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November 19th, 2014

[info]unfreezing in [info]kiseki_logs

001 | Video/text

[Action/Accidental video]
[There's some pacing going on, here, and there has been for a little while. Someone's...talking to themselves? Riiiiight...]

Okay, Anna. It's okay. So you've been kidnapped! That's...that's fine. [There's some nervous laughter for a second.] Everything's let's just calm down, and--bwah?!

[...And that's when she gets close enough to the WC ladies for them to cheerily bid her "welcome!"...something she wasn't expecting seriously at all. Startled, she jumps back with that aforementioned undignified yelp. Unperturbed, the WC ladies continue with their explanation and hand her a journal.]

...Wait, wait! You want me to use this? For that? Really? But that's the craziest thing I've ever--! [...Okay, that's not exactly a princess-y reaction. Pause. There's a small sigh before she clears her throat and offers a little curtsy.] ...I mean, um. Thank you...very much? For your...assistance. [I guess. :x;;;]

[Obviously confused and a little lost, she wanders over to a bench and starts writing in the journal.]

[The words are written in neat script, nice-looking but a little shaky, and there are several words scribbled out before anything legible is written.]

Can anyone actually see this? Please tell me someone can see this. The people here haven't exactly been that helpful, so I'm kind of confused.

I need to How do I get back home? I was kind of in the middle of something, um...really, really important. [S-sigh, Elsa...she pauses for a minute, biting her lip, before writing more.] ...And I'd like to get back to it! [uh] Sooner would be better than later.

[...] So, um. Please let me know if you can help.