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March 20th, 2014

[info]kiseki_mods in [info]kiseki_logs

Action || Open to everyone


It’s the first day of spring in Miracle Country! While the last few days haven’t been terrible, weather-wise, today there’s a clear difference in how warm and sunny it is – it’s bright and warm and there’s a light breeze blowing, and the flowers are in bloom! Now that it’s spring, there’s more opportunities to go swimming or visit the beach without being too cold, or walk in the garden island and see all the flowers.

And the flowers really are blooming today. No matter where your character goes today, they’ll notice flowers. They can’t take a step without there being flowers blooming behind them, sometimes. And the trees in bloom are raining flowers down on them.

Some of the flowers are special, though. Depending on the color that falls into your character’s hair, they’ll be influenced slightly by that color. It’s subtle, nothing too over the top, just a gentle push like the gentle spring weather today.

Red will make your character feel flirty & romantic.
Pink will make your character feel timid & shy.
Purple will make your character feel cranky & irritable.
Yellow will make your character feel silly & playful.
Blue will make your character feel gloomy & sad.
White will make your character feel relaxed & dreamy.

The effect is very light, so it shouldn’t make your characters behave too much out of the ordinary – just enough to influence their general mood. It will last only for a short time before the flower will fall from their hair to the ground, perfectly harmless.]