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March 3rd, 2016

[info]kiseki_mods in [info]kiseki_logs

all day || action || open

[Pink and fluff everywhere, that's the sight that might greet you today, as you find yourself in one of the many kiddy pool-like pits around Kiseki. Well, not just pink, but we like to shove pink at your faces. Yes, it could be full of marshmallows. But perhaps the little pool you're in has plastic balls in it, like the ballpit at the playground. Maybe it's full of mud. Or flowers. Or cupcakes. Or cottonballs. Or jell-o. Some actually have water in them!

But worry not! (You weren't worried? Even better) You're not alone in them. You'll end up with someone else, it's the whole point of them. You and your companion might notice, all the little pools have a sign saying:

"Find common ground."

What does that mean? Precisely that! You won't be able to leave the pool until you find something in common with the person you're sharing it with. Then, the contents will disappear, and once it's all gone, you'll be able to leave. Maybe you'll need to find more than one thing in common, if you're very similar people. These pools can be picky. And tricky, given that even if you've managed to get free, you might find yourself in yet another of those, with someone else...

In case you're growing bored in them, the content of the pool will change randomly every now and then - so maybe you're perfectly comfortable in a sea of nice cushions, only to then find yourself sitting in fresh paint. At least, Miracle Country will make sure to clean you up once you're out of it, or when the content of the pools changes... sometimes, that is. Enjoy!]