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February 10th, 2014

[info]sparking in [info]kiseki_logs

[ video/action ]

[Because this is Stiles' life and his life basically sucks a lot, his first foray into Kiseki happens in the forest, waking up as he is, lying on half-moist moss, surrounded by trees on all sides, the moisture seeping into his clothes, and yeah, no, waking up in half-wet jeans that make you sneeze is not a nice feeling. Like, at all. He flails for a moment before managing to stand up-- and no, this is not Beacon Hills. He's intimately acquainted with the woods of Beacon Hills by now, and they don't look like this. Which means that he's a) been kidnapped, b) walked outside the county borders in his sleep, which seems unlikely as he's not even wearing his pajamas, or c) ... wait, there's no c. He's been kidnapped. Which, great. Just great.]

Okay, Stiles, think. You're... somewhere. With trees. A lot of trees. That helps. Except it doesn't, seriously, if I had to get kidnapped, why couldn't they leave me somewhere with actual clues to where I am? Like a map. A map would’ve been really helpful.

[… wait, this reminds him terribly of something.] They're not still in here somewhere, are they? Is this some sort of a hunting game? Because I am so not okay with that. In fact, I am so far from being okay with that I'm basically in Tokyo, except I'm not, because I'm pretty sure there aren't this many trees in Tokyo. […] Are there? [UH NO WAIT that is not relevant right now.]

[He runs his hand through his hair, trying to ignore that it's trembling slightly; it was really too much to hope for some peace and quiet, wasn't it. But first rule of Kidnappee 101 is to check if there's any way to contact those who might come to your help (read: Scott). So he's fishing out his cell phone from his pocket, and whoa, that's one crappy kidnapping attempt, if they didn't even take his phone; except, of course, no reception.]

Well, that would’ve been too easy. Awesome. Why can't I ever have luck on my side? Like, even once?

[But there's nothing to do about that now, so he starts walking around, trying his best not to fall down on the uneven ground and maybe hopefully find a way out of this forest. BUT WAIT, there is a... what, empty book on the ground next to him? Weird, yeah, but whatever -- he picks it up, because hey, you never know.]