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May 17th, 2016

[info]kingofchildhood in [info]kiseki_logs

Video / Action

[Mickey gives a friendly wave to the camera.]

Hiya, everybody! A little while ago, I used an old spell to educate some of you folks about my magic. But my good pal Sebastian made me realize my spells could be a little more useful than I remembered!

[As he talks, he sets up a small pile of brooms on a table.]

See, I'm sure we all have our troubles... Worryin' about home, or when this place decides to act all strange on us... I bet all of you would like one less thing to fuss about. That's where I come in!

[He steps back, and begins making silly, odd movements with his hands and arms. Suddenly, the broom at the top of the pile actually hops off, standing on its bristles, and pops out two wooden arms! Mickey turns back to the camera, a smidgen smug.]

These little guys will take care of all the cleaning in your household! They dust, they wash, they will do anythin' you tell 'em to! There are just three big rules if you want 'em.

[He counts on his big gloved hand.]

One. You need to tell them to stop. It can be "You can stop when this is done", or "Stop now", but unless you tell them to stop, they're gunna keep going, and going, and going, and... uh, well, you get the idea.

Two. Don't break 'em. Problem is that when they break, they multiply. If you break one broom in half, it turns into two brooms. Break those two into two, you get four... hope you got the idea there too.

Three. Be nice to 'em. This is more on my account. I ain't gunna give these guys out if you want to hurt them or call them names or anythin' like that. If I find out, I'll pull the spell back out right away.

Let's see... I think that's everythin'! You can have as many as you'd like. Just stop my place and I'll give 'em over. See ya real soon!

[It ends with a goodbye wave. As for Action, Mickey can be found outside his little home, with about four or five brooms already 'up'. Since these are technically gifts, he's having them wrap themselves in blue and pink ribbons.]