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May. 9th, 2014


[ action || open to everyone ]

[Good morning, Kiseki! Perhaps you were starting your day off already, thinking of the morning ahead in school, at one of the stores you work at, training by yourself, or even just being lazy and finding ways to spend the time… Well, not today.

Shortly after waking up (and without even the chance to dress up! If your sleeping attire is not suitable, Kiseki shall provide pyjamas or bath robes), you’ll be drawn to the ever-so-versatile sakura park, where many tables with food are set out. All kinds of breakfast things are available, from pancakes to sausages, eggs, breads and pastries, to fruits and yogurts, many kinds of teas and coffee, hot chocolate, fruit juice, and anything you could possibly want. While some tables are set for eating at them, you might choose to hang out in the many Mokona-shaped beanbag chairs set around the ground on top of big picnic blankets.

It’s one big lazy morning off for everyone, so enjoy the treats and have fun.]

May. 8th, 2014


[Her return has been mostly her trying to get herself settled in again, but now, Yuzuriha wants pick up where she started last.]

[Anyone passing by an ice cream shop in town by the name of "Sundaes at Kiseki" will find her standing outside of it in her new uniform with a tray full of sample in one hand and basket of sweets in another. Inuki is there, too, with his own little matching hat and floating around with some pamphlets in his mouth.]

Hello! Would you like to try a sample of our newest flavors today? We have Strawberry Shortcake on the right and Pink Lemondade to the left.


⚡ 008

[Utsusemimaru has come out of his suspended animation, but he doesn't seem to be fully out of it at first glance.

He's been trying to get to work for the better part of this morning, but he keeps sitting down on the side of the road, or draping himself over benches, or curling up in warm patches of grass for a nap. He started recording a video on his journal, but gave up before he said anything and can't be bothered to turn it off.

One would think he's being positively slothful.]

May. 7th, 2014



[ It's a nice day, so rather than stay inside the school after classes let out, Kobato's sitting in the center of the plaza, leaning on the edge of the fountain and using that to write on. She's got her journal open, a private entry (maybe... who can say with this place), and is talking aloud. ]

I wonder if I can still call it a bucket list. An after the bucket list bucket list...? What do you think, Usagi-san? [ A glance up to the statue. After a moment of silence, she nods, and brings her pen back up to the paper. ]

I'm going to assume that silence means yes. [ But since when was Usagi-san very talkative to begin with.]

Bucket List
  • Climb a mountain (or maybe just a big hill)
  • Learn to swim (better)
  • Share a milkshake with everyone
  • Ride on a ship
  • Run a marathon
  • Visit all of the islands
  • Run an advice column?
[ She hums and glances up in thought. There's so much she wants to do, writing it all down on paper is hard. As she goes to write her next item, the writing becomes faint. Out of ink? She puts it down and reaches inside her purse for another pen. As she reaches, though, a stuffed armadillo tumbles out. It almost falls into the water but she manages to (somehow) catch it in time. ]

T-That was close! [ So relieved. She hugs the 'puppy' or 'rat' or whatever it really is to her. ] I wont let you get ruined, or else my name's not Kobato Hanato! [ When she pulls back, she stares down at it a moment... and becomes a touch sad. ]

Yeah. I miss him too. [ A quick swipe across her eyes, and she sets the plush down atop her bag. ] But if he was here and remembered, he would want me to be happy. So I'll do that. But first... pen-san!

[ Oh right-- it's in the bag. ]

May. 4th, 2014


[action // journal | open to everyone]

[There's a boy who should look familiar to a few of the people here, standing under the big sakura tree in the park, which he inevitably got drawn to. He stays there for a while, just quietly looking up at it, a sort of longing in his expression]

[Eventually he sits down under it, though, picking up the journal he was given to write a quick note in it]

Kurogane-san, Fay-san, Mokona... I don't know why we got separated, but I'll find all of you.

For now, I'm in a park in this city, under a sakura tree. I'll wait a while, and keep searching if you can't reply or don't show up.

[He figures it's smarter this way, since then they don't all keep wandering around and possibly missing each other. But he's worried about them splitting up]

May. 1st, 2014


004 ⚜ Video/Action | Open to Everyone

[Anyone going to school today will notice that their classmate is looking very dashing~*~

He's dressed up, all fancy and composed, aka: he didn't dress himself. Today the shirt is frillier than usual, passing by him he smells like some kind of flowery perfume or something of the sort, and he's wearing a fancy red bandana instead of his usual black one - when he's not wearing his hat, which he would be should you run into him doing his homework outside in the schoolyard, as he usually does during lunch break.]

