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November 29th, 2015

[info]sparking in [info]kiseki_logs

the imperial march plays in the distance | action | open to all

[That's right, dear Kiseki residents, it is that time again! The time you have all been waiting for with bated breath! It is time... for the Modernity Club to gather once again!

Throughout the week, posters similar to this one can be found in various places: the hotel lobby, the school, the bulletin boards in different shops. And on the weekend, should you venture down to the common rooms of the hotel, you shall find-- well.

Something that looks pretty chaotic at first.

All the rooms have been labeled on the doors: one of them reads "well-known movies in three minutes or less", one of them "electronic appliances and how to use them" (the room is full of all small electronic appliances found in Kiseki, along with some posters, such as one that depicts a man in a bath, holding a toaster in his hands, with the headline Don't drop a toaster in a bath unless you want to become toast!), another "interpersonal skills 101" (with a bullet-point list taped next to the door, about How to sneak around (but seriously just talk to people instead), on the cafeteria door "dishes you never knew you could cook", and finally, on the wall next to the lounge, "eat and mingle --->".

Stiles, not being able to be in all the places at once, starts in the room about the movies, standing around with books and actual DVDs he's been able to find; the other rooms have their own people in charge of the education. So pop in, learn things, come in to teach others, or maybe just come there for the free food and drinks!]

( ooc: this is a mingle log! if you want your character to be in charge of one of the very educational presentations, feel free to just assume it or poke me on plurk! if you want to interact with stiles himself, his top level is here. )