Nov. 28th, 2009


Quirinus Quirrell: Topic: Art

Q was busy studying Herb Lore and Craft of Ancient Britain and dutifully taking notes. His mind began to wander, because woad can only hold your interest for so long. But his pencil kept right on moving, not noticing or caring that it's owner wasn't paying a bit of attention to it. After a while, Q came back to himself and stared, horrified, at what he'd drawn, all unknowing.


He doesn't know art, but he knows what he likes, and he definitely doesn't like that! He crumples the paper and takes it into the kitchen, where he Incendio's it in the sink.

*Feeding by Ian Hart
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Nov. 7th, 2009


Rincewind: Topic: Art

Due to his wand having an inexplicable bout of hiccoughs, Rincewind found himself inundated with pumpkins. He wasn't really sure what to do with them but he'd heard that people sometimes carved them, especially at this time of year.

So he did. )

Nov. 4th, 2009


Lucius Malfoy: Topic: Art

Lucius regarded the painting in front of him thoughtfully. It was an adjustment, to be sure, to get used to the paintings not moving, not responding. That obvious lack aside, he had to admit that some of these Muggle artists had done good work. To capture life so succinctly, even if so frozen. He missed the art in the Manor, not the Portrait Hall perhaps (one can only listen to Great Uncle Mordran ramble drunkenly for so long about how great he was…why the artist had insisted on putting wine in the picture, he never knew), but the landscapes and scenes in the Library and the Study.

He found he was rather enjoying this little charity art silent auction. All the influential members of the local community were there, so of course he needed to be seen, but he never expected to actually enjoy the art. He was of course vastly enjoying the social aspect, charming and subtly flirting with the women and discussing business with the men. Lowered voices, discussing how disappointing certain members of the Council were, all while being entirely too friendly and engaging with the less-disgraced members of the Council who are present.

All in all, the evening was going rather well. He caught Mr. Gibbons’ eye across the room, and the man nodded and smiled in return. Yes, everything was going quite well.

He found himself in front of a painting of a young mother & father and their happy child, and after staring for a moment wistfully, he moved on to a beautiful painting of a dark forest and wrote a decently high number on the auction sheet.

Nov. 1st, 2009


November Topic: Art

This month, tell us about art. Have you a favorite piece of what is called fine art, or perhaps a least favorite one? Are you yourself perhaps an artist? What is your opinion of art in general?

Tag is "art," and as usual, anything goes -- memories, conversations, art posts ... whatever. And a happy belated Halloween to all!
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