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December 1st, 2014

[info]moscateer in [info]kiseki_logs

001 ⚜ video

Good morning.

[well, THIS is a rare sight. in all the many months he's been here, Athos has actually never made a post. not his style, as much as replying to others'. but given the business-like tone, stiff posture, and noticeable attempt to look less sloppy with his uniform, he clearly has a good reason.]

The arrival of someone new is not usually noteworthy in this world, but I must make something perfectly clear about the latest person to find themselves here in Kiseki. While it's customary here to treat the residents of noble or regal bearing with familiarity and casual manner, I must stress that that cannot be the case.

Queen Anne of Austria is the current queen of France, the queen consort of His Majesty Louis XIII. The King's Musketeers are an elite regiment of soldiers dedicated to their personal protection, and the interests of preserving the peace of our nation. This includes Porthos, Aramis, and myself. As such, we would prefer you remember her station and importance when addressing her. Her health is also in a delicate state, so we would also ask that you help to provide whatever comforts she may need.

[talking so much is WEIRD.]

This is a request, not a warning or threat. Though, should any of us hear of any impropriety or disrespect towards Her Majesty, it's doubtful that that will be allowed to continue.

[it might be funny if there was any hint of amusement but nah he cold]

Thank you for your consideration.

[he looks awkward again, and almost like he's about to turn off the journal, when he looks EVEN MORE uncomfortable and adds, as an afterthought:]

I will be teaching classic literature at the school soon. I hope you'll attend.