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Posts Tagged: 'dc:+oliver+queen'

Jul. 13th, 2019



[No Subject]

Who: Oliver and Laurel
What: Green Arrow and Black Canary try to survive a tidal wave
When: Saturday
Where: Outside the Projects
Warnings: Shouldn't be any

Looking back around, glamorize the chaos. Don't let summer nights destroy everything before us. )

Feb. 27th, 2019



[No Subject]

Who: Oliver and Buffy
Where: Outside the prison
When: During Mark's shoot 'em up tactics
What: A slaypire and an emerald archer search for marky mark
Warnings: Nah

Falling too fast to prepare for this; tripping in the world could be dangerous. )

Jan. 30th, 2019



[No Subject]

Who: Archie and Oliver, then Veronica
What: Training with the Green Arrow
When: Bendy times, backdated b/c I'm lazy
Where: The prison yard, then Archie's cell
Warnings: N/A

lyrics maybe )

Nov. 10th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Jo and Oliver
What: Oliver comes back to life
When: Backdated to yesterday (Friday)
Where: The Infirmary
Warnings: N/A

i know sometimes you get so caught in a dream, but it's time to wake up from this, it's time to make up for it. )

Nov. 9th, 2018



[No Subject]

What: The End
When: Today
Where: The Prison
Warnings: Character Death
Etc: Please tag your subthreads accordingly with appropriate warnings

The beginning of the end. )

Oct. 25th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Oliver Queen and Seymour Birkhoff
What: Ollie needs some special arrows
Where: Engineering room
Warnings: Shouldn't be any

My brain holds too many poisons. They helped me make the wrong choices. )

Sep. 16th, 2018



[No Subject]

Characters: Kara & Oliver
Location: Prison
Time: Bendy
Warnings: TBD, not likely high
Summary: Kara keeps Ollie company on duty
Status: In Progress | Closed


carry me away
i need your strength to get me through this
dare to believe
oh, for one last time
Read more... )

Sep. 1st, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Oliver and Jo
What: Catching up
When: Bendy to the weekend
Where: Prison Courtyard
Warnings: TBA

First night of your life curled up on your own. Looking at you now, you would never know. )

Aug. 30th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Sara and Oliver
What: Ollie is breaking some neeeews
Where: the prison
Warnings: emotions, swearing, etc

Setting flames, taking names, just cause we own the town We gonna write it Solid as gold We're gonna make it So they gonna know That we were here )

Aug. 17th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Stefan and Oliver
What: Bonding
When: So very backdated lmao
Where: The prison
Warnings: Nope

over and again, last call for sin. while everyone's lost, the battle is won with all these things that i've done. )

Jul. 25th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Oliver and Faith
Where: Prison - Training Area
What: Ollie meets a Slayer
Warnings: N/A

Looking at my years like a martyrdom. Everybody needs to be a part of them. Never be enough, I'm the prodigal son. I was born to run, I was born for this. )