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May 18th, 2014

[info]raimeibrave in [info]kiseki_logs

⚡ 009

[Ucchii starts his video with a formal bow, but when he raises his head he's grinning from ear to ear.]

I have just finished calculating based on the modern calendar and have come to the realization that today is the anniversary of my birth. However, much has changed since the Sengoku Period, and I do not know the first thing about birthdays in the modern age. Does anyone have any advice for how I should celebrate? If possible I would like to make it fun for as many people here as I am able, so any ideas that would accommodate others would be very much appreciated.

Thank you for your time.

[He bows again and then ends the video to go bug Daigo to take him out for ice cream.]

[info]insibbegerest in [info]kiseki_logs

005 ♔ Action/Video

[So it hasn't been that long since Merlin supposedly disappeared. He should be able to handle that, right? Well, behold, a video, in which Arthur and Merlin's room is a complete and utter mess even after just one day, and he himself is looking a little rattled - his shirt is inside out, for one thing, and his hair, while combed, isn't as nice as Merlin usually combs it. And he is staring and frowning at the kitchen with absolute consternation.]

[SIGHS, and throws a pillow across the room towards the bed] At this point, it'd be better if you were in the tavern for two days.

[But instead of attempting to make his own food, which is probably a good thing, Arthur is leaving the room and setting out in search for Merlin, yet again, as he'd done the day before.

So feel free to run into him as he's searching high and low through Kiseki, even going deep into the forest and out to the other islands, as well. He's quiet, but clearly concerned and determined to find him, even if at this point to anyone else it'd be clear that Merlin isn't in Miracle Country anymore.]

You... dollophead. [:T] [See, he's using your word -- now you have to show up and be annoying and complain that he can't call you that. ......... Please? 8(]

[info]missrosetyler in [info]kiseki_logs

002 | Action | Video

[Rose can be seen sitting by a bench at Sakura Park with the tree behind her. She's really just taking a minute or two to catch her breath as she's been doing a bit more exploring today. She's unaware of the small thought bubble looming above her head projecting a cafe and tea.]

Maybe some tea later would be nice.

[ooc: She's going through the thoughts bubble event, feel free to bug her. :D]