August 2017



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June 23rd, 2015

[info]remembrances in [info]kiseki_logs

action ; open to anyone

[Today, all around Kiseki, you will find small posters and pamphlets scattered around, with the words Come to the Miracle Country Sports Center written in big, all-caps letters, with some encouraging facts written under it (such as "what's better than a big pool in the summer", "train to your heart's content", "try out new sports and relax at the pool" and in some of them "and if you get real lucky, you might get to play with a polar bear dog" because come on, if that doesn't make you want to come and visit, then nothing will).

In other words, Bucky has noticed there's only the same people frequenting the sports center and frankly, with such a great facility to use? It's a damn shame more people aren't coming there. This is his answer to the problem-- and only for today, to encourage you further, the sports center will also have a table by the pool, full of food and drink graciously donated to the cause, so if sports or swimming aren't your thing, maybe free food is.

So come one, come all, try out things like archery, tennis, acrobatics (there's a whole course set for that), or just come relax by the pool! And don't forget playing with the mentioned polar bear dog... or at least be careful if you're trying anything involving throwing balls.]

( It's tiny mingle time! If you want to approach Bucky himself, he'll be here in the comments for you to poke - otherwise, feel free to make your own top levels and thread among yourselves! )