Jul. 3rd, 2009


IC/OOC Log: Citizen's Watchdog Group Plannees

Who: Puppeteers Ladies involved in helping to direct the Citizens Concerned for the Truth
What: A meeting
When: 3 July
Where: Malfoy Manor

Rating: PG
Status: IC/OOC Log

All of the ladies involved in helping with the Citizens Concerned for the Truth group were invited to Malfoy manor this afternoon for tea and a discussion on how to best direct the group. Severus would have been there as a representative to the Minister and would have mentioned the PR nightmare of the Muggleborn trial events and asked if this group might be able to assist with that in some way.

He would have probably also encouraged them to come up with something that the government could fix, something that was very easy to fix, and something that would appeal to the majority of the Wizarding population.

  1. Ways to insure the CCT group appears legitimate in the eyes of the public.

  2. Ideas to deal with the PR nightmare of what happened during the Muggleborn trials. Could this group help solve that problem?

Other items:
  1. General propaganda & Public Relations

    1. See the Planning Doc for possibilities. :]

Jun. 22nd, 2009


WHO: NPCd!Samuel, NPCd!Cassandra and Hortense Greengrass
WHAT: The parents have some news for Hortense
WHEN: This morning
WHERE: Greengrass Manor
STATUS: Complete


May. 20th, 2009


placeholder for human rights scheme narrative - will delete if i don't use it.

Apr. 12th, 2009


Who: Families and Society Ladies
When: Sunday, April 12 1980 - Activities Begin at Noon
What: Easter Egg Hunt!!!
Where: The Foundation for the Promotion of Wizarding Society and Culture
Status: OOC Thread

Easter Cuteness )


Who: Lucinda and Hortense Greengrass
Where: The Foundation for the Promotion of Wizarding Society and Culture
When: 12 April, 1980- 8:00 AM
What: Catty bitches are hilarious ♥
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Whatever you do, beware of the Plastics )

Mar. 2nd, 2009


Who: All the Society bitches
Where: Wakehurst Place, Haywards Heath, Sussex
When: Sunday 1 March
What: A wedding!
Rating: PG?
Status: OOC log

Pretty pretty pictures )

Feb. 26th, 2009


Who: Corbina Lestrange Hosts a Bridal Shower. You're Invited!
When: Thursday, 26 February 1980, beginning at 11:30 am
What: Astra's Bridal Shower
Where: Lestrange Manor - Swanton Morley, Breckland, Norfolk
Status: OOC Log

Cut text cut text yayyyy )

Jan. 31st, 2009


Jacqueline's Bridal Shower!

Who: Mrs Chloris Burke, Miss Anzhelina Dolohov, Miss Mireille Gibbon, Miss Hortense Greengrass, Mrs Astra Lestrange, Mrs Bellatrix Lestrange, Miss Corbina Lestrange, Miss Evangeline Macnair, Mrs Narcissa Malfoy, Mrs Claudette Nott, Mrs Persephone Parkinson, Miss Veronica Parkinson, Miss Seraphina Travers, Miss Julianne Wilkes, Mrs Francesca Zabini, Mrs Hester Wilkes.
When: SUNDAY February 1st, 1980, 1pm for guests, 1:30 for Jacqueline
What: Jaqueline's surprise bridal shower.
Where: Gibbon Estate, Melton, Leicestershire.
Status: OOC Thread. Going up a day early so I don't forget!
A little girl at the wedding afterwards asked her mother why the bride changed her mind. What do you mean? responded her mother. Well, she went down the aisle with one man, and came back with another. )

Jan. 26th, 2009


WHO: Jacqueline Wilkes and Hortense Greengrass
WHAT: A theatre outing!
WHEN: January 26th 1980
WHERE: Artemis Theatre (name chosen just for the sake of the theatre having a name - let me know if there are problems and it should be changed)
STATUS: Complete

oh yes it's ladies night and the feeling's right! )

Jan. 19th, 2009


whom Jacqueline, Anzhelina, Hortense, Mireille, and Evangeline.
what Bridesmaid dress selection.
where Twillfit and Tattings on Diagon Alley.
when 19 January 1980, Early Afternoon
status OOC Log.

then the birds came and carried us to the sky and married us. )

Dec. 25th, 2008


placeholder for seph and hortense christmas log. =)

August 2009




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