[So he's looking very fancy and sparkly and ~*~ but is also a little :T at times, and although not blushing, does seem vaguely embarrassed - whether in the classroom and knowing that Aramis is hanging around outside POSITIVE that he's going to get positive feedback. Or when he's out having lunch with him. Especially since Aramis is beaming with pride and looking entirely too pleased with himself.]

[Beyond just Porthos shenanigans, though, the school's been a little odd today. The most telling thing being that arts & crafts is now being taught by the strange video screen, now that Snow White's gone home. And her puppy for a husband is standing at the window, staring off sadly as it rains on only him.

Maybe today's the day you finally decide to join the school? There's always a need for students - and now there's clearly a need for teachers, as well, since so many of the classes are taught from the video screens rather than an actual person.

Or, maybe you're just enjoying the nice day - it's sunny and more springlike by the day, and maybe you and your classmates are feeling a little bored with the video-talkers.]

Apr. 29th, 2014


003 ƸӜƷ Writing - Action

[ The poor handwriting shows up, followed by a couple of equally bad doodles. There's nothing else, though (and that's all she knows how to spell anyway). However, after a time a couple of salty, wet drops dampen the page. Hidden behind a tree in the dark, Yuuki closes the 'coloring pad' and wipes a hand across her eyes.

Mama and Papa always say she's a big girl. So she has to be big! But even Mama will be scary and mad if Yuuki is not back home. At first she was scared... then curious, but after wandering around for an hour and being unable to locate her parents, she's crying quietly behind a tree.]

[OOC: 4 year old Yuuki! She doesn't know how to spell anything beyond her name or how to read so FYI to any who would try to respond in writing.]

Apr. 26th, 2014


❅01 } video / action

[The very initial feed shows a crease to the brow of a fairly young looking kid, however it might rival to that of a very certain vampire hunting vampire here in Kiseki.]

So, what's so 'miraculous' about this place? Those women were annoying enough that I couldn't even tell how much of what they said was actually helpful. [No, more than just annoying. But anyway. He lets out a sigh]. . . I guess it all seems nice at first, or something, though. Or at least it looks like it.

[There's a bit of a frown afterward, though. There's something that's been bugging him, even in the short time he has been here.]

Ah. . . I want to ask, though: anyone see a guy named Zero? He just left the room for a moment, but now I don't see him anywhere. His lessons just ended, and he almost always lets me know if he's planning on going elsewhere, but I haven't heard anything, which of course really isn't like him.

[this is kind of scaring him, though he won't really admit it. Instead, he puts on a smile (maybe even a grin).]

He looks exactly like me, so he shouldn't be hard to find at all! Tell him Ichiru is looking, okay? That'd be great!


[Anyone near or around the Sakura Park might notice a young boy who is looking up at the majestic tree. He rather likes it, although is also rather distracted, because of the whole suddenly being in a new, unfamiliar place kind of thing. It's tough to tell exactly how he feels on the matter, however it isn't incredibly positive, if you look hard enough. At some point, he steps closer, bringing up a hand to lightly touch its wide base. It is rather pretty.

To those who may approach, however, you might notice something very familiar about him. The pale violet eyes, light silver hair that is more unkempt than not.

—Regardless, he does seem to be rather new, here.]

Apr. 22nd, 2014


[action || open to everyone]

[Kiseki is once again showered in flowers! This time, however, they’re not as varied. White roses are spread over the different islands, and some of them seem to change colors. Are you upset for some reason? Having bad memories? Doubting yourself? Do you have regrets? The flowers surrounding you will seem drawn to you, and change to a deep, almost black purple color. It seems the more the flowers turn purple around you, the easier it is to give in to these dark thoughts, to the point where you might end up unable to even function.

But not all the roses turn the same – if, on the contrary, your thoughts are happy, if you believe in yourself and your friends, if you’re feeling good and optimistic, then the flowers will change to a bright pink. And the pink roses will be able to repel the effect of the purple ones, neutralizing them and turning them white once more.]


007 ✼ action/video

[If you should wander to the Noodle shop, you might find Shara sitting on one of the tables, finishing the decorations of the shop's official name plate that she is going to hang above the door - reading "Hanahito", surrounded by little painted sakura and tachibana tree flowers.]

[And later on, she will open the journal, recording purposefully for once.]

Good evening everyone! As you might have noticed, Sakura and Tachibana... they've returned home. [She smiles a little sadly, but bounces back quickly enough, not dwelling on how much she misses them.]

So that means the Noodle shop needs your help! Zero has been so kind as to help me keep the shop running, but if you want to work here, either cooking or maybe helping with the accounting, we'd be very grateful!

[She backs up a little, so the video shows the shop itself, and how everything has been cleaned, the tables decorated with fresh narcissus flowers and tulips, for Spring.] And even if you already have a place to work... come visit the shop, we have some new dishes on the menu, and Zero's cooking is very delicious!

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