Jan. 24th, 2010


Who: Angel & Beth.
What: Moping about how much his life sucks. And maybe trying to locate Spike.
When: Week Seven. I don't really care what day or time, so if you have a preference, let me know.
Where: Inside Angel's office at first, then outside of it.
Status: Active.

Angel tilted his chair back and looked up at the ceiling with a sigh. He'd just spent the last few hours calling various contacts to see if anyone had caught a glimpse of Spike in the past week -- to no avail whatsoever, of course. Usually Angel had no problem finding the members of his bloodline when he put his mind to it, especially Spike, since he always made himself so damn obvious. But apparently Spike really didn't want to be found this time. Wherever he had run off to, he'd taken great care to hide it from Angel.

After taking a moment to press his fingers to his temples, he dragged himself out of the chair and headed for the office's door. If he didn't get away from this task for a while, he was liable to have an aneurysm any minute now. He locked the door behind him, then glanced around what had served as the lobby when the building belonged to Wolfram & Hart. Now it was just another room on another floor, which was fine by him because it meant fewer people had a reason to loiter around. By this week, he imagined word had spread of Spike's disappearance throughout the Pod, at least to anyone who cared. He hadn't encountered many people discussing the topic, but the few he did overhear had some interesting theories as to why the vampire had left, ranging from 'he ran off with a mysterious Slayer that none of us have ever met' to 'he decided to open an all-male strip club in Vegas.' Although really neither of those would've been particularly surprising had they been true. But he knew they weren't, because Spike had left with Riley and Angel had already checked Vegas. Maybe Atlantic City? Spike was just trashy enough that he'd probably like it there.

Jan. 19th, 2010


Who: Beth Holden & (OPEN)
When: Week Seven, Saturday afternoon
What: Beth brings back the Christmas tree
Where: Pod Lobby

The tree farm's flatbed had just dropped off the Christmas tree, and the delivery man and driver had forklifted it into the lobby. Beth was carefully sawing through the twine that had kept the branches flat for transport, and the new extra-large tree stand was already put together and waiting for the trunk although she imagined she was gonna need a little help maneuvering the twelve foot tree upright.

But, one step at a time. First, twine. Second, branch-fluffing. Third, she'd twist a few arms and recruit a few "volunteers" to help her stand the tree up.

Decoration was not her bag, though.

Jan. 2nd, 2010


Who: Beth Holden, Angel
What: Pleeeease be my study-buddy?
When: Week Six, Tuesday
Where: The Pod
Status: Active

Be my study buddy! )


Who: Beth Holden, Kali
What: Beth feels a little out of sorts.
When: Week Six, Saturday
Where: Entente
Status: Active

Resentment by Edna )


Who: Davan and Beth
Where: Beth's room at the POD
When: Friday night
What: Davan is bored, too bad for his only friend.

... though it was rather annoying to constantly pretend to be his own son )

Dec. 10th, 2009


Who: Beth Holden, Buffy Summers
What: Bumping into each other
When: Week Five, Day Six
Where: training area, the Pod
Status: Closed but Active

Beth had always done well with knives, so long as she didn't actually have to throw them. Skinning a carcass? No problem. Slitting a demon's throat and bleeding it? Also not a problem. Cutting particular organs out? Again, not a problem.

Throwing a knife and hitting a target? That's where Beth's problem lay.

Elena had suggested she find something physically taxing to exhaust herself during the day, and combine the tiredness from that with the herbal potion Giles had been handing out to help push the Slayer dreams to the back of her mind. So far, it had been working, although today's exercise--working on knife-throwing--was not getting her anything except frustrated.

Growling, she walked up to the target and yanked out the four knives she'd been using, and carried them back to the throw line. Someone had been smart enough to put up a couple of glass enclosures so no knives went astray in the throwing, but even so, Beth looked both ways before taking the knife by the blade and tossing it at the bulls-eye, which was hidden by a crudely drawn face with a shock of blond hair and a pair of uneven fangs.

That had been Tabby's suggestion; make the target someone you didn't like too much, and it'd make the practice fun. Of course, not as much fun as it would've been actually stabbing Spike in the face, but it was enough fun to balance out the frustration. Three more knives flew in quick succession, but none of them were hitting between the eyes. Maybe she should've started with some of the smaller knives, but the Bowie and the skinning knives were the ones she was most comfortable with, so that's what she'd started with.

Nov. 28th, 2009


Who: Angel and Beth
What: Random incursion
When: Week Four, day six
Where: Beth's favorite conference room and Angel's office
Status: Closed but active

Yummy snacks! )

Nov. 20th, 2009


Who: Beth Holden and Elena Casimiro
What: A new Watcher for a new Slayer
When: Week Four, Day Four
Where: Elena's office, the Pod

We're all about sharing and caring )

Nov. 18th, 2009


Who: Beth Holden and Davan Collins
What: Study Hall: 101 Ways To Be A Better Slayer
When: Week Four, Day Three
Where: Beth's favorite conference room, ground floor

Just keep walkin', preacher-man. )

Nov. 11th, 2009


|[ WHO ]| Vanessa Covax, Fiona Covax
|[ WHERE ]| The Building formerly known as Wolfram & Hart (lol)
|[ WHEN ]| Wednesday, 6:00 PM
|[ WHAT ]| The twins finally arrive
|[ OPEN ]| To anyone and everyone

The 2,348 mile trip from Miami to Los Angeles was long. )

Nov. 6th, 2009


Who: Beth Holden & Spike
What: Spike interrupts a training session
When: Early Saturday morning, right about sun-up
Where: The Pod, conference room
Status: Closed, active

Just get on back in your pervmobile and cruise someplace else. )

Nov. 5th, 2009


Filtered Post

Filtered To: All Slayers

(Buffy, Faith, Kennedy, Tabby)

Um, I know I'm new to this whole Slayer gig, but has anyone else had some really creepy dreams lately? As in like, a shack walking around on chicken legs? Or people dancing around a fire? There's also sometimes blood, and what looks like really sharp animal teeth taking chomps out of bloody chunks of flesh.

Possibly it's a hint to be laying off the zombie movies before bedtime, but they got real vivid this week. And they're... relatively unpleasant, to say the least.

Nov. 2nd, 2009


WHO: Tabby and Open
WHEN: Week three, Monday
WHAT: Tabby shows up at W&H
STATUS: Active

I'll lend you two hundred quid for a flight across the ocean )

Oct. 19th, 2009


Who: Beth and TBD
What: Bored Slayerette Prowling
When: Week One, Monday
Where: Old W&H building
Status: Open

Bored, bored bored, bored bored. )