August 2017



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May 27th, 2017

[info]kiseki_mods in [info]kiseki_logs

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[Tired of being locked up, of feeling sick, or helpless? It’s been a long few days – maybe you’re still feeling sick, maybe you’re still feeling cold, maybe you’re just starting to feel helpless. Will this snow ever end? Well, don't despair for much longer! Because it’s nearly at an end.

Today the skies clear out, the sun shining brighter than before. The islands are slowly returning to normal and the snow? The snow’s melting – fueled on by the sun’s rays, yes, but also by magic – that same magic that brought this snow in the first place.

It's still rather cold for the time of the year, of course, that lingering chill in the air despite the sun. It’s almost like a day in autumn, where you can see your breath and need a coat to keep warm. Be careful, too, since there'll still be some snow remaining here and there for a few more days – be sure you don’t slip on the slush. But for now, at least, people can go outside without much trouble. A good time to stretch your legs, to check on your usual workplaces, to refill supplies, and so on. It’s been a few days of being cooped up – you must be eager for that fresh air!

To make things more pleasant given the lingering cold weather, there'll be colorful carts ran by the usyagi found all over the different islands, giving out tea, coffee and hot cocoa to anyone who'd like some. It’s the least they can do, right?]
