters, it reads the following:]

[Stiles has been hard at work -- there are many things he would love to learn about different places, especially everything he can use to add to the bestiary he has been compiling... and dragons seems like a good place to start.

So mark down your answer in the right column, read what others have already written down, maybe add in your own two cents about what you think of dragons or what their role is in your world, or just shake your head at this if you see no point to the whole thing. The word is, after all, free.]

( ooc: this is a mingle log so use it to your heart's content!! stiles will be hanging around and reading the responses every few hours, he has a top level HERE where you can approach him about this whole thing if you're so inclined. )

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